View Full Version : Wife Swap Graf/Medici

08-07-2008, 01:08 AM
What did John Medici tell his wife, Lisa Medici, that he wanted to do as Alex Graf was trying to talk about her observations of the Medici family?
Put firecrackers in his ears

What did Bob Graf say doing to a child never harmed them when he was discussing how his parenting techniques might be criticized?
Giving them a lot of work

What did Bob Graf tell Lisa Medici as she commented on the relationship in his family that parents did when they loved their children?
Taught them a servant mentality

What did Lisa Medici say during her introduction that her purpose in life was doing?
Taking care of her family

What did Bubba Graf tell an upset Lisa Medici as she spoke in the kitchen with Daphne that he and his sisters were doing for their mother Alex?
NOT Shouldering her financial burden

What did Alex Graf say in an interview that it was "so important" to do for her kids after a clip of the family sharing a meal at a restaurant was shown?
Make them feel appreciated

What did the narrator say John and Nick Medici agreed to do for Giuseppe Medici because John focused too much on Nick's bodybuilding?
Support him at a graffiti class

What type of taxi was visible in a shot of the New York City streets before the narrator said John and Nick Medici agreed to support Giuseppe Medici at a graffiti class?

What did Giuseppe Medici yell at Alex Graf to do as she was standing at the kitchen sink washing dishes?
Bring him chocolate milk

What did Nick Medici tell Alex Graf during the meeting in which she laid down her new rules that he would do instead of completing chores?
Sell off the house they were in

What did Lisa Medici have Bob Graf's children do as they talked to him about their concerns for the first time?
Place beads on a string

What did Lisa Medici first tell the Grafs during the meeting where she set the rules that the children were going to do that week?
Get a taste of being on vacation