View Full Version : Need advice for new puppy

08-26-2008, 01:27 PM
Friday my sister and I bought an 8 week old beagle puppy. We have had to put pillows all over so he does'nt get under the couch and everything else. I got some sour lime to spray on the pillows to keep him from trying to pull them out and chew. When I spray the lime on a pillow he just barks and attacks it and starts using his paw to get what he wants. I know he is teething so we bought him tons of toys to chew. They even have a puppy pacifier. Also bought him a dog about as big as he is so he would'nt be lonely. He sleeps all night with my sister but when his is lose turns in the beast. I got him a playpen so I can get a break when my sister is working. I am wondering if that he was used to being in a huge box with his litter mates and mama if it would be cruel to leave him in the playpen longer. It's been about 25 years since my sister had a puppy. She always had rescue dogs that were about 3 years old and passed this stage. HELP

08-26-2008, 01:43 PM
It would not be cruel at all...it's called crate training them. I did the exact same thing with my Bichon. When you can't give them your full attention, they go into the crate...do not use it as a discipline tool though. The puppy will soon learn the crate is his own personal space and will eventually go into the crate on his own.

08-26-2008, 01:52 PM
It would not be cruel at all...it's called crate training them. I did the exact same thing with my Bichon. When you can't give them your full attention, they go into the crate...do not use it as a discipline tool though. The puppy will soon learn the crate is his own personal space and will eventually go into the crate on his own.

Yep i agree, IT also will help him potty train.
the vet tried to tell us when we got our last dog (the red one on the right)
you should put a dog on his back if he gets aggressive or is bad. But i felt that was mean. we have used that technique a couple of times on our black one. He is very hyper. but we used a giant box for riley (Red dog) for his first year at bedtime or when we were gone etc. PUt a stuffed animal in there for him to cuddle. make him feel like he had one of his siblings with him. It worked. to this day that stuffed animal calms him down if he gets freaked out. LOL
Get dog bones. I used to hate them. but you don't want their teeth to get bad either. that can cause a whole other set of problems. Plus he will LOVE to chew on that!

08-26-2008, 02:07 PM
Thx, I forgot about the bones. The 11 1/2 year old we had to put to sleep in july loved certain flavors. We tried using quite a large crate to keep him in when we are gone but he kept throwing his little body so hard against the sides we were afraid he would hurt himself. Now that is where his potty tray is. He knows to go in there but now has decided it's more fun to pull the paper out of the tray and forgets about going.


08-26-2008, 02:21 PM
Good luck! We have a beagle puppy too-and they drive you insane, but are so loving and cute! Make sure yours gets lots of running and play in the morning, and give it a chewy-bone or rawhide chip-in the morning. These seem to help cut back on the destruction/lol. Definitely do the crate training, it really helps. Ours is 8 months now, and is housebroken, but took a long time, be patient. She still will grab things and try to chew, but not as often. She gets her own stuffed animals to destroy and it keeps her from eating the couch and pillows/lol. They are really sweet once they settle down, but I feel your pain! I almost got rid of her at one point, but glad I didn't.

08-26-2008, 02:40 PM
PLEASE watch the pup with electric cords too ! They LOVE to chew on them... our neighbors dog was killed when he bit into a lamp cord... it can happen so fast.

Pups need a lot of attention... but, they are so precious ! Hyper, but precious. :D

My DH's Dad had Beagles for hunting, two of them, Ruff & Reddy, really loyal, kind, sweet dogs.

I bet he's adorable !