View Full Version : found a bat in the house...

08-16-2008, 06:57 AM
last night, before we went to bed we saw a head over the window frame in the kitchen. i thought it was a mouse, but i got a closer look. it was a small bat, and it was lodged in our wall.
this morning, donna told me the bat was in the living room. it was hanging upside down on a curtain rod. it looked bigger than a golf ball but smaller than a baseball. i had to put on my safety equipment from work so i could capture it in my biggest fishnet.
whoa, what a freaky situation.:wow :backaway
donna opened the window, and i let it out of the net outside. it clung to the wall, but we checked a few minutes later and it was gone.
now, i can handle and/or kill most bugs. i've once killed a mouse accidentally by stepping on it in my work boots, so mice don't really freak me out. i've never had to deal with a bat. last night, that freaked me out. it made this squeaking/clicking sound. it wasn't big, so that's good. hopefully, it found another place to go. good riddance!

08-16-2008, 07:09 AM
Ick, I hate bats! We can't sit outside late at night otherwise we can feel them flying above our heads and once in a while, I guess the bat misjudges where it's at compared to our heads and it'll touch our hair. It only took once before I decided to not sit outside at night anymore.

Glad you were able to get it out of the house without too much hassle.

08-16-2008, 07:37 AM
Glad you got rid of it, you didnt touch it with bare hands right? They can carry rabies, I know in my area we've had a few come back positive lately. If you see another one in your place call the health department.

08-16-2008, 07:41 AM
Had that happen before. Kids & I high-tailed it to the bedroom. Left DH behind. It is the only time I ever heard him scream. LOL He denies it now, but I heard it!

08-16-2008, 07:42 AM
Dang, I agree, that is freaky. We had one in our house once and it was quite a fiasco getting it out lol Glad you spotted it and got rid of it:)

08-16-2008, 08:16 AM
Our next door neighbor gets quite a few in his house.. He said he lets them go over water or something. I have no idea what his reasoning is but that's what he did

* apparently according to dh you're supposed to blind fold them, which is easy b/c they can't see well anyway, spin them around, drive them to some secret location and let it go...

I really want what he's been smoking.... lol

08-16-2008, 08:17 AM
I had it happen to me once too I was cooking DH breakfast and i heard a whoosh i looked didnt see anything and then i hear this flapping near my ear and like an idiot I turned my head and I was face to face with a bat and I screamed bloody murder and locked myself in the bathroom and screamed for my hubby to get his arse out of bed now and kill that damn thing.

One of my cats jumped off my couch got it in mid air and pinned it to the ground by the wing and as my hubby shooed him away so he wouldnt get bit it tried to fly away and he hit it with the broom and yes we killed it. It wasnt leaving the house peacfully so we had no other choice.

08-16-2008, 08:19 AM
One night when I was coming home from my brothers house I was driving down a dirt road to go home with my windows rolled down.All of a sudden what I thought was a big moth hit the front of my car and fly what I thought was past the passenger side window.The way it flew I realized it was a bat and it ended up in my car.I didnt want to stop cause of were I was at so I drove the couple mins to my house.The whole time I was praying that the bat didnt start flying around my car.When I got home I looked in the back and saw him laying on the back of the back seat.I about freaked because I wasnt sure how I was going to get him out of my car.I was finally able to get him out with a broom.

08-16-2008, 08:30 AM

at my folks house we have a stick with notches in it that we call the Bat Beater

those things are nasty little buggers

08-16-2008, 08:45 AM
LOL I actually like bats. I think they are cute as sin.
We had one in our front hallway a few months ago. Wayne covered himself from head to toe and went at it with a colander over his face. He looked like John Candy in that movie. LOL
I, just put a glove on and picked it up. Brought it outside and watched it fly away.

08-16-2008, 08:52 AM
My boss just bought a old house a few weeks ago. The house has been vacant for a few years - or so we thought. Until the A/C guy and my boss went into the attic to look at space for the A/C ducts and they found a entire colony of them. Needless to say the next call I got on my Nextel was "hey do you know anyone that gets rid of bats?". I couldn't stop laughing I finally called critter control to go out and help him "relocate" his tenants.

08-16-2008, 09:37 AM
My aunt had one in her house once. She tried to kill it, and then had to call her son for help. He killed it and put it in a bag outside. Well, the next day her arm was hurting and she discovered it had bit her. Luckly the bat was still in the bag and she took it with her to the doctor. It didn't have rabies thank goodness. But thankfully she still had it for them to test. If she didn't she would of had to get the shots.
They are nothing to mess with. Even Ace Ventura Pet Detective couldn't stand them lol.

08-16-2008, 09:48 AM
I realize to a normal person, this wouldn't be funny. But since I know you, I find this hysterical and can't just see you "Bat Hunting". And I can see Donna, standing in the corner laughing so hard...LOL. I just hate that I wasn't there to see it...haha. I am glad you all got it out side and alive.

08-16-2008, 10:25 AM
Donna always was batty..........................

08-16-2008, 12:41 PM
Mary are you saying we're abnormal? lol Thanks Tom! :slap Kevin wore two pairs of his heavy work gloves when he captured it. It didn't seem agressive. He did call the police last night to see if they knew of anyone who could help us because the animal control are only in the office from 8-4pm so they were already gone as this was after 11pm when I discovered it. The police connected him to who they referred to as the bat people. I guess the regular animal control doesn't deal with bats. They weren't in either so he left a message. When I got up this morning I went out into the living room and there it was hanging on the curtain rod. Our big fat cat Mr. Monk wouldn't come down off the table. Pyewacket was just laying on the couch oblivious to the whole thing and Salem was just interested in getting her snacks. I went in and woke Kevin up and told him the bat was in the living room so he got up and took care of it. I told him he could go back to bed but he was wide awake after all of that. lol

08-16-2008, 03:09 PM
When we lived in Greensboro on acreage, Tice built some bat houses. The bats went to those hang upside down all day. They pretty much stayed in the gardens as there were lots of skeeters and flying bugs to eat all night long. We did chase a few out of the house with tennis rackets. We tried not to kill them since they ate so many skeeters.

08-16-2008, 08:01 PM
Joanie you encouraged bats to come around? EWWWW

Donna, have you had your baby yet? It would scare me to death with a baby in the house.

08-16-2008, 08:17 PM
Bats are the coolest little things. Every time we go to the zoo we have to go see them. when we went last month for kids night they had the lights on in their cage it was so cool to finally be able to see them & not trying to see them in the dark. I keep telling my mom i want to get a few bat house for our back yard.

I knew a girl who use to get them in her house every summer, that i wouldnt like to much, they can fly around my back yard all they want just stay out of my house.

08-17-2008, 06:04 AM
Joanie you encouraged bats to come around? EWWWW

Donna, have you had your baby yet? It would scare me to death with a baby in the house.

No she's not due until the end of September.