View Full Version : Men in Trees 10:00 ABC 4300+

05-29-2008, 06:23 AM
What did Ivan do after giving Annie a book of classic foreign playwrights as a gift?
Asker her to go on a date with him

What did Annie do with Jack after showing him the pantomime routine she put together?
Invited him into her imaginary box

What did Dick try to do while auditioning with Annie for her upcoming talent show?
Pull a live rabbit out of an empty hat

What did Marin tell jack he should do as she helped him prepare for a lecture?
Make better eye contact with his audience

What did Pilar do with Patriack while he served as Jane's private liaison?
Attempted to seduce him while having drinks

What did Annie tell Marin that she did after Marin came to her house with four puppies?
Had an odd dream about someone

What did Jack tell Marin that his students did at school after she asked him how his day was?
Requested extensions due to grandmothers' surgeries

What did Ivan tell Annie he did while showing her his talent after insisting that she allow him to audition?
Took years of dancing lessons in his country.

What did Celia do after Marin walked into the bar looking for people willing to adopt puppies?
Suggested giving them obedience training

What did Mai do while reading Annie's fortune to her as she auditioned for the talent show?
Predicted she was going to fall in love

What did Patraick do that caused him to have flashbacks about Annie following his meeting with Pilar?
Caught his hand inside a toiletry dispenser

What did Patrick admit he did after speaking with Jane in her office about Pilar?
Made a mistake with her breakfast sandwich