View Full Version : Do you let your young children on Myspace?

07-01-2008, 10:04 PM
My daughters are not really interested in myspace so Iwe dont have to worry about it but we did tell them they cannot have a myspace acct.

Too many weirdos on there.

We monitor what the girls do online.

07-01-2008, 10:06 PM
My DD has a MySpace but it is set to private for just her friends. I know her password and the rule was that I had to be included as one of her friends so I could view her page or she couldn't have it.

07-01-2008, 10:12 PM
My oldest son has a myspace and I know his password too. He's hardly ever on it, though.

Explorer 4x4'r
07-01-2008, 10:12 PM
My DD has a MySpace but it is set to private for just her friends. I know her password and the rule was that I had to be included as one of her friends so I could view her page or she couldn't have it.

Good job!
that's the way it should be.
Too many preditors; but not just myspace

07-01-2008, 10:23 PM
my daughter's too young.

But I know the nieces & nephews aren't allowed on

07-01-2008, 10:26 PM
my 12 year old is asking for one but right now I am not real comfortable letting him get one. So for me the answer is no...for now at least.

07-01-2008, 10:40 PM
My DD just turned 15 and so far she has no interest in my space. I do know some of her friends are on MS so I figure it won't be long for her to want one.

07-02-2008, 03:56 AM
5 out of my 6 kids have a myspace account.

The 16 and 13 year old are still at home and I have access to their accounts and they are very responsible. They are only allowed to have friends on there that they actually physically know. Their accounts are private also.

07-02-2008, 04:02 AM
5 out of my 6 kids have a myspace account.

The 16 and 13 year old are still at home and I have access to their accounts and they are very responsible. They are only allowed to have friends on there that they actually physically know. Their accounts are private also.

thats how my son's is as well

07-02-2008, 04:10 AM
Well here is something to laugh about. My son who is 25 years old thought I should have one. I think he must of set it to private because he said I will fix you up one so nobody can bother you because they have weirdos on there.I told him I am a big girl now. lol

07-02-2008, 06:52 AM
My DD has a MySpace but it is set to private for just her friends. I know her password and the rule was that I had to be included as one of her friends so I could view her page or she couldn't have it.

This, exactly.

07-02-2008, 06:59 AM
My DD has a MySpace but it is set to private for just her friends. I know her password and the rule was that I had to be included as one of her friends so I could view her page or she couldn't have it.

Yup this and she actually got one as a class project and she communicates with her sister in FL mostly and knows I am on it I am her #1 and knows at anytime it can be taken away :meditate

07-02-2008, 07:37 AM
We all have one. Mine is usually just to keep eye on my 3 boys. But I also
have their passwords. My hubby has one too to keep eye on things.

07-02-2008, 07:43 AM
I think my space can be very bad,there is no reason a very young adult should be in there,ages 11-14-. My daughters other brother,he is 12,on his web page,he says he is 23,and gets by with it. If your a 10th-12th grader and on up,I think you could handle yourself,just have to be wise.Parents should know what the kids are doing online,lol,when my kids even at the ages they are,are on my puter,Im hanging over them,scared their going to screw my puter up.

07-02-2008, 07:52 AM
We also don't allow the computer in their room. It stays in the family room.
I have a computer in my room, and we have it when hubby and me goes to bed we can disconnect the internet on the kids computer but leave it on ours.

But when the air is not so bad I want them outside doing something else.

07-02-2008, 07:55 AM
My DD has a MySpace but it is set to private for just her friends. I know her password and the rule was that I had to be included as one of her friends so I could view her page or she couldn't have it.

^ what she said^

07-02-2008, 08:26 AM
My Dd has one, she's 6. But it's private & I have to approve any friends before she can add them. She only has her grandparents in TN and 2 friends from her class at school on there.

She has a PC in her room too, but we limit access. She can only go to sites that are on our approved list. They rest are blocked. and she can only be on the pC at certain times.

07-02-2008, 08:37 AM
We have the main computer in the living room. Hubby & I each have a laptop.

But I will not let them get a myspace right now. Maybe when they are older around 17. Right now we monitor everthing they do & are limited on where they can go on the internet.

07-02-2008, 02:16 PM
I have a computer in my room, and we have it when hubby and me goes to bed we can disconnect the internet on the kids computer but leave it on ours.

LOL I like that idea! My niece has one and she is 12 I personally think that is way too young! I just let my son get a yahoo account now that he is almost 12. Our PC does the same thing and blocks out sites I can also make it so he can get on the PC but not online. I like that

07-02-2008, 02:36 PM
5 out of my 6 kids have a myspace account.

The 16 and 13 year old are still at home and I have access to their accounts and they are very responsible. They are only allowed to have friends on there that they actually physically know. Their accounts are private also.

This is the rule in our house as well. Mine also have Facebook with the same rules.

07-02-2008, 03:37 PM
My DD has a MySpace but it is set to private for just her friends. I know her password and the rule was that I had to be included as one of her friends so I could view her page or she couldn't have it.

That's what my DIL does and she does check when they least expect it. And they are 15 and 18.

07-02-2008, 06:34 PM
my sons always had access to the computers here-i myself never worried about what they did-i let my kids live and learn-this is just my way of doing things-we never had any problems from the boys-or from anyone that was on the net-but they didnt have my space back then-and my sons are 27 &29 now-so giving them access to the puter in my eyes never hurt them.jmho