View Full Version : Tide

08-05-2008, 11:43 AM
My sister told me that Tide shrinks her clothes. Have you ever heard of Tide shrinking clothes? Thanks.

08-05-2008, 11:48 AM
Tide is all I use and I've never noticed it shrinking mine. Of course I don't dry my clothes all of the way in the dryer. I put them in for a few minutes to pull the wrinkles out then hang the shirts on hangers to finish drying them. The only clothes that I dry all of the way in the dryer are white clothes and my DH and DS's jeans. I even hang my jeans and capris to dry. If mine shrunk then I couldn't get in them.

08-05-2008, 11:59 AM
Tide is all I use and I havent had a problem with it..

08-05-2008, 12:01 PM
Tide user here too and I have never had a problem, and I dry everything until it is dry except for a couple of different shirts that I know will shrink.

08-05-2008, 12:01 PM
Tide is all I use and I dry everything in the dryer, since the dryer is downstairs and I am usually in the computer room, I don't always hear the buzzer go off. So I would say that I dry mine completly and no I have not ever had anything shrink. If I put on a couple of pounds my jeans may be a bit tight getting on but stretch out right as soon as zipped shut.

08-05-2008, 12:01 PM
I use tide as well. The only time I experience shrinkage is if I've used water that's too hot or from the dryer. That's probably her problem.

08-05-2008, 12:48 PM
A detergent cannot shrink material. It is her over drying her clothes that is shrinking them. Or even the hot water. Either way, it is heat that causes shrinkage in material. Suggest to her to use warm or cold water, and to only dry until they are dry, not cooked.

I have used eithre Tide or Gain for years without an issue.

08-05-2008, 01:56 PM
I use Tide too and I never thought there was a problem with it but my sister told me she used Tide again and it shrank something again and that is what caused it.

08-05-2008, 02:27 PM
I use tide would never change

08-05-2008, 02:49 PM
I also am a tide user

08-05-2008, 03:57 PM
I don't know about shrinkage but in my opinion it fades the clothes. I don't even put a lot of my tops in the dryer so it's not the dryer that fades them. I hang them up to dry. I also have a problem with being itchy and having a rash when I use Tide. The doctor had said that Tide is the harshest detergent.

08-05-2008, 04:03 PM
I don't know about shrinkage but in my opinion it fades the clothes. I don't even put a lot of my tops in the dryer so it's not the dryer that fades them. I hang them up to dry. I also have a problem with being itchy and having a rash when I use Tide. The doctor had said that Tide is the harshest detergent.

You are PREGNANT, Willow, you could have the pregnant rash making you itch(dont laugh, its a real condition)....

Seriously though, everything else makes me itch except TIde. I have worn clothes washed in Tide since I was born and have had NO problems except the time my MIL found the Tide w/ Febreeze on sale an bought me some. I thought I had measles or something.......Never shrunk my clothes, though.

I know a lady who swears hanging clothes on the clothesline will make them wear out faster, though.

08-05-2008, 04:17 PM
You are PREGNANT, Willow, you could have the pregnant rash making you itch(dont laugh, its a real condition)....

Seriously though, everything else makes me itch except TIde. I have worn clothes washed in Tide since I was born and have had NO problems except the time my MIL found the Tide w/ Febreeze on sale an bought me some. I thought I had measles or something.......Never shrunk my clothes, though.

I know a lady who swears hanging clothes on the clothesline will make them wear out faster, though.

Actually I haven't used it since I've been pregnant. I don't think I've used it for over a year now. lol I did go through an itchy stage during my first trimester. I posted about it here and some of the members recommended Aveeno products so I've been using that and haven't had a problem with the itchiness. I think the sun could fade clothes that are hung on the line but I never heard that they would wear out faster. We don't have a clothes line so I usually have to hang them up around the bedroom on hangers. Some of them I just lay over the kitchen chairs. They don't take long to dry since they were spun out in the washer.

Mary Jo
08-05-2008, 05:15 PM
I don't use Tide and I don't use my dryer very often.
I wash my clothes in cold water. I hang my clothes out to dry.
I think that there are some clothes that take a couple of washings to shrink.
I've noticed it occasionally but not very often.
So yes it could happen to the odd garment or two but if it's happening to everything it's because the water and dryer are too hot.

Mary Jo
08-05-2008, 05:16 PM
To back up my last statement try reading "From Fiber to Fabric" by Harriet Hargrave.

08-05-2008, 06:49 PM
LMAO Reminds me of DH telling me I was shrinking his jeans. He was just putting on a couple of pounds.
This is a new one lol.

08-06-2008, 01:45 AM
I use Tide too and I never thought there was a problem with it but my sister told me she used Tide again and it shrank something again and that is what caused it.

It is probably the temperature she sets her appliances on. Too hot shrinks clothes, especially if they are 100% cotton. I would tell her try the same thing with another detergent and the same fabric, and I bet it shrinks because she has them set too hot.

08-06-2008, 07:47 AM
I cant use Tide. All my DS and I can use is perfume and dye free detergent or we break out in a rash. However, shrinkage could be from hot water and a hot dryer. I usually use cold water with clothes (hot for towels/bedding etc) and air dry or have the dryer setting on low heat.

08-06-2008, 02:33 PM
I don't know about shrinkage but in my opinion it fades the clothes. I don't even put a lot of my tops in the dryer so it's not the dryer that fades them. I hang them up to dry. I also have a problem with being itchy and having a rash when I use Tide. The doctor had said that Tide is the harshest detergent.

I can't use Tide, Gain or Fab - I have the same problems with all 3 - Hives. I use Wisk or All - no rash or hives or shrinkage.