View Full Version : Radio 5/27 8:00 4100-4500+ pts.

05-28-2008, 01:53 AM

What did Coach Jones do to Johnny after Johnny sent Radio into the girls' locker room?
*Suspended him from a game

What did Principal Daniels refuse to let Radio do for the first away game?
*Ride with the team on the bus

What did Coach Jones let Radio do for the last game of the season?
*Run on the field with the team

What did Radio do when he wanted Linda to help him decide what to wear?
*Held his pants up to the phone

What did Coach Jones ask Coach Honeycutt if Radio could do after the football season?
*Work with the basketball team

What did Coach Jones do for Radio after they ate hamburgers in his office?
*Drove him home in his truck

What did Coach Jones reveal at the parent meeting that he planned to do?
*Step down as head football coach

What did Radio do to apologize to Johnny for getting him in trouble?
*Left a note for him in the locker room

What was Coach Jones doing while Linda begged him to come up to bed?
*Watching football training videos

What did the arresting officer do with Radio after Coach Jones came down to the station?
*Helped him distribute presents

What did Coach Jones do to the players who locked Radio in the shed?
*Made them run until after dark

What did Coach Jones do with Mary Helen after they came home from Radio's house?
*Described a mistreated mentally-challenged child on his old paper route