View Full Version : Ella Enchanted 10:10 am TBS

07-13-2008, 07:37 AM
Thanks mficke0713

What did Ella and Slannen do before they met Nish the Ogre?
*Encountered a rabbit in the woods

What was Ella doing when Prince Char saved her life for the second time?
*Dangling over a boiling cauldron

What did Mandy and Ella's mother do to hide baby Ella from Lucinda Perryweather?
*Hung her on a hook on closet door

What did a young Ella do on the playground to show her obedience?
*Bit a little girl on the arm

What did Ella do to make Dame Olga, Hattie, and Olive scream as they sat for their portraits?
*Placed poison ivy in their flower bouquets

What did Olive try to do before Prince Char asked Hattie to dance with him?
*Steal a candlestick off a table

What did Sir Edgar order Ella to do to Prince Char at midnight?
*Kill him with a dagger

What did Hattie order Ella to do that made guards chase her?
*Place a pair of shoes in her bag

What was Prince Char doing when he told Sir Edgar he wanted to ask Ella to marry him?
*Getting fitted for a royal robe

What did Prince Char offer to do for Ella while they were in Giantville?
*Help her access kingdom records

What did Dame Olga tell Sir Peter that Ella was doing with her stepsisters when he came home from selling watches?
*Taking a tour of the castle

What did Sir Edgar do after he confessed to killing his bother?
*Placed crown on his head

What did Mandy do to help Ella find Lucinda Perryweather?
*Gave her a magical book

What did Ella ask Slannen to do to her before Slannen found elves and giants in the forest?
*Chain her body to a tree

In a "Movie and a Makeover" segment, what did host Mia Butler say that having many children meant for a family?
*Dealing with busy schedules and lots of germs

In a hosted "Movie and a Makeover" segment, what did guest Cinda Boomershine do with the durable faux leather material?
*Made an upholstered cushion for a window seat

In a "Movie and a Makeover" segment, what did host Mia Butler say Pat and Frank Hamil did since they had six children?
*Needed help whenever they could get it
*LeapFrog Fly Pentop