View Full Version : 10 by 10 room and 14 yo boy...

08-18-2008, 09:16 AM
Don't mix.

All summer long we have told him to clean his room... but he crams and crams stuff everywhere...and told that if HE doesn't clean it...WE will. And this is because we want to see what is needed for back to school come September 2.

Hense: If you can't see it, it is CLEAN.

Bull ticky...:shot:

Son went on a 4 day vacation with a friend and we started cleaning his PIT.:backaway

Under his queen size futon we have found a full load of usable laundry. Tons of size 8 kids clothes (he now wears size 14 and adult small/mediums...) 6 pair of shoes some with duct tape to keep them "usable". Yeah, right.:fool
and a full size 20 gallon bag of trash....

We have so far vacuumed a third of his room and had 6 inches of crud in the container.

I'm afraid to finish as I just might find: The Grand Canyon. I swear.

Anyhow ... the kid is not gonna be very happy when he returns Thursday.

His rendition: You violated my space. But we warned every week for the last 2 and half months... The DAY has come.

08-18-2008, 09:24 AM
I always did my son's room before it got that bad! If I had to clean it up, it ALL went away. I figure that if he didn't value his things enough to keep them picked up, he didn't need them anyway. I only had to do that a couple of times and he learned to keep his things put away. My Dd is 6 I did that to her 1 time....she keeps her room clean now. And will tell anyone who will listen that her mom says that 'if it isn't worth taking care of then it will go to the shelter'. :D

08-18-2008, 09:26 AM
I always did my son's room before it got that bad! If I had to clean it up, it ALL went away. I figure that if he didn't value his things enough to keep them picked up, he didn't need them anyway.

Same here. I had 3 sons and they got one warning. The knew they had to keep it picked up or I would do it and if I did it, they lost half their stuff.

08-18-2008, 09:39 AM
lol my 17 yr old was the same way.. UNTIL I threatened to take his car keys away...wow ya never seen a kid clean up so well. :lol

08-18-2008, 09:43 AM
Same here with my kids.. I warn them and if I have to do it they won't like what I throw away...

08-18-2008, 09:51 AM
lol my 17 yr old was the same way.. UNTIL I threatened to take his car keys away...wow ya never seen a kid clean up so well. :lol

LOL Same with having a 17 year old and a 16 year old and saying - "the cleanest room gets to drive to school". My daughter's room has NEVER been this clean!

08-18-2008, 09:52 AM
I wouldn't have let him go on the vacation unless his room was cleaned first. I do run into problems like this with my son, and no matter how peaceful and nice it will be without him, he has to do his work first or he doesn't go.

08-18-2008, 10:13 AM
Lately my 10 yr old DS has not been cleaning his room. Or my favorite...he "cleans" it by stuffing everything under the bed or in the closet!!!! This kid LIKES to vacuum and even do windows!!!! But when it comes to his room, its a sty and he likes it that way and he gets MAD if you clean it for him. sigh

08-18-2008, 10:18 AM
Lately my 10 yr old DS has not been cleaning his room. Or my favorite...he "cleans" it by stuffing everything under the bed or in the closet!!!! This kid LIKES to vacuum and even do windows!!!! But when it comes to his room, its a sty and he likes it that way and he gets MAD if you clean it for him. sigh

This is our general problem right now...but also 2 of his good friends the parents do all the chores and demand nothing of the kids. Not a thing. And the friends are 14 and 15. So son thinks that he is "abused" since he has chores and his "friends" don't.

As for the vacation...it is the only way we could get into the room and clean it the right way. MY WAY!:lol

08-18-2008, 10:22 AM
I used to do a deep clean/redecorate every year when my son went on vacation with his dad. Now he's almost 16 and it's not nearly so simple. I wish it was. I'll go up and see expensive computer equipment, computer parts and video games on the floor and I just want to explode. I have taken bits and pieces and watched him go nuts looking for them. It sounds good to threaten and make ultimatums but teenagers are just different. I've seen "experts" say to pick your battles and just keep the door shut but I can't do that. I guess this is one of my battles.

Good luck.

08-18-2008, 10:24 AM
I don't blame you .. I would have done the same thing.

08-18-2008, 10:57 AM
This all sounds so familiar :lol My boys are 11 and 15 and I think every three months we have finally had enough of their idea of clean and clean it ourselves. It takes hours, and the sheer volume of trash they consider necessary is astounding. And I honestly don't know where they acquire the paper, but there's usually three trees worth crammed in the closet and under the bed and in the toy box. Mine don't get mad that we did it, they are just glad they didn't have to do it themselves.

08-18-2008, 11:33 AM
If I have to clean the kids rooms then everything out of place is lost to them. It may sound harsh but it works I have only had to clean DD rooms once. I have not had to deal with my nephew yet cause he keeps his room ok.

08-18-2008, 11:38 AM
If I have to clean the kids rooms then everything out of place is lost to them. It may sound harsh but it works I have only had to clean DD rooms once. I have not had to deal with my nephew yet cause he keeps his room ok.

I am the same way.........we have been getting lots of space lately lol

08-18-2008, 12:11 PM
I cannot throw their things away, I spent money on them and I just cannot do it.

My kids do not have much, they have their clothes and a few toys. We spend a lot of time outside, year round, and we do a lot of crafts and games, so they just do not have a lot of toys.

I have never liked spending much money on a lot of toys. We tend to get them nicer bigger items and not a lot of junk.

BUT! All of my kids are 13 and under, so I do not know the wrath of having several teens.

08-18-2008, 12:53 PM
Just wait, it's like having a different species move into your home. I had the sweetest, neatest, best behaved child on the planet. The aliens took him and left this room destroying, food devouring, foot stomping, eye rolling, size 12 shoe wearing, always-has-a-phone-hanging-from-him monster in my house.

08-18-2008, 12:56 PM
Just wait, it's like having a different species move into your home. I had the sweetest, neatest, best behaved child on the planet. The aliens took him and left this room destroying, food devouring, foot stomping, eye rolling, size 12 shoe wearing, always-has-a-phone-hanging-from-him monster in my house.

That's IT!!!! My son to a T. including calls every 5 minutes. Like he's a STAR or something.

08-18-2008, 02:22 PM
If I have to clean the kids rooms then everything out of place is lost to them. It may sound harsh but it works I have only had to clean DD rooms once. I have not had to deal with my nephew yet cause he keeps his room ok.

Same here. Only took the once. These kids could have it like I did growing up. You would get one smack with the belt for every item out of place. Don't know if Mom meant it but we were not going to find out. Call it fear or respect but we did as told the first time.

08-19-2008, 08:14 AM
Just wait, it's like having a different species move into your home. I had the sweetest, neatest, best behaved child on the planet. The aliens took him and left this room destroying, food devouring, foot stomping, eye rolling, size 12 shoe wearing, always-has-a-phone-hanging-from-him monster in my house.

Ain't that the truth! This is Matthew to a T, except the phone hanging from his face, he is pretty anti-social and for some reason bathing is the worst punishment we can inflict on him.

08-19-2008, 08:19 AM
My kid is convinced I can hear an eye roll over the phone. I haven't told him I just assume he's rolling 'em every time I open my mouth. I'm usually right.

I'm sure glad I was the perfect teenager and never gave my parents one minute of trouble.

Hey, was that lightning?

08-19-2008, 08:30 AM
My kid is convinced I can hear an eye roll over the phone. I haven't told him I just assume he's rolling 'em every time I open my mouth. I'm usually right.

I'm sure glad I was the perfect teenager and never gave my parents one minute of trouble.

Hey, was that lightning?

Remind me not to stand next to you when you're posting something like that. I wouldn't want to get to hot when the lightening sizzles you!

08-19-2008, 08:38 AM
I'm with you cabby, I didn't do a whole lot to cause my mom grief. She swears differently, but I am sure she just has me and my sister confused in her old age :lol

08-19-2008, 08:52 AM
I have a 14 year old and a 9 year old in a 12x12 bedroom. They know when mom grabs a big black trash bag and hangs it on their door, they better clean it, or I will.