View Full Version : If you were without a job....

07-16-2008, 07:53 AM
and have a family (kids/spouse etc) and been not working for a long time, you were offered a job for 30+ hours a week, good perks, money ok would you accept it or wait "to see" if you get anymore interveiws?

This isn't me,lol just curious)

07-16-2008, 07:55 AM
I'd take it in a heartbeat. If something better comes along it can be reconsidered.

07-16-2008, 07:59 AM
I'd take it as well, and if it didn't work out then I'd look elsewhere.

07-16-2008, 08:06 AM
I would take it. I would probably continue to look, but in today's market, jobs are few & far between. The only way I would not take it is if I could make more on unemployment (if the person is getting this), and have more time to search.

07-16-2008, 08:09 AM
I would take it.....

07-16-2008, 08:09 AM
I would jump on it. Jobs are vey hard to find now. If something better did open up I would then consider it but I wouldn't turn a job down on the thought that a better job might come along.

07-16-2008, 08:14 AM
I would take it.

07-16-2008, 08:16 AM
Of course I would take it, you can always be looking for more if thats what is needed but dang...take what you can get for now!

07-16-2008, 08:18 AM
30+ hours a week, good perks, money ok... and no other money coming in...

I'd jump on it, and work it until I could fine more/better.

07-16-2008, 08:18 AM
I would take it, like everyone said keep looking if you need more than that but take it for now, jobs here are laying off every week, one town not too far away has a hiring freeze. Most without jobs here cant find a gas station job right now.

07-16-2008, 08:33 AM
If money-wise it wasnt necessary to take it at that point, I would wait. Especially if its way under what you're used to making. Its hard enough finding a good job, but try getting a better one while working 8am-5pm. Besides, the job will still be available later on. (the job that you're referencing to that is)

07-16-2008, 08:44 AM
Of course I would take it, you can always be looking for more if thats what is needed but dang...take what you can get for now!

ITA I have taken jobs in the past that i really didnt care for, but when ya got bills to pay.....you do what you gotta do.

07-16-2008, 08:49 AM
If money-wise it wasnt necessary to take it at that point, I would wait. Especially if its way under what you're used to making. Its hard enough finding a good job, but try getting a better one while working 8am-5pm. Besides, the job will still be available later on. (the job that you're referencing to that is)

How can you assume the job would be there? The way the job market is right now and so many people getting laid off, you really can't afford to wait. Besides, even if you took the job, doesn't mean you have to stop looking for another one.

07-16-2008, 08:53 AM
How can you assume the job would be there? The way the job market is right now and so many people getting laid off, you really can't afford to wait. Besides, even if you took the job, doesn't mean you have to stop looking for another one.

The job is a high turn-over job, thats why.

This thread was meant as nothing more than a jab at someone who cant even come back and post in here. It wasnt necessary. I dont want to get in the middle or anything but stuff like this just isnt necessary.

07-16-2008, 09:08 AM
I'd take it in a heartbeat!

07-16-2008, 09:19 AM
The job is a high turn-over job, thats why.

This thread was meant as nothing more than a jab at someone who cant even come back and post in here. It wasnt necessary. I dont want to get in the middle or anything but stuff like this just isnt necessary.

I do not see it as a 'jab' I see it as a question in need of honest answers.

I would never pass up a good job just to see if the next one will float along. A job is a job, especially right now with the housing market the way it is and companies closing down left and right. No question , I'd jump on that job.

07-16-2008, 09:58 AM
I would take it until you find a better ones.

07-16-2008, 10:15 AM
I would take the job and continue looking. when your family is doing without, and a job offer is in, well, you work!

OK, I just read the other replies and do not have a clue (nothing new) as to what may or may not be going on - but still. Hypothetically, I would still take the job. Money is tight these days. We are heading for a huge ecomonic crash. If you are not working, and someone offers you work, you darn well work.

DH just wewnt through this. He retired from the military and needed to find a job. The ONLY position he turned down was inspecting trucks at $9.50 an hour. Mind you, that was a quarter of what he was making with the military (including housing), so it was not a feasible offer for our family needs. Yes he is working now, but for a few weeks there, we were facing some serious issues if an offer did not come through when it did.

An able bodied person can continue putting a resume out there and continue looking .

07-16-2008, 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by freeby4me
The job is a high turn-over job, thats why.

This thread was meant as nothing more than a jab at someone who cant even come back and post in here. It wasnt necessary. I dont want to get in the middle or anything but stuff like this just isnt necessary.

What job am I refereing to? I donk think you know who I am talking about..unless you know something I don't lol it's no one on this board or any other board LMAO..you're trying to pick at something that ISN'T there. So yes,you are trying to get in the middle of something.

Why did this happen to someone you know?

07-16-2008, 10:31 AM
i would take it

07-16-2008, 10:33 AM
How can you assume the job would be there? The way the job market is right now and so many people getting laid off, you really can't afford to wait. Besides, even if you took the job, doesn't mean you have to stop looking for another one.

Exactly, never assume any job will be there because you may change your mind.In this day and age job market,there's ALAWAY another person who needs a job too. Kind of asinine to assume this. A job is a job,it's money no matter if it doesn't meet your standards at the moment..besides if you aren't working it's a hell of alot more then you have now.KWIM?

07-16-2008, 10:36 AM
That is a no brainer question for sure..................definately take it

07-16-2008, 10:40 AM
That is a no brainer question for sure..................definately take it

You would think lol

07-16-2008, 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by freeby4me
The job is a high turn-over job, thats why.

This thread was meant as nothing more than a jab at someone who cant even come back and post in here. It wasnt necessary. I dont want to get in the middle or anything but stuff like this just isnt necessary.

What job am I refereing to? I donk think you know who I am talking about..unless you know something I don't lol it's no one on this board or any other board LMAO..you're trying to pick at something that ISN'T there. So yes,you are trying to get in the middle of something.

Why did this happen to someone you know?

You know exactly what it is im talking about. She cant even post here anymore so why drag stuff on?
You also know darn well that I dont want to get in the middle of anything, im tired of the BS crap like that, this is beyond petty. You started this thread as a jab to someone BECAUSE she cant respond. I dont understand how this makes you feel better.
How many more threads like this are you going to start based on what she says on another site?
and yes, I do know many people take ideas and bring them to another site for discussion but this one definately had an ulterior motive, to be mean.

07-16-2008, 10:44 AM
The job is a high turn-over job, thats why.

This thread was meant as nothing more than a jab at someone who cant even come back and post in here. It wasnt necessary. I dont want to get in the middle or anything but stuff like this just isnt necessary.

I just a got a PM from a member and told me who you thought I am refering to..no,I wasn't talking about Pepsi's husband. I didn't know he was offered a job. Anyways, my veiw still stands wether it's the person whom I am refering to (my neice's husband) or Pepsi's husband or anyone else for that fact.

07-16-2008, 10:47 AM
You know exactly what it is im talking about. She cant even post here anymore so why drag stuff on?
You also know darn well that I dont want to get in the middle of anything, im tired of the BS crap like that, this is beyond petty. You started this thread as a jab to someone BECAUSE she cant respond. I dont understand how this makes you feel better.
How many more threads like this are you going to start based on what she says on another site?
and yes, I do know many people take ideas and bring them to another site for discussion but this one definately had an ulterior motive, to be mean.

umm, I think I have ALWAYS spoken my mind when she could respond. And YES, you do want and like to get in the middle...you posting things you THINK you know is proof. You know squat.

07-16-2008, 10:55 AM
umm, I think I have ALWAYS spoken my mind when she could respond. And YES, you do want and like to get in the middle...you posting things you THINK you know is proof. You know squat.

Oh and this is just a coincidence? I find it hard to believe, not saying its true but come on. She starts the thread yesterday or today and suddenly poof, this thread comes up, started by you.
We dont start threads with little jabs about Michelle still, and theres no reason to get all pissy with me. I've stayed out of the crap between ya'll. But come on, shes' gone, she CANT respond. Before she could, now she cant, so why continue it?

And when it comes down to it, If the person is in a situation where they dont financially NEED to take a job "Right then" then why shouldnt they try and find something better?

07-16-2008, 10:56 AM
I would take it

07-16-2008, 11:04 AM
Oh and this is just a coincidence? I find it hard to believe, not saying its true but come on. She starts the thread yesterday or today and suddenly poof, this thread comes up, started by you.
We dont start threads with little jabs about Michelle still, and theres no reason to get all pissy with me. I've stayed out of the crap between ya'll. But come on, shes' gone, she CANT respond. Before she could, now she cant, so why continue it?

And when it comes down to it, If the person is in a situation where they dont financially NEED to take a job "Right then" then why shouldnt they try and find something better?

She didn't start any threads here yesterday and she isn't a member of the other board I go to,so yes I would say it's a COINCIDENCE.

Like I said, I always pretty much put it out there in my posts to her, if you or she want to think this is about her, because we all know she loves the attention, feel free, but this was about my neice's husband. Like I said, my veiw still stands. And if her hubby doesn't NEED a job well more friggin power to them...they must be doing better then 95% of us here. So now you and Pepsi should stop trying to make everything about her,because it's not!

07-16-2008, 11:11 AM
I would take it. And continue to look if wanted more hours, or leave lil hints that I'd like more hours.

07-16-2008, 11:16 AM
and have a family (kids/spouse etc) and been not working for a long time, you were offered a job for 30+ hours a week, good perks, money ok would you accept it or wait "to see" if you get anymore interveiws?

This isn't me,lol just curious)

hell yes i would and have and that job ended up being MORE than fulltime

07-16-2008, 11:17 AM
Well good im glad to hear that, its majorly coincidental after everything that happened and I just figured since she is gone, the problems would stop. It seemed like you were trying to start something.

You know i've been trying to stay out of crap ever since the Michelle incident. This just didnt seem right because there was no way for her to say anything.
If it wasnt about her, then my bad.

07-16-2008, 11:21 AM
If I needed a job, I wouldn't wait, I would take it.

07-16-2008, 11:41 AM
I am currently working at a job that I took "just for now" and, while it isnt my dream job, by golly it is a job and it has fed my family for over 5 years. If you turn down a job because you want to wait for something better, that something better may not ever come about.

07-16-2008, 11:43 AM
Something is always better than nothing. Both my hubby and myself have taken low paying hard jobs till we could get something better.

DBD, I hope your nieces hubby comes to realize how bad things are here in Ohio and reconsiders taking the job.

07-16-2008, 12:49 PM
You know exactly what it is im talking about. She cant even post here anymore so why drag stuff on?
You also know darn well that I dont want to get in the middle of anything, im tired of the BS crap like that, this is beyond petty. You started this thread as a jab to someone BECAUSE she cant respond. I dont understand how this makes you feel better.
How many more threads like this are you going to start based on what she says on another site?
and yes, I do know many people take ideas and bring them to another site for discussion but this one definately had an ulterior motive, to be mean.

Hey it's her own fault she can't post on here anymore, she consistently antagonized people and made assinanine remarks & posts, started post after post and when someone disagreed with anything she said she & her little followers would run right back in and whine & fuss because they thought someone was picking on her and starting crap. If anyone wants to comment on her husband turning down a job in hopes of finding a better one than so be it..seems like most people agree that it is not a wise decision so they can't all be wrong. Regardless of you wanting to put yourself in the middle of anything or not you are, and you did, and it wasn't by accident. You know it is really bad when someone can't post something about their own family and you come in crying on pepsi's behalf. You both need to go put your BIG GIRL PANTIES ON AND LEARN TO DEAL. Pepsi is no longer here and there is a reason for that. If you wish to keep her alive here then you do that, but nobody has to stop posting about their family situations just because they may happen to be the same as poor little pepis's. I agree take the job, beggars can't be chosers!

07-16-2008, 12:54 PM
I dont like it when people gang up on other people, like ya'll did. If that means I did "get in the middle of it" so what. I HAVE TRIED to stay out of it. Go back and look through all the threads that have been started back and forth to antagonize and look at how many I posted in. NONE.
Its petty bull ****.

The ONLY thing I have a problem with is someone saying stuff/starting stuff about someone who isnt here, cannot defend themselves. I'd be doing and saying the same thing for anyone else.

Like I said in a previous post, I dont like taking negative **** from one thread to another. I leave a thread and thats it. Whats said in there stays in there. I've got enough in my own life to drag around all the online bull **** too.

07-16-2008, 02:55 PM
If things were getting lean,I would take it and still look around for other positions. Or maybe after 3 months,and I still haven't found something better,I would talk to management about possibly getting a better pay rate,maybe negotiating better pay for less perks or something like that.

07-16-2008, 03:14 PM
I would take it. AS long as it was decent money. you bet. you can always keep looking while you have a job.

07-16-2008, 03:42 PM
Thats why a person cant post this kind of stuff on the net cause someone is always thinking they are talking about them and 9 times out of 10 it has nothing to do with them, but in they jump cause they just know who it is about and get all pissy. Its time to move on and get back to what is instead of what was or should of been. Nothing is going to change the past, but we all make our future and only we can change our own futures.

07-16-2008, 04:12 PM
Thats why a person cant post this kind of stuff on the net cause someone is always thinking they are talking about them and 9 times out of 10 it has nothing to do with them, but in they jump cause they just know who it is about and get all pissy. Its time to move on and get back to what is instead of what was or should of been. Nothing is going to change the past, but we all make our future and only we can change our own futures.

Myself and my husband we would take the job. We would not have to think about it.
I think the poster thought this way because what was posted at the other place by Pepsi's about her d/h the same thing. So it would be so easy to make that mistake. If you visit both places and see it there and then come over here and see it here.

07-16-2008, 04:30 PM
We were in this position before, I had to take a min wage job because dh couldn't find anything. We had two young children and bills to pay, money is money. He stayed home with the kids and I went to work. Only one vehicle so when I wasn't working he was out looking.

You got to do what you got to do for your family.

07-16-2008, 04:43 PM
Would work at Mickie D's if I had to temporaily. Just MHO!

07-16-2008, 04:43 PM
i would so take it-i only have me at my house,but heck the bills are still high for just me-i wouldnt think twice about,besides something new might just be around the corner.

07-16-2008, 04:51 PM
Myself and my husband we would take the job. We would not have to think about it.
I think the poster thought this way because what was posted at the other place by Pepsi's about her d/h the same thing. So it would be so easy to make that mistake. If you visit both places and see it there and then come over here and see it here.

It shouldn't matter who this post is about..it is a legitimate question and one that a lot of people can identify with, so if this is about pepsi and her DH then so be it. This thread asks a specific question, where or why it came about is not what needs to be answered. If someone goes into a chat forum and airs their private affairs then well, they just made it public, fair game. I think it was a good topic and a good question regardless of where it came from.

07-16-2008, 05:06 PM
It shouldn't matter who this post is about..it is a legitimate question and one that a lot of people can identify with, so if this is about pepsi and her DH then so be it. This thread asks a specific question, where or why it came about is not what needs to be answered. If someone goes into a chat forum and airs their private affairs then well, they just made it public, fair game. I think it was a good topic and a good question regardless of where it came from.

You are right I will agree with you fair game. Just like it is fair game for me to post also. Or is that a problem for you?

07-16-2008, 05:21 PM
You are right I will agree with you fair game. Just like it is fair game for me to post also. Or is that a problem for you?

When did I ever say I had any problem with you posting? Are you seriously alright? You know your sounding a little off to me, if you actually think I care if you post on this forum then you need to go talk about this and get some serious help. For real!

07-16-2008, 05:25 PM
When did I ever say I had any problem with you posting? Are you seriously alright? You know your sounding a little off to me, if you actually think I care if you post on this forum then you need to go talk about this and get some serious help. For real!

So now we are going to start with crap like this. Honey I am so not scared of you or what you write find someone else to start that crap with. Because it really does not hurt me in any way shape or form.Because I don't care what you think of me. Believe me.
I also didn't say you had a problem with me I said do you have a problem with me ???? mark.

07-16-2008, 05:28 PM
I've had to take jobs cleaning other peoples houses, painting apartments/ houses, baby sitting, and all of those with 2 kids in tow. I have worked at Wendy's, Wal-Mart(2 times), Movie Rental joint, a plant nursery, Book Store and a Nursing Home. I've worked several jobs from home also. I work to help out, to pay my bills, to be a respectable and responsible person. Right now , in this economy, how can anyone refuse a job offer? That's asinine!

07-16-2008, 05:29 PM
I have been in a similiar position before. When I left my ex, I moved to NC to live with my sister. I looked and looked for a job. At that time I was an Office Manager/Full Charge Bookkeepr. There were no jobs to be found unless they paid $5-6 per hour. So, I went to work on a hog farm where they paid more. Big career change there....lol....and stinky!!!! But, I had kids to support and there wasn't really any other option.

You take what you can get and if you aren't happy...keep looking, but at least you have something coming in. Something is better than nothing anytime.

07-16-2008, 05:32 PM
So now we are going to start with crap like this. Honey I am so not scared of you or what you write find someone else to start that crap with. Because it really does not hurt me in any way shape or form.Because I don't care what you think of me. Believe me.
I also didn't say you had a problem with me I said do you have a problem with me ???? mark.

I am really sorry Vicky, I do not talk crazy talk so therefore your words escape me..better luck next time...WTF?? Also, do not refer to me as Honey..I find that offensive.

07-16-2008, 05:35 PM
I am really sorry Vicky, I do not talk crazy talk so therefore your words escape me..better luck next time...WTF?? Also, do not refer to me as Honey..I find that offensive.

Well saying I need help is offensive to me. But hey BIG GIRL PANTS ARE ON. So see you around.

07-16-2008, 05:37 PM
OH Good Grief Already!!!!! The MOFO thread is not about who you think it's about....let it GO!!!!

07-16-2008, 05:38 PM
Well good im glad to hear that, its majorly coincidental after everything that happened and I just figured since she is gone, the problems would stop. It seemed like you were trying to start something.

You know i've been trying to stay out of crap ever since the Michelle incident. This just didnt seem right because there was no way for her to say anything.
If it wasnt about her, then my bad.
You know, yesterday I started a thread in all honest observation and was accused of it being about "her" and another member thought it was about "them". This seems to be another one of those times.

07-16-2008, 05:40 PM

07-16-2008, 05:43 PM
Well saying I need help is offensive to me. But hey BIG GIRL PANTS ARE ON.

Well I said that because I thought you were saying I had a problem with you posting, because you said it was fair game for you to post. Then you wrote is that a problem for me...which sounded a little off. Trust me when I say, I ALWAYS have my BIG GIRL PANTIES ON. Vicky I have no idea what your trying to accomplish here..all I was saying is that I have no problem with you posting, why should I? I am leaving it at that. I wont ask you to seek help and you can stop referring to me as honey..deal? I feel like i'm allison in wonderland having a conversasion with you.

07-16-2008, 05:45 PM
Well I said that because I thought you were saying I had a problem with you posting, because you said it was fair game for you to post. Then you wrote is that a problem for me...which sounded a litte off. Trust me when I say, I ALWAYS have my BIG GIRL PANTIES ON. Vicky I have no idea what your trying to accomplish here..all I was saying is that I have no problem with you posting, why should I? I am leaving it at that. I wont ask you to seek help and you can stop referrinfg to me as honey..deal? I feel like im in alison in wonderland having a conversasion with you.

Deal Because that might be how I feel about your post. But not a disney movie.

07-16-2008, 06:06 PM
I think the poster thought this way because what was posted at the other place by Pepsi's about her d/h the same thing. So it would be so easy to make that mistake. If you visit both places and see it there and then come over here and see it here.

This seems to be a very big problem. You all visit various other boards, comments get made and because you all come here you ASSume that whatever is being written is about you, your "friend" or whomever. You all need to stop the madness. Even if someone did bring up a bogus discussion based on what was said elsewhere, you do NOT have to respond or even read for that matter.

07-16-2008, 06:21 PM
The OP never brought anyone into this thread...others did. It was question thread just like the millions that have been started recently. No need for others to bring up banned people. So stop bringing the crap up.