View Full Version : stimulus checks...

07-16-2008, 10:01 AM
Ok the final stimulus checks were sent out by the gov't last Friday.

Did it save or boost the economy as President Bush says...?

07-16-2008, 10:02 AM
I think that's it's still too early to tell.

07-16-2008, 10:05 AM
But the majority of the country have already recieved their money and likely spent or saved their portions.

07-16-2008, 10:10 AM
I believe I read somewhere that the govt actually borrowed the money it sent out. How stupid is that?!?!!!

07-16-2008, 10:13 AM
I believe I read somewhere that the govt actually borrowed the money it sent out. How stupid is that?!?!!!

yep borrowed it from China

most everyone I know paid bills with it so basically just helped them keep their heads above water they didnt actually spend it on other things

07-16-2008, 10:15 AM
But the majority of the country have already recieved their money and likely spent or saved their portions.

Not everyone who recieved theirs who is planning on spending it has spent it already. I guess maybe that's my point. Some might be holding on to it for a while. I still think it's too early to tell.

07-16-2008, 10:18 AM
I think that's it's still too early to tell.

I agree. Statistics that were read on the news last night said it helped "a little" but not as much as they had hoped but again they specified it was still early. There is even talk of a second one.

07-16-2008, 10:21 AM
I agree. Statistics that were read on the news last night said it helped "a little" but not as much as they had hoped but again they specified it was still early. There is even talk of a second one.

Exactly! When Bush was on tv yesterday he was asked about a second stimulus and he said there may be one but wanted to see how well things went this time around first.

07-16-2008, 10:29 AM
LOL, I need some more choices up there ! The "I'm not sure" box...lol

I don't know, I did hear on the news yesterday that retail sales were much higher than expected for May and June... the highest percentage increase in a few years for those months... was it the stimulus checks ? I don't know... I also heard that the money the money was borrowed by the USA from China just to send out the checks... if that's true, the USA went further in debt, so again, I don't know. Did that money get borrowed from China ? I haven't even googled all that mess to try and find out for sure.

You know, money is a funny thing... who's to know really... wonder how it's gonna get 'figured' ? It was nice getting that check, but, everything is still costing more, everything is going up up up... food, gas etc...

I will say, the poor economy right now has really kept retail prices down, that is a plus. There is big time competition in the clothing markets, even GAP is selling stuff pretty much half price, Old Navy too, because people can't afford to buy otherwise.

I don't know exactly where the economy is going. There seem to be plenty of jobs, at least around here, they're just not 'great' jobs... lower wages and little benefits. Being in WV, we have lots of tourists and stuff, keeps things going... but I know some cities have relied on lots of manufacturing jobs (like auto makers and steel), and, they are really hurting. The good manufacturing jobs that were around here are gone... Corning, Schott Glass, Johns Manville, Union Carbide, Ames Tools, National Bottle, DeMouthe Glass etc... all gone. But, we still have the two biggest ones, DuPont and GE, and a brand new Hino Truck motors plant.

I know that I don't know enough !

07-16-2008, 10:51 AM
Didnt and wont do a thing for our economy as the gas prices rise they will get the stimulus checks

07-16-2008, 11:41 AM
Didnt and wont do a thing for our economy as the gas prices rise they will get the stimulus checks

Just like Bush to send the money back to himself since he is an Oilman.

Nice to know that the Oil industry is Really the one industry that runs the country.

07-16-2008, 12:23 PM
I chose "what stimulas check?" because I didnt get one

But I do not think it helped either. It was stupid to send one but if he was going to it shoulda been sent earlier then what it was because by the time everyone got theirs everything has already gone way way up so it was only used for bills. Maybe some paid off a bill completely and now has just a little bit more to spend on other things but the money that would have went to that bill that no longer is will be going in the gas tank or in mouths. Not to mention we borrowed it, geez what a bonehead move arent we in debt enough as it is? Im proud to be American but hell we need a president that can actually do his job..man I can feel the heat of the flames already this is a good post LOL

07-16-2008, 02:52 PM
We put all $2100 into our emergency fund. It helped get it back up to $5000,what we like to keep in the emergency funds account.

07-16-2008, 03:11 PM
we have only spent 200 of ours on suplies we needed for our upstairs (redoing)
Saving the rest in case we need it for more supplies etc.
I think it did help people, but NOT the economy.

07-16-2008, 03:33 PM
the way i see it, ANY time the population has any additional money in their pocket, it helps the economy regardless of where it came from or why.

Bottom line...more money in the people's hands translates to more saving and/or more spending, which is economic activity. Period. it helps, simply because there is more activity. Saving and spending are different kinds of economic activity and have different short and long term effects so we just don't know exactly how, or how much, it has helped.

Explorer 4x4'r
07-16-2008, 07:13 PM
our entire check went to pay down a credit account

07-16-2008, 07:21 PM
The stimulus check doesn't solve the problem long term.Giving people check doesn't solve the housing crisis,doesn't improve unemployment and won't improve the economy,by giving people money the governement trying to save
face.Everyone still has to pay the money back to government and next month after the checks are spent, people are still going to be broke.

07-16-2008, 07:22 PM
Meanwhile..... Senate agrees to triple anti-AIDS funding

The Senate voted Wednesday to triple spending for a much-acclaimed program that has treated and protected millions in Africa and elsewhere from the scourges of AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis.
The 80-16 vote committed the United States to spending up to $48 billion over the next five years for the most ambitious foreign public health program ever launched by the United States.

I'm not saying fighting AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis isn't a vailiant cause., but we need to take care of our people first.....

07-16-2008, 07:48 PM
I had plans for mine, like get my savings restarted, oh well, the best laid plans always get blown out of the water. I ended up using it to pay bills. I still don't have money to spend on squat though and living paycheck to paycheck....well, not even really that...lol. I think you probably catch my drift.

07-17-2008, 05:16 AM
Meanwhile..... Senate agrees to triple anti-AIDS funding

I'm not saying fighting AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis isn't a vailiant cause., but we need to take care of our people first.....


I guess most ppl dont see or dont want to see that USA is in real trouble and its only gonna get worse. I was grateful to get the check they sent out but I still dont think it helped the country........when Bush did that one check shorter after getting into office they said only about 30% of the ppl actually spent it in a way that helped out and they figured even less would this time around. We used half of ours to pay the cc that we used while on vacation and the other half buying calves so we did pay our bill and help out a farmer in Texas lol

07-17-2008, 06:05 AM
Meanwhile..... Senate agrees to triple anti-AIDS funding

I'm not saying fighting AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis isn't a vailiant cause., but we need to take care of our people first.....

I agree! Why increase funding for them? When the US has to borrow money from somebody else to help their own. Doesnt make sense.

ang in NC
07-17-2008, 09:04 AM
We used ours to pay down the credit card.