View Full Version : Secondhand Lions 6/1 8:00 4200+ pts.

06-02-2008, 01:53 AM

What did Walter tell Hub and Garth after his runaway incident that he didn't want to do?
*Go back to orphanage

What did Walter run away to do when Ralph and Helen came to visit Garth and Hub?
*Use a pay telephone

What did Hub tell Garth wouldn't be "sporting" to do to the lion that was shipped to their house?
*Shoot it in its cage

What were Garth and Hub doing when Mae brought Walter to live with them?
*Shooting at fish in the lake

What was Jasmine planning to do in order to avoid having to marry a sheik?
*Slit her own throat

What did Walter agree to return to Garth and Hub's house to do for a little while?
*Keep the relatives away

What did Hub and Garth do in their nineties that caused their deaths?
*Crashed a plane into a barn

What did Stan tell Walter that Jasmine did during a bank robbery?
*Drove the getaway car

What did Walter tell Hub he couldn't do until he heard a special speech?
*Become a good man

What did a man try to do to Hub in a restaurant that almost caused him to get a beating?
*Reach for his barbecue

What did the new North African government hire Hub to do after he was finished with the French Foreign Legion?
*Put end to slave trade

What did Walter and Hub agree that Jasmine should not have to do?
*Come out of the cornfield