View Full Version : Things I have learned from being a teenager.

07-21-2008, 11:15 PM
1.) Never under any circumstances eat anything you can not identify. Ever.

2.) Body piercing, tattoos, and tooth extractions are best left to the professionals

3.) Superglue is forever

4.) Learn what poison ivy etc. looks like before going camping

5.) drunk/stoned + water is bad

6.) drunk/stoned + ice is worse

7.) Pouring vodka or any other hard liquor on a wound will not prevent it from getting infected

8.) In the ongoing battle between metal objects wheels going 40+ miles and brick walls/trees going zero miles per hour the trees/ brick walls have yet to lose

9.) Just because it looks easy doesn’t mean you won’t damn near kill yourself trying

10.) Somewhere between 3 and 6 shots of liquor you going to loose your common sense

11.) No one no matter how agreeable takes kindly to being woken up at 3:00 am

12.) Your house is not within walking distance if you’ve drank a pint of vodka and/or smoked 30 sack no matter how close it is to you current location.

13.) Keep in mind you are going to feel that in the morning

14.) hallucinogen + school/work = BAD IDEA

15.) Whatever you physical and mental condition you are not invincible

16.) Those “fake” wrestling moves hurt like a motherfcker

17.) Be prepared for the weather of the climate you are in

18.) Always have jumper cables

19.) Have a healthy respect of 8ft+ drops

20.) Just because you can does not mean you should

21.) There such a thing as too many knick-knacks, souvenirs, nostalgia pieces, dust collectors etc.

22.) The only thing truly constant in life is change and the stupidity of the human race

23.) There is probably a really good reason why that drop dead gorgeous male/female is single

24.) Just because he or she has a degree does not mean they have any common sense

25.) You probably don’t what to know what that odor is

26.) All school facilities are breeding grounds for germs

27.) Understand and accept that as long as they are alive your family will embarrass you

28.) If you have a house party chances are something irreplaceable/expensive will be broken/stolen.

29.) Most things that were fascinating when you are 10 will be rather dull by the time your 14

30.) If you have one really good friend your doing better than a lot of people

31.) If you think someone’s lying they most likely are

32.) Appreciate the good times well they’re here

33.) Never underestimate a person who has nothing to loose

34.) Anything can be put to music

35.) Anyone who tells you upon entering high school that “these are the best years of your life” either is a regular bullsht artist or grew up in an alternate reality.

36.) There are few things in life worth obsessing over

37.) If it was really worth saying it doesn’t matter who it pissed of or offended

39.) No one is perfect, but almost everyone you meet has something about them that is absolutely marvelous.

40.) Before you ask a question, ask yourself do you really want too know

41.) If you have the opportunity to sit on your butt all day, take it.

42.) Coincidences are a rarity.

43.) Moving to the city will not free you of close-minded ignorant *******s

44.) Love is a beautiful thing but it can hurt like you wouldn’t believe

45.) Money talks, but only to say goodbye

46.) Travel whenever you get the chance

47.) Curiosity is a good thing it keeps the mind fresh.

48.) Good music can make you feel again after you've went numb
to the world.

49.) Live each day so that if you died tomorrow you could say “I’m satisfied with what I did with the time I had in this world.

Of all the things I’ve learned in life so far this is the most important: In a split second everything you ever knew and ever believed in can be shattered, your whole universe can turn upside-down and your reality can change forever but that possibility is the very thing that makes life worth living.

07-22-2008, 04:40 AM

I love #16, it brought back some great memories of our wrestling parties. They always turned out with us wrestling & not paying attention to the tv. The one girl, who was my best friend, has since passed away but I love the memories I had while she was on this earth even though her hubby slipped with her a few times & coffee tables were shattered on occasion! :lol

07-22-2008, 05:26 AM
#33 reminds me of many young teenage male friends lol

07-22-2008, 11:50 AM
I liked number 45

07-22-2008, 12:54 PM
These are great. I wonder if this was done with a group throwing in their ideas. I agreed with all except ,
not completely with
#37. If it was really worth saying it doesn’t matter who it pissed of or offended

and totally not with #41. If you have the opportunity to sit on your butt all day, take it.

I totally agree with #35. Anyone who tells you upon entering high school that “these are the best years of your life” either is a regular bullsht artist or grew up in an alternate reality.

I love #30. If you have one really good friend your doing better than a lot of people

and #39 No one is perfect, but almost everyone you meet has something about them that is absolutely marvelous.

Thank you for this list. It would be great for everyone to look at and live by.

07-22-2008, 03:18 PM
It was done by a group of 16 year old girls in their high school english class.

07-23-2008, 10:31 AM
sounds like a month in college