View Full Version : A Knight's Tale 5/31 12:00pm 4500-4900+ pts.

06-01-2008, 03:39 AM

How did Chaucer lose his clothes at William's first jousting competition?
*Gave them away to settle gambling debt

What did the Count Adhemar do to belittle William after he tried to ask Lady Jocelyn for her name?
*Made fun of his equipment

What was William doing when he saw Lady Jocelyn for the first time?
*Sitting on his horse

What did William do before entering London to participate in the World Championships?
*Recalled the last time he saw his father

What did William ask Wat to do after suffering an injury in his final confrontation with Count Adhemar?
*Tie the lance to his arm

What did William do with the prize he earned for finishing second in a jousting tournament?
*Paid off gambling debts

What did William do to get back in Lady Jocelyn's good graces?
*Composed a love letter to her

What was Chaucer doing when he first met William, Roland, and Wat?
*Walking naked through countryside

What did Count Adhemar do that led him to withdraw from the jousting tournament in Lagny-sur-Marne?
*Discovered his opponent was royalty

What did Count Adhemar do while William was shackled in a jail cell?
*Punched him in the stomach

What did Lady Jocelyn have Christiana do for William before his joust with Count Adhemar?
*Give him a scarf to wear

What did Lady Jocelyn do to William while they were lying in bed after his victory in Paris?
*Asked him about his name

What did Kate do for William while he was at a banquet with Lady Jocelyn?
*Built him a new set of armor

What did Count Adhemar do to discover that William was not actually Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein of Gelderland?
*Followed him to his father's house

What did William practice doing while standing in a boat?
*Aiming lance through ring

What did Count Adhemar do in the first round of his final confrontation with William to improve his odds?
*Put a sharp tip on his lance

What did Lady Jocelyn tell William to do to prove his love for her?
*Lose his match on purpose

What did Lady Jocelyn do to help William out of an embarrassing situation at a victory banquet?
*Helped him with a dance

What did William do in a joust that led him to seek out the help of Kate?
*Cracked his chest armor

What did Chaucer bet a table of Frenchmen that William could do before a jousting competition in Paris?
*Defeat the entire country

What did Lady Jocelyn tell William to do after Chaucer told him that the guards were waiting to arrest him?
*Run far away from the competition

What did Roland worry he might wind up doing after a month of training with William and Wat?
*Lying somewhere in a ditch

In a sponsored segment during this show, what did Jamie Simpson do with a brunette woman in between discussing beauty tips with Mia Butler?
*Applied a spray as she brushed out her hair

In a sponsored segment during this show, what were viewers told that Haley Joel Osment did before white text appeared on an animated scene of the ocean?
*Saw dead people and then later faced puberty
*Red Lobster

04-02-2013, 04:20 PM