View Full Version : grandson left in school

09-02-2008, 08:07 AM
My 4 yr old grandson was in the bathroom when the school bell rang. He went back into his class room and everyone was gone.
The teacher did not miss him until my daughter was there to pick him up from school and he wasn't there. The teacher had to go back into the school to find him. He was in the class room wondering where everyone was.
My daughter just said these things happen. She doesn't want to make waves and thinks if she does that things will be harder for him.
My opinion differs but I won't do anything, since she wants to let it drop.

But the day before this happened my daughter was called from the school and told that her son was at school with his pants on backwards and no underwear and a dirty shirt. She lays out their clothes at night, they dress themselves and then their father takes them to school. My grandson didn't dress in the clothes he was supposed to. They have an extra set of clothes at school for each 4 yr old. She could have easily changed him. But instead she embarrassed my grandson and then made an ugly remark to my daughter about mother's getting up with their children to get them off to school. My daughter had a reason why she wasn't up that morning but actually I didn't think it was the teachers place to comment on my daughter's activities or to embarrass my grandson.


09-02-2008, 08:11 AM
Im not sure I would be allowed to post my comments on the whole matter. I will say, in the pre-school AND the Head Start where my 4 yr old attends, either the child is accompanied to the restroom OR the restroom is in the room and every child is accounted for before ANYONE leaves the room.

As for the clothes....well, if the child looked that bad, why didnt the FATHER notice before dropping him off? And, yes, with a change of clothes, the teacher most certainly could have handled that more discreetly.

09-02-2008, 08:50 AM
I would have a hard time keeping my mouth shut. I have that problem anyways lol. This teacher should not be teaching. She would have a fit if she taught where my DS went to school. DS went to a small farmers school. And yes they all had chores on the farm. And sometimes the kids are running late and don't have the time to "clean up".
She reminds me of the people that were at DH church when growing up. They didn't have alot of money so there wasn't special church clothes. They did thier best but others didn't approve of jeans in church. Made the whole family feel bad. To this day my DH won't go to church.
I sure hope your grandson doesn't carry that memory around with him. Kids remember everything.
And as far as the teacher losing my child (HA!!), she should be thankful nothing happened to him. That I think really needs to be brought to someones attention. With all the sick people out there, this situation could of turned out alot worse. She has done it once already, odds are there will be a next time. Maybe not your child, but someones elses. I myself could not live with that.
Hope everything works out for you.

09-02-2008, 08:55 AM
I think a parent should dress their child for school at the age of 4 but that's just me

09-02-2008, 08:58 AM
Well, my mouth would run. I could not keep quiet about this, my sons school already knows if somethings wrong I'll be in their office. Our preschool classes have a restroom in them. And if its during lunch they are walked to the restroom. The fact that he was not accounted for, if not the teachers attitude, is something that needs to be noted. Maybe the school policy is that he should be escorted and shes not doing her job. And another thing, if this teachers such a ***** I would seriously consider changing classes while the school year is still new to him, it certainly couldnt hurt. I dont think talking to someone in administration would make it worse on him, I really think they should know the teacher didnt know where a child was.

09-02-2008, 09:11 AM
How did the teacher know he wasn't wearing underwear? That would concern me more than anything.

09-02-2008, 09:19 AM
I remember my 2 oldest liked to dress themselves at 4 ,but i still had to check them because they would put things on backwards or put shoes on the wrong feet. I guess i don't understand how his father didn't notice dirty clothes and backward pants.Anyway,there was no need to embarass him and i think your daughter needs to let someone know he was left alone.All children should be accounted for before leaving at the end of the day.

09-02-2008, 09:23 AM
At my DD's preschool, the 4 yr olds went to the restroom by themselves. but he should have been accounted for when the rest of the students left the room.

As far as the dirty backwards clothes, yes, the dad should have noticed that. And I would have wanted them to call me if my child was dressed like that. But I don't see why she couldn't have changed him if he had an extra set of clothes there.

09-02-2008, 10:13 AM
I think if you're daughter is content to let things be as they are, then that's her choice. IMO, embarassing your grandson was uncalled for and so was the comment to your daughter and the teacher should be called on that. Yes, I'd like to know if my child was dressed like that but all you have to do is send the child to the bathroom to turn his pants around (I doubt he's the first kid to go commando), his shirt was dirty so have him put on his extra one, then when it's the teacher's break, she can call you and let you know what happened. I don't see why it was such a big deal for her.

As for the boy being left behind, that could be a big safety issue. I thought most teachers did head counts or something to make sure all the kids were accounted for and I think that does need to be mentioned to someone. What if there were a fire/earthquake and she just left a child behind?

09-02-2008, 10:21 AM
No child at the age of 4 should be going to the bathroom by themselves. I would definately bring that up with the principal and anyone else in charge.

While the child's clothes should have been checked by the dad, there was still no reason for the teacher to make snide remarks and embarrass him.

09-02-2008, 10:28 AM
I personally would want the teacher to contact me to let me know my child was wearing dirty clothes but the teacher should not have embarrassed the child or made comments. My DS has always dressed himself but I always make sure its appropriate.

As for being left after going the the bathroom, that needs to be addressed with the school admin NOW!!!!!!! That should NEVER EVER happen!