View Full Version : OMG smokers you might want to read

07-19-2008, 01:49 PM
I am a smoker but after reading this I AM GOING TO QUIT ASAP!!!!!!


07-19-2008, 02:40 PM
thanks for this info

ang in NC
07-19-2008, 06:50 PM
ugh, scary

07-19-2008, 07:06 PM
I quit May 7, 2001, 4:30 pm. after after 2 packs a day for 43 years. Best thing I ever did. And Tice died of lung cancer on Dec. 24, 2003 after 3 packs a day for 55 years.. It was a nightmare.

If you haven;t ever smoked, please don't start.

If you smoke, please stop immediately. I can barely breath anymore.

07-19-2008, 07:36 PM
Whatever happened to just plain old tobacco and paper for cigs??

But yes, reading that list is chilling...I am going to try to quit asap too

07-19-2008, 08:30 PM
Whatever happened to just plain old tobacco and paper for cigs??

But yes, reading that list is chilling...I am going to try to quit asap too

Flea you need to let your husband read this too, he sounds so bad I worry about him sometimes

07-19-2008, 08:56 PM
I quit in April 2001... I smoked two packs a day when I quit. Best thing I ever did too.

I can't stand the smell of smoke now... gag even ! DH quit one year before me.

My only regret is that I didn't quit sooner. Life is soooo much calmer now !


Lots more money !
Much less cleaning (no brown film on everything...yuck)
Smell WAY better ! I don't smell like an old ashtray anymore !
Clothes and house smell better
No more ashtrays to dump/clean etc...
No more worrying everywhere I go if you can smoke or not
No more leaving dinner to go outside and smoke, so, more family time.
Much better breathing !
No more bronchitis ! I used to get it BAD at least twice a year, doc, meds, the works !
Saving money on doctor visits and prescriptions !
Gums are getting healthy again ! (much less receding)
Much calmer life !
Blood pressure back to normal... totally ! 118/78 as a rule - was borderline highish
Look much better without a smoke hanging out of my mouth...LOL



Aloha from paradise
07-19-2008, 10:57 PM
Glad I never started. Both my parents smoked and I hated the smell!

07-20-2008, 04:42 AM
I didn't read the link posted, I am a big chicken.
Those of you that quit, how did you do it? I quit for 3 months, we got flooded and I started again. My first Grandbaby is due in late Oct, early Nov. and I want to quit before she gets here.

07-20-2008, 05:41 AM
I really never started.................mostly used to smoke cigars when i would get drunk...............

07-20-2008, 06:50 AM
I gave up cigarettes 3 & 1/2 yrs ago. When I turned 30., being suprised that I had lived that long., I wanted to keep on living as long as I can!
I used the patch to quit., I couldn't have quit without it.
I don't mind being around cigarette smoke., I'm not one of those Ex-Smokers who forgot about how nice those tasty cigarettes were., cigarettes were always there for me when I needed them., cigarettes had been my best-friend for so long, I remember the good old days & I still want to smoke., I just know that its a completely moronic thing to do.

07-20-2008, 07:58 AM
Good luck to all of you that want to quit! :) I know if you set your minds to it you can do it.

07-20-2008, 08:04 AM
I didn't read the link posted, I am a big chicken.
Those of you that quit, how did you do it? I quit for 3 months, we got flooded and I started again. My first Grandbaby is due in late Oct, early Nov. and I want to quit before she gets here.

No joke they went up on the price by 25 cents per pack one day and I said to heck with this and quit buying them. That was back in January 2000. Good luck - you have to really be ready to quit or it will not work.

07-20-2008, 09:01 AM
Donna if you want to do it the easy way get a book called Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr. Its the only proven method time and again if you will read it. I quit after 30 yrs of smoking and never wanted another. Just google the book and read the reviews, its astonishing. Good luck!

Here! I found it for 10 bucks..READ the reviews. I tell ya IT WORKS and its easy.


07-20-2008, 09:11 AM
5 1/2 years ago I did it cold turkey after 3 failures (I was allergic to the patch)...Best thing I ever did

07-20-2008, 09:12 AM
I just looked on ebay for that book and they have a bunch of them some are fairly good priced

07-20-2008, 10:32 AM
It is true, you have to want to quit, and be ready. I smoked for almost 25 yrs.. I used the nicorette gum, but I was so ready to quit it didn't hardly bother me at all..it was more of a habit thing. I am a bad ex smoker..hate the smell and everything to do with it..lol. I had a carton of smokes and just decided after it was gone that was it..when the last cig was smoked no matter when or what time it was I was finished. It was Nov 9th 2006 7pm when I smoked my last one, and I never looked back. Every once in a while I use to think boy I would like to have a smoke..but never so much that I would have one. I did smoke one time last Dec. I went out drinking with some friends, but the next morning the thought of one made me sick. Just keep trying and don't ever stop trying to quit, eventually you will find something that works and get it right.

07-20-2008, 10:53 AM
I have quit 3 times before but everytime I did quit was when I was pregnant and it made me sick everytime I tried to smoke so that was easy but as soon as they were born I went right back to smoking. I kick myself every time I think about that. I can't get pregnant anymore because I had a hysterectomy so I will have to do something else. I have 2 packs left from the carton I bought after that there will be NO MORE! Even if my family has to move out for a while so I don't want to hurt them LOL

07-20-2008, 11:21 AM
Everybody reacts differently when they quit, I smoked three packs a day for about 15 years and when I finally made the decision to quit and had to quit I curled up on the couch and cried for three days. LOL Others have told me they had to keep busy constantly for the first few days.

I had to have a pack of cigarettes with me at all times, I carried an unopened pack of cigarettes around in my purse for almost two years, (others have told me they could not be near a cigarette for awhile) finally one day I realized it was okay to toss them, and even though it had been two years since I smoked I still had a hard time throwing them away.

Whatever works for you is the right way, everybody is different, just don't give up, just keep adding up the time that you've put into not smoking, look at it as an investment because the longer you go without smoking the sooner you will begin to feel less of a need to smoke and amazingly one day you will not even want a cigarette or even think of one at all, only thinking how wonderful it is you don't want one.

07-20-2008, 12:26 PM
Glad I never started. Both my parents smoked and I hated the smell!

I'm with you shirl. can't stand the smoke at all.

07-21-2008, 08:33 AM
Donna if you want to do it the easy way get a book called Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr. Its the only proven method time and again if you will read it. I quit after 30 yrs of smoking and never wanted another. Just google the book and read the reviews, its astonishing. Good luck!

Here! I found it for 10 bucks..READ the reviews. I tell ya IT WORKS and its easy.


thanx for the link I just put it in my cart :)

07-23-2008, 10:46 AM
my mom works at a cancer center and she says that lung cancer is the only terminal cancer.

07-23-2008, 10:54 AM
5 1/2 years ago I did it cold turkey after 3 failures (I was allergic to the patch)...Best thing I ever did

Same here. Cold turkey, and it can be a b^%&h sometimes, but I figured if my mom could do it, so could I!

07-23-2008, 12:25 PM
DBackFan, I bought the book last night, have not started it yet. Thanks for telling us about it.

07-23-2008, 02:26 PM
DBackFan, I bought the book last night, have not started it yet. Thanks for telling us about it.

Oh you are so welcome and the very best to you on quitting. I KNOW if you read the book, you will :hug

07-23-2008, 02:48 PM
my mom works at a cancer center and she says that lung cancer is the only terminal cancer.
Uh, no, that isn't quite true. There are lots of terminal cancers and lung cancer is not always terminal.

07-23-2008, 04:28 PM
my mom works at a cancer center and she says that lung cancer is the only terminal cancer.

Hmm. Well may you misunderstood? My brother had GIST and there is no cure for it. He had to sign up for clinical trials and use research medications. There isn't a current treatment. He died last year.

Back on topic:

I quit 2 1/2 years ago and it's the best thing I have ever done for myself.

07-23-2008, 06:24 PM
Uh, no, that isn't quite true. There are lots of terminal cancers and lung cancer is not always terminal.

I agree, lung cancer is a lot more survivable than primary brain cancer.

07-25-2008, 10:02 PM
I quit 6 months ago using Chantix, quit within a week of starting the pills. They really work great! But also had another reason to really push me along.. My mom was rushed to hospital, after surgery & etc. to try & save her & figure out what was wrong, we found out she has small cell cancer from smoking & possibly less than a year left to live, she is only 55. So seeing her & thinking of her really makes me want to never touch another cigarette again! So good luck all that want to quit, i wish all the luck in the world!!

07-26-2008, 04:38 AM
I quit 6 months ago using Chantix, quit within a week of starting the pills. They really work great! But also had another reason to really push me along.. My mom was rushed to hospital, after surgery & etc. to try & save her & figure out what was wrong, we found out she has small cell cancer from smoking & possibly less than a year left to live, she is only 55. So seeing her & thinking of her really makes me want to never touch another cigarette again! So good luck all that want to quit, i wish all the luck in the world!!

so sorry to hear about your mom I hope all works out well

07-28-2008, 10:48 AM
Donna if you want to do it the easy way get a book called Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr. Its the only proven method time and again if you will read it. I quit after 30 yrs of smoking and never wanted another. Just google the book and read the reviews, its astonishing. Good luck!

Here! I found it for 10 bucks..READ the reviews. I tell ya IT WORKS and its easy.


my book was just delivered hoping to get to read a bit of it today :)

07-28-2008, 12:13 PM
my book was just delivered hoping to get to read a bit of it today :)

Oh I am so excited for you good luck! Its a little tough reading right at first because he is British but give it a chance, it works. :hug

07-28-2008, 02:57 PM
I might have to get the book before I try anything else, it is going to have to be pretty easy to follow if I am going to get it tho LOL

07-29-2008, 05:13 AM
Oh I am so excited for you good luck! Its a little tough reading right at first because he is British but give it a chance, it works. :hug

lol ya know I was thinking the same thing at first but I was like well I think living with an Aussie has trained me a bit........ya know I always tell him they are basically the same and you can imagine they love that NOT lol

so far it is very interesting reading and I have an open heart and mind about it so I know it is gonna work (fingers crossed for luck)

07-29-2008, 09:01 AM
Just quit this weekend. I started at 40 (yeah, stupid, I know), quit cold turkey once for about two months, have thought about quitting, and finally made the decision. Sadly, one reason is getting the news last week that a friend is fighting stage 4 lung cancer.

I've used a little Nicorette gum, but am mostly doing it without substitutes. One of my co-workers got me a box of candy cigarettes, but that was before she found out that I stopped this weekend. She's a former smoker who quit cold turkey, and is very supportive.

07-29-2008, 09:46 AM
Just quit this weekend. I started at 40 (yeah, stupid, I know), quit cold turkey once for about two months, have thought about quitting, and finally made the decision. Sadly, one reason is getting the news last week that a friend is fighting stage 4 lung cancer.

I've used a little Nicorette gum, but am mostly doing it without substitutes. One of my co-workers got me a box of candy cigarettes, but that was before she found out that I stopped this weekend. She's a former smoker who quit cold turkey, and is very supportive.

congrats on quiting and for having the support

I am so sorry to hear about y our friend