View Full Version : Gestational Diabetes??

05-13-2008, 10:51 AM
Well I had my glucose testing done about 2 weeks ago. A week later my doctor called and told me that my sugar was a little high and that he wanted me to watch what I ate, no sugar no starches. No mention of coming in for the 3 hour test, so I figured it wasnt high enough that I had to be super duper extremely careful.

This is what happened on Saturday. Sat morning I went out to some garage sales with my niece and my sister. When I got home I was craving chocolate, so I had a glass of chocolate milk and sat down at the computer. Within 10 minutes I was feeling really weird. I started snapping at my kids, then at pretty much anything that moved. I felt like a rabid dog to tell you the truth. I was literally growling at people. The came the clammy skin and the sweating. Then my heart started freaking out. It went from palpatations to racing to skipping to very slow. I knew something was REALLY wrong at that point. I called my DH and he came running home gave me some cheese and some peanut butter and I laid down for a bit. I started feeling better but still felt off the rest of the day. Sunday I was ok and yesterday I was ok. Today I have a headache of ginormous proportions and Im craving chocolate so bad its not even funny.

Anyway, my DH called my doc yesterday and filled him in on my episode Saturday and I have to go in tomorrow for a check up. Does anyone have any experience with GD? Could this be the reason that I have been measuring so much ahead? Im a little freaked out about it, oh and my blood pressure was up at my last appointment too. Fabulous. :(

05-13-2008, 11:02 AM
I had it with my 2nd pregnancy. I gained alot of weight really fast. I found out when I was about 4-5 months along. I had to see a dietician , she basically put me on a lowcarb type diet. They call it the heart patients diet. NO startches, NO sugars and very little fruit. I could have fruit but had to measure it out such as, 5 grapes, 1/2 of a banana, 1/2 of an apple etc....

05-13-2008, 11:05 AM
Hmmm, well I have only gained 8 pounds total. He said he was surprised that it came back high because I have had no other issues at all. At least I only have 8 weeks left, because I might go a little crazy....

05-13-2008, 11:13 AM
I had a major case of it, which is funny because I have had 3 successful pregancies and only had GD with 1 of them.

Damn your doing great for only gaining 8 lbs LOL

05-13-2008, 11:46 AM
Can I just say that milk will spike your BS very high and well we all know about chocolate. Also you probally shouldnt have had cheese and PB those are also things they use to raise your BS when you are having an attack when the BS is too low. I had it with all 3 of my kids and you really should watch what you eat unless you want a really big kid. Also I dont know if they told you this or not but if you have it when you are prenant there is a very good chance of getting it later on in life.

If your BS is too low or too high you will have all those signs it almost sounds like it went up fast then dropped down to normal ranges quickly and it would make you fel that way and it sucks. Good luck and try your hardest to stick to the diet they gave you.

05-13-2008, 01:08 PM
I ended up with GD in my 7th month with both my babies. And yes you will need to watch what you eat..the baby will be bigger with GD. High glucose levels will make you feel nauseous, clammy, sweat, and be grumpy. High blood pressure goes with the GD. I went on the Richard Simmons diet. You eat 4 carbs a day, 4 ounces of meat, 2 or 3 fruits, and 3 or 4 veggies a day, and peas and corn are considered high in carbs so small measures for those.. 1 carb is 1 slice of bread, small baked potato, 1/2 cup rice..a serving of meat is 1 ounce..of turkey, chicken..A serving of fruit is a small apple, 1/2 banana or small banana. Veggie serving would be like 1/2 cup cooked broccoli...or 1 cup uncooked..also you can have 2 servings of dairy..which include 1 eight ounce glass of milk or an ounce of cheese. you will also want to lower your fat intake. Just think smaller portions and stay away from anything high in sugar. And I did end up with Diabetes at the age of 30 about a year after my last baby. Check with your doctor..he actually should have sent you to a dietician. An example of a day of meals would be like this:

Beakfast: 1 egg, a slice of toast, 1/2 banana

Snack: crackers & cheese or peanut butter

Lunch: 1 ounce of meat, 2 slices of bread, carrot sticks

Snack: small apple

Dinner: 2 ounces of meat, small baked potato, 1/2 cup cooked broccoli

Snack: 1 cup popcorn, small fruit

There are some free foods are cucumbers, pickles, lettuce, sugar free jello

Please check with your doctor ...you may need more calories than what I wrote. Hope this helps & good luck!

05-13-2008, 01:39 PM
Anig2u's diet listing is very accurate - if you have ever seen the Richard Simmons Deal a Meal kit - it is the same as the ADA exchange diet. I will say that diet is easier to stick to than many of the others that are out. Cutting carbs totally out is a huge no no for a diabetic. Carbs keep your blood glucose readings steady throughout the day.

One other thing - next time you feel like that call the Dr. THEN not a day or 2 later - Please for your own safety.

05-13-2008, 02:59 PM
This happened to me with my last baby. I went and took the test, failed it. He sent me for the 3 hour test just barely passed it but nobody thought it was of concern. I lost weight during my pregnancy. I'm talking 25 pounds. I'm a big person so it didnt hurt nothing. Then when I was 8 months pregnant. I started retaining fluid. I gained 15 pounds in a week, got sent to a specialist, blood pressure was up and they took my baby by c section. She was 3 weeks early. She weighed 9 pounds though. You cant tell it now but she did. Then 2 years later, I start feeling bad and grumpy. I had to go to the bathroom all the time and had no energy what so ever. I go to the Dr he does all kinds of tests and figures out that I'm pre diabetic. He saidthat is what caused all my problems during my pregnancy and it should have been treated then.
Peanut butter I know is something that makes your sugar go up. Mine dropped one day and I didnt know what was going on but a friend of mine has low blood sugar looked at me and knew exactly what it was. She shoved peanut butter cookies down me and made me lay down.
Be careful and call the Dr if you have another episode. Call him immediately.