View Full Version : The Wedding Planner 5/17 10:10am 4800-5100+ pts.

05-18-2008, 03:05 AM

What did Steve do when he brought Mary home after she saw her former fiancé at a flower shop?
*Searched for the key to her door

What did Mary do when Steve met her at the movies and said that Fran was in Tahiti?
*Asked him what he really wanted

What did Massimo do when Mary found him at her father's house?
*Cooked her some macaroni and cheese

What did a group of men do with Penny when Mary dropped a plate at a wedding celebration?
*Lifted her up and walked away

What did Mary do when she and Steve were watching a movie outdoors?
*Asked him to dance with her

What did Steve do when Mary woke up in his children's ward?
*Took the brace off her neck

What did Salvatore do when Mary was asleep at his house?
*Measured her for a wedding dress

What did Mary do when she found a bride's father drunk on the stairs when the wedding was starting?
*Sprayed him with water

What did Steve do in the car when Mary told Fran that she was not persuing her crush because he was committed to another woman?
*Swerved and said there was a deer

What did Massimo do after he told Steve at City Hall that Mary was in love with him?
*Drove him to her on a scooter

What did Mary do when Steve stood in her doorway and told her that he had memorized the curves of her face?
*Said she always attracted unstable men

What did Mary do when Steve picked her up after saving her from a rolling dumpster?
*Commented on the smell of his breath

What did Penny do when Mary told her that she'd fallen in love with Steve and wanted to stop planning Fran's wedding?
*Told her she deserved to be a partner

What did Mary do when she saw Keith and Wendy at the flower shop?
*Tried to hide under some platforms

What did Mary do after she made herself a dinner for one after work?
*Watched a show about antiques

What did Mary do when Massimo presented a wedding ring in a doll house and asked her to marry him at Burt's birthday party?
*Spelled the answer on a board game

What did wedding planner David Tutera suggest as an inexpensive gift for wedding guests?
*Giving them a tin of grandmother's cookies

What did Mia Butler say the process of finding a wedding dress does to a bride?
*Gets her more excited than anything
*David's Bridal

In a "Movie and a Makeover" segment during this show, who gave viewers tips on how to maintain beautiful and healthy skin by using a line of carrot-based products?
*Black-haired woman wearing a pink patterned top

What did David Tutera tell Mia Butler she could do with the specialty drinks he was showing her how to make?
*Match them with color scheme of the event

In a "Movie and a Makeover" segment during this show, who discussed how having healthy teeth and a gorgeous smile can make people feel their best and told viewers about a product that would help them achieve this?
*Black-haired woman in a brown-patterned shirt who stood next to a round table
*Aquafresh Advanced Whitening

05-18-2008, 03:06 AM

In a commercial during this show, what did a female sandwich do as she sat with a jar of plain mustard, who whined and asked "Are you even listening to me?"
*Fanned herself after seeing buff mustard running with surfboard on beach
*French's Spicy Brown Mustard
*Has a bold taste that goes great with food