View Full Version : Pawn Shop finds!

Kyla Kym
05-17-2008, 01:13 PM
I got my mom a ring at Christmas from the pawn shop. It looked brand new. I paid $89.00 for it. She took it to Kay's in the mall this past week to have it sized. They appraised it for over $900.00! :)

I bought a diamond tennis bracelet there and just recently paid it off. I paid less than $100.00 for it. I think I'm going to get it appraised now. :)

It's amazing what you can find at a Pawn shop.
This past year I've got a HD big screen tv. several gold rings with stones for less than $50 and they are all very pretty and new looking. A few I've only paid $15.00 for.
I talked my son and his g.f. into getting their wedding set there. They ended up paying less than $300.00 for all 3 rings. They appraised at $7,000.00. And they still looked pretty new.
Hubby has got,
2 really cool guns that all his friends are trying to buy from him.
Chain saw
Wireless keyboard and mouse.
Keyboard for my friend for Christmas. It turned out to still be selling for hundreds of dollars and I paid $35.00 for it.

Has anyone else been shopping in pawn shops lately? :)

05-17-2008, 01:19 PM
We almost bought our wedding set at a pawn shop but I didn't want to buy a so called "jinked" one from a divorce. Just a quirk of mine.

Think I will start to check them out now if you can save that much. WOW.

05-17-2008, 01:25 PM
sounds like a lot of good finds :) I just am not a pawn shop kind of girl, I really don't know where any are (although I'm sure if I paid attn I could find some) but most of them are in the bad part of town and have bars over the windows so I stay far far away from them. Sounds like you have a good one near you :D

I did just get a brand new wireless keyboard at a garage sale today for $2!

Kyla Kym
05-17-2008, 01:37 PM
We almost bought our wedding set at a pawn shop but I didn't want to buy a so called "jinked" one from a divorce. Just a quirk of mine.

Think I will start to check them out now if you can save that much. WOW.
Being from the hills, there are allot of superstitious people around here. I try my best not to let myself fall into that. The way I see it, if there were such things as jinxed items, or say walking under a ladder, or breaking a mirror. It would be in the Bible. God would surely warn us of these things if they were so. :)

Allthough I do believe in Karma, but I think that is like when God says in the Bible "vengeance is mine". So maybe that's his will. :)

But I do have to remind myself of that often, because my mom is very superstitious. ;)

And that thought about the wedding set being jinxed did cross my mind though. But I had to push that thought out of my head. :)

sounds like a lot of good finds :) I just am not a pawn shop kind of girl, I really don't know where any are (although I'm sure if I paid attn I could find some) but most of them are in the bad part of town and have bars over the windows so I stay far far away from them. Sounds like you have a good one near you :D

I did just get a brand new wireless keyboard at a garage sale today for $2!
This is the only pawn shop I go to. I know what you mean about most of them looking like a den of thieves & cut throats. :rofl: But this one is fairly new and so far it's clean and has normal looking people in there. ;)

That was a great yard sale find Shan :dancing:

05-17-2008, 01:45 PM
I used top go to one near where we lived at the beach. I would go there and buy video games and cds and movies for the kids years ago. I think it is time for me to start checking it out again.

05-17-2008, 02:24 PM
Its been awhile since we hit the pawn shops but, the last time we were there we picked up a few pistols, one for dh and one for myself.

05-17-2008, 02:48 PM
I used to shop one in the next town but it closed. I bought my husband's first wedding band there for $10 and it wasnt too long after that (maybe a couple of months) that he lost it! I'm so glad I only paid $10. I've also bought movies, cds, video games, & tools.

05-17-2008, 03:02 PM
All of our pawn shops are creepy.....congrats on your finds.

05-17-2008, 03:23 PM
I loved going to the pawn shop when I lived in TN, we got a tv from there, and a stereo, was much cheaper then going to walmart or somewhere. I miss those places, but I haven't run acrossed one around where I live now.

05-17-2008, 04:37 PM
wow those are great finds, I visited one of ours a few months ago looking at tools an nothing was that reasonable, I think our pawn shops are little ripoff shops

05-17-2008, 05:05 PM
I bought my son a 19 inch color tv with a buildt in vcr a couple of months ago for his room, was cable ready and came with the remote for $10. I don't really go in there much but he really wanted another tv when his died and he just couldn't wait till i got my paycheck!

Kyla Kym
05-17-2008, 05:48 PM
I used top go to one near where we lived at the beach. I would go there and buy video games and cds and movies for the kids years ago. I think it is time for me to start checking it out again.

The one I go to, has the DVD's for $3 each. I never go through them because I'm usually looking at the jewlery, and by the time I'm done with that I'm burning up. The gals that work in there are tiny skinny, and they keep that store way to hot. I can only stand to be in there for about 20 mins then I have to leave or else start sweating. :laugh:

Congrats to the ones who have made some good finds as well. :dancing:

Kyla Kym
05-17-2008, 06:15 PM
We have a small one here in town but it's mostly used by the drug addicts. They sell all their stuff when they need drug money. I personally wouldn't buy wedding rings in one. To me that is something that each couple should get new since they are starting a new life together. No offense to anyone who has gotten theirs at one. I'm just funny about stuff like that. LOL

That's ok, I understand. That's just like some people can't stand the thought of wearing others used clothing, or buying a used car. And if you can afford it, then by all means go for the new stuff. :dancing: I've been poor to long, and I see it as a great value on a material item, rather than someone else's stuff. :) In my mind I don't let the previous owners personal baggage get attached to the item, and to me it's like new anyway. At least it's new to me. :rofl:

05-17-2008, 08:10 PM
I haven't gone to any for a really long time, but I can imagine with economy going crazy like it is now, and people needing anything from gas money to food, they are pawning a lot of their best stuff now! It may be worth going to me again---lol----except I'm probably one of the ones that need to find something to pawn.

Kyla Kym
05-18-2008, 12:23 AM
I haven't gone to any for a really long time, but I can imagine with economy going crazy like it is now, and people needing anything from gas money to food, they are pawning a lot of their best stuff now! It may be worth going to me again---lol----except I'm probably one of the ones that need to find something to pawn.

That is so true. Everything is getting so expensive. Where we live at, there is no public transportation. I have a feeling it's really going to get rough on some of the people living around here.

05-18-2008, 01:10 AM
I have honestly never been in a pawn shop in my life. But, dang!! I wanna go now! Years of bargain hunting, yard sales, CVSing etc so.... How did I ever miss the opportunities here?? Graet finds and hopefully I can find a new hobby. :dancing:

Kyla Kym
05-18-2008, 01:31 AM
I have honestly never been in a pawn shop in my life. But, dang!! I wanna go now! Years of bargain hunting, yard sales, CVSing etc so.... How did I ever miss the opportunities here?? Graet finds and hopefully I can find a new hobby. :dancing:

I hope you can find a good one in your area to go to. Be careful and leery of them though. I just lucked out and found a nice one. It's fairly new, so I'm hoping it stays a nice one. :)

05-18-2008, 07:55 AM
Not really a pawn shop shopper myself BUT thats just because I am not normally looking to buy the sort of things they have or else I sure would......I am a yard sale freak though and thrift shops

We almost bought our wedding set at a pawn shop but I didn't want to buy a so called "jinked" one from a divorce. Just a quirk of mine.

ditto lol

05-18-2008, 10:56 AM
Kyla Kym you must be related to my Brother. He always finds good deals at pawn shops. His last venture he bought a metal box - probably 12" x 12" x 36" long. The box was locked and no one had a key. He could tell it had something metal in it so he bought it for $ 20.00. Well keep in mind my brother is a diesel mechanic. He busted the lock in the shop to find a set of Snap On large size wrenches. Then he took them to work and swapped them for new ones with the Snap On salesman. He for $ 20.00 he got almost $ 800.00 of wrenches. So yeah I get dragged to pawn shops all the time with him but I never get those kinds of finds. He has the luck of the Irish in our family.