View Full Version : Great! we have a wonderful new neighbor.

08-21-2008, 04:06 PM
a convicted sex offender (rapist) and felon with a rap sheet going back to 1981.



i need to stock up on some items now. and get a mean, vicious dog. and make my kids stay in the house.

i can see his house from mine.

08-21-2008, 04:14 PM
Thats scary. I hope everything will be alright for you. I wouldn't want one living that close to me if I had kids.

08-21-2008, 04:22 PM

Yikes. Is there anything that you can do legally?

08-21-2008, 04:33 PM
Well... according to the second link his drivers license is permanently revoked (unless I'm reading it wrong) ... so try to videotape him driving and take it to his parole officer.

08-21-2008, 04:38 PM
It is scary but it's better to know that he is there. Think about all the ones that we don't know of their location.

08-21-2008, 05:13 PM
aren't you legally allowed to post fliers warning the neighborhood? If so.. I would plaster the area.... letting everyone know... and also letting him know you are watching him

08-21-2008, 05:13 PM
It is scary but it's better to know that he is there. Think about all the ones that we don't know of their location.

I agree.I'd feel more comfortable knowing than not knowing.

08-21-2008, 05:23 PM
aren't you legally allowed to post fliers warning the neighborhood? If so.. I would plaster the area.... letting everyone know... and also letting him know you are watching him

i think it's legal. that's how i found out though. the neighbors are going around putting fliers in people's mailboxes. i am glad to know it, but it makes me very uneasy. we are renting and were thinking of buying the house. i guess that makes our minds up.

i will be watching out for him.

08-21-2008, 06:09 PM
I just bought a house and found our afterwards that there are 2 registered sex offenders on our street; one lives right across the street from us.

Believe me...we are keeping our eye on him, and my girls aren't allowed out without us keeping on eye on them. They are 17 and 14, but we didn't tell them about these guys becaue we didn't want to freak them out.

08-21-2008, 06:16 PM
I just bought a house and found our afterwards that there are 2 registered sex offenders on our street; one lives right across the street from us.

Believe me...we are keeping our eye on him, and my girls aren't allowed out without us keeping on eye on them. They are 17 and 14, but we didn't tell them about these guys becaue we didn't want to freak them out.

i hate that for you. but, we did tell our kids and showed them his pic. they are 13 and 9 and we felt they need to know it and to never trust him.

08-21-2008, 06:18 PM
i hate that for you. but, we did tell our kids and showed them his pic. they are 13 and 9 and we felt they need to know it and to never trust him.

I do the same thing.They need to know.

08-21-2008, 06:55 PM
I Have One In My Neighborhood Too-it Is Scary-i Am Glad You Know About Him-keep As Much Of An Eye On Him As You Can-

08-21-2008, 06:59 PM
we didn't tell them about these guys becaue we didn't want to freak them out.

My children are 4, 9, 11, and 12 we tell them all about these people. I show them their pictures as often as I think about it so they can remember what they look like. I want them to watch out for these people. They know our next door neighbor is on the list so they are careful and know he could be a threat.

I respect your choice to keep them from "being freaked out" but I think it is a good idea to discuss it with them. Especially at their ages, I feel like that would be an age they could understand.

08-21-2008, 07:01 PM

A new freak here too.

ETA:Why the heck is an 8 yr old out driving his bike alone??There is a kid here who looks like he is 6.Why he is he always alone?Parents(not anyone who posted)need to watch their kids.

08-21-2008, 08:01 PM
I'd kill him and burn his house down. Seriously. I have anger issues.

08-21-2008, 08:05 PM
I'd kill him and burn his house down. Seriously. I have anger issues.

damn, why don't you come over for the weekend and visit me then. i'll make you a homecooked meal and provide cocktails:deal:

08-21-2008, 08:33 PM
Nancy if I am remembering correctly you have a younger daughter and son as well as your "adult" daughter right? That is so spooky. I understand they all have to live somewhere but that is scary. I don't know what the answer is about these type of freaks but they truly shouldn't be allowed to live around any children. I am thinking maybe a deserted island or something.
I am glad you found out about him that way you are on your toes (not that you weren't before, kwim?). Do you know if he is renting? I hope he is. Contact his landlord and let them know he is a sex offender, if he didn't disclose it to them hopefully it will tick the landlord off and he can evict him. Good luck.

08-21-2008, 09:17 PM
i think it's legal. that's how i found out though. the neighbors are going around putting fliers in people's mailboxes. i am glad to know it, but it makes me very uneasy. we are renting and were thinking of buying the house. i guess that makes our minds up.

i will be watching out for him.

it's a felony to leave papers in a mailbox for anyone -- you aren't allowed to do that period...it is a prosecutory offense.

I am not sure posting flyers of this person is legal either...


you need to find out if your state has laws against a convicted sex offender living with such and such feet or yards of other children or a school.

you can also check with your homeowner's association (if you belong to one) and let them know what you have discovered, they may have bylaws that would otherwise prevent this from happening.

Normally, they can't live near a school, other children or near a bus stop... definitely check into the laws in your state.

ang in NC
08-21-2008, 09:34 PM
That is NC for you! Boy he is a mean one! Keep an eye for him, also let your cops know, believe it or not they may not know it. They might start parking their vehicle in front of his house some.

08-22-2008, 06:12 AM
i hate that for you. but, we did tell our kids and showed them his pic. they are 13 and 9 and we felt they need to know it and to never trust him.

I would definitly tell my children as well, I wouldnt want them to be outside an try to help this person with something or go running if they saw him fall, etc. Screw him, if he falls off a ladder I"m gonna sit on my porch an watch him squirm let someone else call an ambulance. My kids are big helpers, my 9yrold helps the older residents with anything he can, he likes going and chatting with them as they water their flowers and stuff, but I wouldnt want him to trust everyone. We live in a small town, and currently have 14 registered sex offenders involving minors. the small town next to us, which is all of like 3 miles, seriously, they have 7, and for our county a grand total of 92. Sounds like a great place to live huh? And these are just the ones that arent currently incarcerated, makes me feel like taking a printout to walmart, I hate it when my kid needs to use the restroom there and DH isnt with us, I always make him go with him, I know ima little paranoid but with the history I have with pervs I'm not trusting anyone, if my kids in there more than a min or two im in the door yelling at him. It's just scary to me, way too many pedo's in this area for such a quiet farming community I'd have never imagined.

08-22-2008, 06:24 AM
It's illegal to put flyers in a mailbox? I never knew that. After my husbands accident, when I went a little nuts, I spoke to our lawyer about making a poster about this "woman" and putting flyers in her neighborhood about what a real scumbag she is. He said as long as the info I put up is TRUE then nothing can happen as fas as defemation of character.

08-22-2008, 06:38 AM
It's illegal to put fliers in a mailbox? I never knew that. After my husbands accident, when I went a little nuts, I spoke to our lawyer about making a poster about this "woman" and putting fliers in her neighborhood about what a real scumbag she is. He said as long as the info I put up is TRUE then nothing can happen as fas as defamation of character.

Yes it is illegal to put ANYTHING in someone's mailbox unless you are with the post office. It is risky putting up fliers - they can say you are violating their civil rights - Yeah I know that is ridiculous but there are attorneys who would be more than happy to sue you for the scum bags.

Do you have a Crime Watch for your neighborhood? If so I would ask them about what can be done or your local police should have a Community Police section that can advise you of your rights so that you don't get in trouble.

Most laws governing where sex offenders can live only make them live no closer than several hundred or thousand feet of a School, Park or Child Care facility. Nothing about children in a neighborhood. The best thing to do about those is start complaining to your county/city commissioners, state legislatures and federal congress persons. Get them to make the laws stronger to protect the kids NOT the Criminals.

08-22-2008, 07:16 AM
and get a mean, vicious dog.

I can recommend German Shephards.
We were talking with my ILs about how their teeny tiny dog bites them & draws blood.

Our GS has never bitten us (we'd wind up with broken bones I guarentee you)
She's child friendly, my 23 month old literally chases her in the yard & our GS doesn't bother her, has NEVER bothered either of the kids & we've never 'kept ' either of them from her & I've had grown men LEAP out of my way when I'm walking her.

I've heard her growl & although she's the sweetest to us, I do feel she'd protect us if need be.


Most dogs are protective, though.

08-22-2008, 07:21 AM
Our police precinct sends out flyers when a sex offender moves into the neighborhood. We don't have any in complex but the complex next door has 2. I always show the pix to my DD and explain to not talk to them.

ang in NC
08-22-2008, 08:07 AM
I think you can put them on the flags, as long as they(whatever)don't actually open the door and put them in a mailbox

08-22-2008, 09:28 AM
Nancy if I am remembering correctly you have a younger daughter and son as well as your "adult" daughter right? That is so spooky. I understand they all have to live somewhere but that is scary. I don't know what the answer is about these type of freaks but they truly shouldn't be allowed to live around any children. I am thinking maybe a deserted island or something.
I am glad you found out about him that way you are on your toes (not that you weren't before, kwim?). Do you know if he is renting? I hope he is. Contact his landlord and let them know he is a sex offender, if he didn't disclose it to them hopefully it will tick the landlord off and he can evict him. Good luck.

yes, i do have 2 younger children living at home. he is renting but so am i and don't know his landlord. i'm just going to stay away and keep my kids in my eyesight. thanksssssssssss!!!!

08-22-2008, 09:32 AM
I can recommend German Shephards.
We were talking with my ILs about how their teeny tiny dog bites them & draws blood.

Our GS has never bitten us (we'd wind up with broken bones I guarentee you)
She's child friendly, my 23 month old literally chases her in the yard & our GS doesn't bother her, has NEVER bothered either of the kids & we've never 'kept ' either of them from her & I've had grown men LEAP out of my way when I'm walking her.

I've heard her growl & although she's the sweetest to us, I do feel she'd protect us if need be.


Most dogs are protective, though.

i've NEVER had a big dog but we have talked about since finding this out and we were thinking between a german sheppard and a rottweiler. i've been scared of rottwielers before though so not sure about that one. thanks for your advice. we may just get one.

08-22-2008, 10:08 AM
i've NEVER had a big dog but we have talked about since finding this out and we were thinking between a german sheppard and a rottweiler. i've been scared of rottwielers before though so not sure about that one. thanks for your advice. we may just get one.

GS most definitely over the Rotts.. they are more family oriented.. very loyal.. and normally great with kids.. and wonderful watch dogs.

08-22-2008, 10:10 AM
GS most definitely over the Rotts.. they are more family oriented.. very loyal.. and normally great with kids.. and wonderful watch dogs.

So are Rotties. Until the last few years we've always had one or more of them and they are very loyal family pets.

08-22-2008, 10:16 AM
Yes it is illegal to put ANYTHING in someone's mailbox unless you are with the post office. It is risky putting up fliers - they can say you are violating their civil rights - Yeah I know that is ridiculous but there are attorneys who would be more than happy to sue you for the scum bags.

You can post fliers of convicted sex offenders.. there is no civil rights violation there.

08-22-2008, 11:32 AM
You can post fliers of convicted sex offenders.. there is no civil rights violation there.

Well don't do it in Orlando or you will be the one they arrest. Every time a group tries to post them they end up in trouble. Also DO NOT post them on telephone poles that is illegal - you can't post anything on a telephone pole.

If you want to hand out fliers go door to door and put them on peoples door not their mailbox or on street signs. That way you know that the people get them.