View Full Version : What Not to Wear "Worst Dressed Women in Government" 5/16 6:00 4000+ pts.

05-17-2008, 02:26 AM

What promise did Jennifer Ruth make to herself after returning from serving in Iraq?
*Would never wear brown again

What did Mai Parker say was a major requirement for her all of her outfits?
*Had to show cleavage

What did Mai Parker say a woman must do when she went out?
*Show off her assets

What did Mai Parker refuse to do when she first met up with Clinton and Stacey in New York?
*Throw away her print dress

What did Carmindy say she might have to do to Mai Parker's makeup?
*Retire her lipstick

What did Clinton and Stacey say about Jennifer Ruth's clothes?
*Made her look like a cocktail

What did Mai Parker realize about herself after Carmindy made up her face?
*Had beautiful eyes

What did Nick do to Mai Parker when she sat down at the salon?
*Told her to "unleash the beast"

What did Mai Parker say about her weekend in New York CIty?
*Was an amazing adventure

What did Melissa say about her sister Wanda Mazel's wardrobe?
*Made her look uncomfortable

What did Mai Parker say she would do with the violet shirt that Stacey and Clinton picked out for her?
*Leave it on the hanger

What did Clinton and Stacey have Mai Parker do before she went shopping in New York City?
*Research plus size stores

What did Clinton say about Mai Parker after they finished looking at clothes on the second day?
*Looked like she worked in government

What did Mai Parker do while clothes shopping that she said might upset Stacy and Clinton?
*Tried on a print dress

What was Mai Parker shown doing before her final evaluation with Stacy and Clinton?
*Spinning down street

What did Mai Parker say about her shopping experience at the end of the second day?
*Stated it was liberating experience
*Lane Bryant

What did Mai Parker do while holding a dress during her shopping spree?
*Sang into camera
*Filene's Basement

What did Stacy and Clinton do for Mai Parker at the beginning of the second day?
*Brought her a box
NOT> Westin

What did Jennifer Ruth do in her home as part of video footage?
*Placed cocktail umbrella in hair