View Full Version : What Not to Wear "Nancy G." 6/11 6:00 4200+ pts.

06-12-2008, 01:52 AM

What did Nancy say about her pants as she rode with her friends and Stacy and Clinton to watch secret footage?
*Received many compliments about them

What did Nancy ask to do when she was getting her hair blown dry?
*Put her glasses back on

What did Carmindy do to avoid clumping while applying mascara to Nancy's bottom lashes?
*Wiped wand with tissue

What did Clinton tell Nancy to do after they looked at an American flag shirt?
*Go buy a bumper sticker

What made Nancy turn red and start moaning while shopping on the first day in the first store?
*Looked at price tag on trench coat

What did Stacy say to do to a red dress that Nancy was unsure of?
*Tuck in the fabric to make it fit

What was Nancy doing when Clinton and Stacy said that she was cute?
*Dancing for the camera

What did Nancy do on the first day of shopping that made Stacy declare that she "wanted to die"?
*Tried on several pairs of cowboy boots

What did Nancy say she did "even in a business suit" as she was interviewed for secret footage?
*Wore pairs of humorous socks

How did Nancy say she felt after returning from her shopping spree?
*Taken too far out of her own element

What did Nancy say she did in a certain outfit that included a brown vest and red pants while looking in the 360-degree mirror?
*Attended country dancing functions

What did Clinton say was the reason he and Stacy were shopping with Nancy in a particular store?
*Had a lower price point

What did Nancy say she was looking forward to doing before she got her hair cut and styled?
*Seeing results of her transformation

What was Nancy doing when Clinton and Stacy said that she was cute?
*Dancing for the camera
*Cadillac / Sony

What did Stacy say to do to a red dress that Nancy was unsure of?
*Tuck in the fabric to make it fit

What did Nancy say about her pants as she rode with her friends and Stacy and Clinton to watch secret footage?
*Received many compliments about them

What did Carmindy do to avoid clumping while applying mascara to Nancy's bottom lashes?
*Wiped wand with tissue
*Crest Whitestrips Renewal

What did Nancy say she did in a certain outfit that included a brown vest and red pants while looking in the 360-degree mirror?
*Attended country dancing functions

What did Clinton tell Nancy to do after they looked at an American flag shirt?
*Go buy a bumper sticker
*Life Lessons Collection

What did Nancy say she was looking forward to doing before she got her hair cut and styled?
*Seeing results of her transformation

02-06-2009, 04:36 PM
6 pm

06-04-2009, 07:36 AM
filene's basement

08-06-2009, 09:16 PM