View Full Version : What Not to Wear "Where Are They Now?" 6/27 6:00 4600+ pts.

06-28-2008, 02:14 AM

What was Nancy caught doing that inspired Stacy to lecture her on the importance of age-appropriate clothing?
*Borrowing one of her daughter's dresses

What was Nancy shown doing at a bar after trying on a pair of black shoes with gold-tipped high heels at a shoe store?
*Dancing with her arms at her sides

What did Christina say she had done since she started following Stacy and Clinton's advice?
*Attracted more sophisticated men

What did Clinton say in a clip from a previous episode that they had secretly been doing to Melanie before they surprised her?
*Broadcasting her on a giant screen in public

What did Stacy say about the below-the-knee dress that Nancy wore after returning from her shopping spree?
*Looked great for a daytime wedding

What did Michaela tell Nick she had been doing in the time since she had last seen him?
*Working as a character actor

What did Stacy do when chastising Belinda about her bulky sweatshirt?
*Asked the opinion of a small dog

What did Nick do during the introduction in a clip from later in the show when he was picking someone to get a makeover?
*Recited a version of a children's rhyme

What did Clinton do when he and Stacy told the women that they had been back in their closets?
*Imitated how their expressions changed

What did Carmindy say one should do when shopping for foundation as she answered the women's questions about makeup and accessories?
*Select a store that allows returns

What was Susan chastised for as Clinton and Stacy examined her wardrobe?
*Owning a T-shirt with a man's name on it

What was Marcy shown doing while holding a glass of champagne as she spoke in a voiceover about the experience of seeing Stacy and Clinton again?
*Reclining on the floor and tossing her hair

What did Nick do during the introduction in a clip from later in the show when he was picking someone to get a makeover?
*Recited a version of a children's rhyme
*Bank of America

What was Nancy shown doing at a bar after trying on a pair of black shoes with gold-tipped high heels at a shoe store?
*Dancing with her arms at her sides
*Tecate / Samuel Adams

What did Clinton say in a clip from a previous episode that they had secretly been doing to Melanie before they surprised her?
*Broadcasting her on a giant screen in public

What was Marcy shown doing while holding a glass of champagne as she spoke in a voiceover about the experience of seeing Stacy and Clinton again?
*Reclining on the floor and tossing her hair

In a sponsored segment during this show, what were parents told to do for their children with the aid of a penguin puppet, as a tip, as children did various activities like tying their shoelaces, building with blocks, and riding a bicycle?
*Encourage them to start small and keep trying until they succeeded