View Full Version : The Mole 10:00 ABC 4800+

06-24-2008, 10:51 AM
What did Mark do after Jon Kelley destroyed all of the contestants' journals?
Wandered off before they were supposed to leave

What did Mark say that he did with his journal as part of his strategy for the game?
Matched up past quiz answers to remaining contestants

What did Victoria tell Craig that Mark did while briefing him after the burning of the journals?
Accused her of being a heavy drinker

What did Jon Kelley have the contestants do while climbing up a mountain in the Andes carrying bricks of gold?
Pick up a scale to take along with them

What did Jon Kelley do to destroy all of the contestants' journals?
Set fire to a fuse that led to them

What did Nicole say in an interview that Clay did in order to earn his exemption after the "minus rush" challenge?
Complained the loudest that he wanted it

What did Jon Kelley do while posing a question about The Mole during the segment?
asked what color pants they wore on a mission

What did Craig say that he did before being treated for hypothermia in the Andes Mountains?
Shivered uncontrollably and lost his ability to breathe

What did Victoria speculate while in her bed that Craig did which would make a good "M.O." if he were the Mole?
Tried to do well at all of the missions

What did Paul do while the contestants drove up to the Andes Mountains for their mission?
Showed off a lemon with a face drawn on it as a mascot

What did Jon Kelley say that Victoria did which resulted in her elimination from the game?
Finished taking her quiz five seconds too late

What did Jon Kelley say that Victoria did while reading a quote from her journal about another contestant?
Considered that Nicole was only playing to be famous