View Full Version : Do you rub your husband's feet?

07-22-2008, 09:05 PM
On that tv game show where they answer the questions from a polled audience the question was What are the things a divorced MAN misses most?
And #7 was having their feet rubbed.
I don't rub my husbands feet. I don't know if I ever have. He has rubbed mine. What about you guys? Do you rub your husband's feet? Is that something that he would miss if you divorced?

07-22-2008, 09:10 PM
Not on a regular basis. He likes to have his back rubbed more than his feet. I would if he asked though and he does the same for me.

07-22-2008, 09:16 PM
Well I'm not married, but when I was seriously dating someone, I never rubbed his feet or vice versa. I would rub his back though.

07-22-2008, 09:22 PM
I do all the time :)

07-22-2008, 09:39 PM
omg no feet are nasty lol I hardly touch my own I ain't touching his yucky.

07-22-2008, 09:40 PM
Yes I have and do. I would do ALMOST anything that would make him happy as well as he does for me.

07-22-2008, 09:45 PM
I am sure if he asked me to I would but he has issues with his feet so, thank god I don't have too! ugh.. feet ewww...

07-22-2008, 09:55 PM
Yes we do each others.

07-22-2008, 10:01 PM
Nope. It drives me crazy if he wants to touch mine and he has never asked me to rub his. I will rub his back or neck.

07-22-2008, 10:05 PM
Yes I have and do. I would do ALMOST anything that would make him happy as well as he does for me.

Same here. I love him amd love making him happy...he spoils me rotten which includes back and foot rubs too.

07-22-2008, 10:15 PM
Absolutely not. Oh, maybe if he asked real nice, had hurt one somehow and washed it first I would... but not just because... I have a serious phobia of feet... ugh.

07-22-2008, 10:36 PM
Never! I love him but neither of us do feet.

07-22-2008, 10:41 PM
Hmmmm, never really thought about it... so, I guess that's a no ! I mean, I guess I have at some time over our 23 years together (married 22, and 1 more before marriage), but, I don't on a regular basis. He never asks for it either ! Then again, neither do I... must not do much for me, or him.

Now... talk about the 'back'...LOL, we both love that, but, I get way more back rubs than he does... lol, it turns him on to rub my back ! YAY ! That is way good news for me ! :wings

07-22-2008, 11:32 PM
When I was married never! Ewe he worked in a factory and yep he had smelly feet when he came home. I keep my toenails trimmed and polished and I would never want anyone to touch them. Just gross to me!

07-22-2008, 11:57 PM
Hell no! .. I don't touch feet :puke:

07-23-2008, 02:30 AM
I have rubbed my husbands feet many times and would again if he asked, I figure he works real hard for me and so that is the least I can do..I dont mind.

07-23-2008, 03:23 AM
i'm not rubbing anything but his back lol.

07-23-2008, 03:26 AM
Nope not me

07-23-2008, 04:46 AM
I havent not because I would say no but he has never asked and we honestly never have time

07-23-2008, 04:55 AM
I do all the time... He has really bad feet, horrible., so beat the crap outta them.

I wouldn't let him or anyone else touch my feet.

07-23-2008, 06:04 AM
Gross. No way not even with socks on. I am not a "foot person" either.

07-23-2008, 06:08 AM
Absolutely not. ... I have a serious phobia of feet... ugh.

Same here, but he does mine. Whenever I get out of the shower, I'll sit down with my bottle of lotion and he'll rush over to put it on my feet for me. I don't even ask!

07-23-2008, 06:11 AM
No, because dh doesn't like feet. lol He doesn't like his touched at all.

07-23-2008, 07:23 AM
My DH always rubs my feet but his feet are really gnarly! AND he is extremely ticklish on his feet so even if I would want to go near them, he couldnt handle it! LOL

07-23-2008, 07:26 AM
Yep, I do...and he does for me...

07-23-2008, 07:44 AM
yep.. when he asks me I do.. he doesn't ask often.. but if he asks I will.. an he does mine..

07-23-2008, 07:48 AM
I used to. Back when I loved my husband I would rub his feet, file his toenails and polish them clear to make them pretty. Now that I can't stand him and he doens't live here..I'd rather poke my eyes out with anything sharp then look at him or his damn feet.

07-23-2008, 08:00 AM
Nope never have, never will.

07-23-2008, 08:07 AM
I have a serious phobia of feet... ugh.

So do I.. I can't rub his feet.. I can't even stand bare feet at the breakfast table. Kids have to have shoes on.

And he doesn't rub mine either b/c I have a scar on one where I needed the tendons reattached so if he tries to rub them it hurts like hell..

*oh but I will rub his calves

07-23-2008, 08:08 AM
I used to love having my feet rubbed but since I broke my left foot earlier this year (and my left ankle last year), that foot is really tender and I don't like it as much. My husband never asks me to rub his feet. I have to admit though that I've always been impressed with how smooth his feet are... they're smoother than mine. That's why I need regular pedicures.

07-23-2008, 08:10 AM
NO WAY!!! not even after 26 yrs of marriage

07-23-2008, 08:34 AM
It seems we don't have too many foot rubbers here but it was not even the last answer on the game show. They had 8. No one on the show got this answer.

07-23-2008, 09:36 AM
I rub his and he rubs mine. But not on a regular basis

07-23-2008, 05:57 PM
definately no foot rubbing in this house.I don't like feet either,I will kiss my 3 yr olds but that is it.I don't want anyone rubbing my gross feet either.

ang in NC
07-23-2008, 09:25 PM
no, but I do cut his toenails. If I don't he'll get them ingrown and then I'll hear about it. After 26 yrs of marriage you learn to pick your battles. I would love to have my rub. With this neuropathy in mine it would feel heavenly.

07-23-2008, 10:57 PM
They have foot bath/massagers in stores. I see them at garage sales all the time too but not sure if you would want to buy a used one of those. Although, when you go for a pedicure you use the same tub the last client used. They are suppose to wash them out with clorox each time.

07-24-2008, 10:21 AM
I rub my husbands feet, back and neck all the time. He works hard and I don't mind at all.

07-24-2008, 10:30 AM
I rub my husbands feet, back and neck all the time. He works hard and I don't mind at all.

Thats exactly how I feel. I even file them and put lotion on them and he does the same for me...heck he will paint my toenails. :)

07-24-2008, 10:54 AM
no foot rubbing here. DH has never asked me to rub his feet and I am very tickleish so NOBODY touches my feet. :getyou

07-24-2008, 11:20 AM
Nooooooooooo lol he is so ticklish. Every chance I get though, I grab them and tickle them cuz I know he can't take it :devil

07-24-2008, 12:21 PM
Yea I rub his feet. We often do the mutual foot rubbing thing at night. We take a shower together,jump in the bed,and rub each other's feet. We both work our bums off and run a household together,so it is nice to do for each other. We for sure are 2 peas in a pod!

Urban Cowgirl
07-24-2008, 01:35 PM
I am sure if he asked me to I would but he has issues with his feet so, thank god I don't have too! ugh.. feet ewww...

me too...mine hates having his feet touched. LOL I love a good foot rub, he don't rub mine often, but when I was pregnant a good friend rubbed my feet everytime he saw me....guess I need to get pregnant again! LOL

07-24-2008, 01:52 PM
Yea I rub his feet. We often do the mutual foot rubbing thing at night. We take a shower together,jump in the bed,and rub each other's feet. We both work our bums off and run a household together,so it is nice to do for each other. We for sure are 2 peas in a pod!

Same here... hahahahaha... except mine are really ticklish so he just massages my legs while I do his feet..he loves it.....lol. Usually it's just on the weekends though.

07-24-2008, 05:52 PM
no...can not stand feet....and I will not let anybody touchmine... I am to ticklish to have mine even touched...lol

07-22-2009, 12:28 AM
sometimes, especially after a long day's he'll kick off his hoes and sock's and i'll rub em for awhile, but he ussually does mine, BTW My husband does have stinky feet, but for some reason i dont care.:footinmouth

07-22-2009, 08:00 AM
sometimes, especially after a long day's he'll kick off his hoes and sock's and i'll rub em for awhile, but he ussually does mine, BTW My husband does have stinky feet, but for some reason i dont care.:footinmouth

This thread is a year old and your 1st post is to tell us of your husbands stinky feet? :slap

07-22-2009, 08:43 AM
This thread is a year old and your 1st post is to tell us of your husbands stinky feet? :slap
At least she was not on here trying to pick a fight, sheesh!

07-22-2009, 08:58 AM
Umm, no way. I have an aversion to any feet except my own! lol I guess in reality I probably could do it but not without gagging. My dh's feet are jacked up LOL

07-22-2009, 09:01 AM
This thread is a year old and your 1st post is to tell us of your husbands stinky feet? :slap

LOL! I responded and didn't even look at the date. But now I'm curious as to what she searched for to bring up a thread about feet! lol

07-22-2009, 10:47 AM
I dont have a hubby,but if i did-ummmmmmmmm "no"