View Full Version : How often do you go out to eat?

06-03-2008, 04:36 PM
I guess we all enjoy going out to eat once in a while. I do. But my husband wants to go out to eat everyday. He would go out for every meal. I don't want to because it is impossible to lose weight and go out to eat because it is easy to over eat and you have no idea how many calories are in each dish. Plus and this is a real big plus. Eating out has become very expensive and hurts our budget tremendously. My husband doesn't even consider or notice that I try to have a budget. I understand that people who work have to eat out , at least lunch. But we don't have to. Have any of you cut back on eating out because of the economy? How often do you go out?

06-03-2008, 04:54 PM
We usually eat out or call in dinner once during the week, but more on the weekends. We ate all 3 meals out on Saturday. I usually eat out once a week, while out doing errands etc and he usually goes out for lunch with his boss once a week.

06-03-2008, 05:00 PM
Hey, OP, I have the opposite problem you have! DH won't go anywhere (it would involve getting off the couch!) The only time I get to go out to eat is when a friend and I do it, and I dont often. DH will be eating out a lot soon cuz he'll be on a job out of state for several months, even then he picks up something and takes it to his motel to eat.....unless he takes his crew out to treat them. (Lucky them :()

06-03-2008, 05:02 PM
Not very often. Once or twice a month is all. Which is more than we should honestly.

06-03-2008, 05:06 PM
Not much anymore. We get take out pizza, chinese or wings about once maybe twice a month.

I would go out for every meal if I could afford it. I hate cooking and cleaning up so much lately.

06-03-2008, 05:07 PM
Once or twice a week, although we went out twice on Sunday... very unusual but Sunday was our anniversary so that's different.

Both DH and I don't like to eat out that often. I work a ten-hour day so it's mainly when I just don't want to cook after a long day.

sunny sky
06-03-2008, 05:08 PM
We go out more than we should. I work and feel tired to come home and cook so, most of the time, I buy something, even if it is a rotissery chicken from Kroger's...

06-03-2008, 06:56 PM
My family and I go out to eat on weekends, usually once or twice per day. The economy hasn't hurt my family that much so we go out to eat the same as we did last year. The funny thing is that since my husband got a raise we seem to be on the same track. We spend as much as we earn. Is your family like that? We should be able to save about 200 a week but we spend it instead. What a shame, I need to start saving.

06-03-2008, 06:57 PM
My family and I go out to eat on weekends, usually once or twice per day. The economy hasn't hurt my family that much so we go out to eat the same as we did last year. The funny thing is that since my husband got a raise we seem to be on the same track. We spend as much as we earn. Is your family like that? We should be able to save about 200 a week but we spend it instead. What a shame, I need to start saving.

We're like that too. The more we make the more we spend.

06-03-2008, 07:10 PM
We go out every couple of weeks or so. Since we live so close to downtown we can either walk or a 5 minute drive. we order pizza or take out chinese every couple weeks as well

06-03-2008, 07:15 PM
We order in a couple a times a week and maybe go out once a month, especially if the kids are in town.

06-03-2008, 07:31 PM
With my husband deployed, the kids and I go out to eat more than we usually would. It's just too hard to cook for two picky kids and myself.

06-03-2008, 07:39 PM
We don't go out much. D/h takes a lunch and I work as a cook in the school so I can eat there free.

06-03-2008, 07:53 PM
We eat out at least once a week. Especially on DH's payday since we are out doing so much running around anyway and buying groceries for the week. Sometimes we get to eat out twice but not always.

06-03-2008, 08:32 PM
We eat out at a sit down place any day that my husbsnd is off. I grab fast food a few times a week for the kids. It is very hard to lose weight with so much eating out.

06-03-2008, 08:57 PM
We go quite often, but it's just the 2 of us so it's not so bad, and I'm a cheap date, I'm quite happy just going for a cheeseburger..

06-03-2008, 09:04 PM
because its just me and dh we eat out at least 2 times a week or more....I never cook on Friday and I flat out refuse to cook on Friday! So fridays we definately eat out and we eat out either Sat or Sunday and sometimes if dh works real late during the week he will pick up something for us on his way home so I dont have to be slaving in the kitchen all night cooking and cleaning. When my stepdaughter lived with us we ate out once a week on Fridays and that was it.

06-04-2008, 04:54 AM
1x a week - on $20 or less - if we get to go out at all.

this last weekend 2x but I had lots of coupons for McDonald's

06-04-2008, 04:59 AM
Go a few times a week, usually every Friday for Walleye.

06-04-2008, 05:58 AM
We go out wayyyy more than we should. I like to grill at home but both of us work fulltime and most of the time it is just us, the kids are either working out out with friends, so we hop on the bike and go someplace.

I could eat grill food everyday but DH gets tired of it

06-04-2008, 06:39 AM
Me and the hubby, having 4 small kids, don't take them all out to eat at nice places...he and I on the other hand, go out probably 1 to 2 times a month on date night where we go out to eat...Now, we do order pizza, or do pick up (everything from Mcdonalds to nicer food) maybe once a week. Also, I take the 3 girls to McDonalds playland to play and eat lunch sometimes on Sat.
Since the 2 older girls are going to be with the Grandparents for the summer, me and the 2 younger ones will be going out alot more with my hubby:)

06-04-2008, 07:56 AM
The cost of living has definately affected us. We used to eat out at least 2x a week. Chinese buffet, Olive Garden, etc. Now it's maybe once a month. Sure do miss it!

06-04-2008, 08:10 AM
I hate to say it averages out to about once a week. Usually after church on Sunday we will take the baby and go to chinese rest.

Now I have put on a few more pounds and i was big to start with. So my plan is to start cooking something on Sat. and just come home and warm it up. Eating out is expensive plus usually much higher in calories and a lot of sodium, and msg,etc. It is much healthier to cook from scratch.

06-04-2008, 08:49 AM
We usually go out once a week and I do take out (Chinese/pizza/Subway) once or twice a week.

06-04-2008, 11:09 AM
Maybe once a week. My problem are my neighbors LOVE to cook and bring us over food (most are Hispanic so its not necessarily low fat-but dang GOOD LOL) and my boyfriends step mom cooks everyday and she sends over their leftovers (she is Italian so its mainly pasta and heavy dishes too)! But the good thing is that my boyfriend always has leftovers for lunch so we are not spending money on lunch for him. He works construction plus can eat an entire cow in one sitting LOL but is thin as a rail. Me.....well I have to exercise every day just to NOT gain any weight!