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05-06-2008, 05:51 PM
but NC has shown its stupidity in the primaries today...Obama won..and no I dont like him!! NOT because he is black, but because I dont trust him, and NO I dont like Clinton either....I think :
1. SHE couldnt control her husband what makes her think she had a snowball chance in *ell...to control the country.

2. HIM - no support or allegiance to the flags of our great country and I think truly he has his own secret agenda...also I sure as heck dont want even to consider he may get his way and swear in on a Qu'ran. I think if he wins, lets just step back and say "COme on terrorists and illegals" come take over, its yours!

ok start slamming:).........:getyou

05-06-2008, 05:56 PM
I'm not gonna slam you , I totaly agree.

05-06-2008, 05:58 PM
I'm not gonna slam you , I totaly agree.

whew! I am NOT alone:)

ang in NC
05-06-2008, 06:08 PM
to each it's own, but I agree
But to add, I am not for any of the three!

05-06-2008, 06:14 PM
I don't agree. But I'm not going to slam you. I am for Obama. This country needs a change and I think he is the person to do it. I feel he is a very intelligent man that could lead our wonderful country in the right direction. Just my honest opinion.


05-06-2008, 06:15 PM

so it could be 4 more years of hell in a hand basket.

05-06-2008, 06:28 PM
I totaly agree. if you look at pictures of his office he has cuban flags all over the place. he turns his back and refuses to say the pledge of allegiance. and when he was registered in a jewish school he was registered as a muslim.

05-06-2008, 06:28 PM
we are screwed either way with any of the three so blegh

05-06-2008, 06:39 PM
I am sorry but in a relationship you arent supposed to be able to CONTROL your husband or wife but whatever. We are screwed anyway you look at it they all lie like SOBs

05-06-2008, 06:55 PM
I am sorry but in a relationship you arent supposed to be able to CONTROL your husband or wife but whatever. We are screwed anyway you look at it they all lie like SOBs

I agree, if someone wants to cheat they are going to cheat their spouse really doesn't have control over that unless they lock them up or kill them to make sure it doesn't happen :p

05-06-2008, 06:59 PM
I don't agree. But I'm not going to slam you. I am for Obama. This country needs a change and I think he is the person to do it. I feel he is a very intelligent man that could lead our wonderful country in the right direction. Just my honest opinion.


But obama keep saying change, but never says what change is!!! HE is full of sh*t. I wish people voting for him would wake up and see it!!Change can mean many things, it doesn't mean good or bad. HE NEVER SAYS what it means. I can say i will change to, but until i say how you would never know what i meant!!

05-06-2008, 07:03 PM
I don't agree. But I'm not going to slam you. I am for Obama. This country needs a change and I think he is the person to do it. I feel he is a very intelligent man that could lead our wonderful country in the right direction. Just my honest opinion.


:yeah Your honesty gave me the guts to speak up.

05-06-2008, 07:06 PM
we are screwed either way with any of the three so blegh

Ok I'll throw my hat into the race...

Don't forget to vote of Kidzpca:beamup

05-06-2008, 07:08 PM
Don't like either of them but can't stand McCain. I honestly don't care what religion Obama is nor whether or not Clinton can control her husband. (Don't understand why anyone would want to 'control' their spouse tho)

This election, to me anyway, isn't even about picking the one who will do the best job for our country, but picking the one who will do the least damage.

05-06-2008, 07:11 PM
but NC has shown its stupidity in the primaries today..

That's NC for you.

05-06-2008, 07:14 PM
I just wish Bill could run again...hehe. I loved him!!!

05-06-2008, 07:16 PM
let me amend...not per se CONTROL the spouse in the literal sense..does that clarify:)

05-06-2008, 07:22 PM
I think y'all are taking "control" out of context.

05-06-2008, 07:25 PM
I do not like him either. he calls a U.S. terrorist, "friend" then when called on it he back tracks to say "aquaintence, served on the same board. Well is it friend or aquaintence? I know the difference, why doesn't he. The Rev Wright fiasco, his misinnformation on how his Mom and dad met, etc, etc.

I also do not like Hillary, but she is who she is and we all know about her. She is not pretending to be an "everyman".

And McCain, like I have said before he is the best republican the democrats ever had.

I am against the party system anyway. It has the conotations of "gang" mentality. Why cant we find a real everyman. A citizen who wants to do what is right for the sake of doing what is right. How is it we all seem to know the difference except for those in charge. A person whom obeys the laws because they are there for a reason and we do what is right yet can also challenge that whith which is outdated or just plain wrong. Why are special laws needed for the obvious, child abductions, rape, murder etc. We always told the boys if it doesnt feel right, dont do it. If it is a little wrong, it is WRONG. There is just truth, everything else is a lie. If you withhold details, not tell the whole truth, it is a LIE.

I think we should all get into politics. Run for the library board, school board, PTA/PTC, congress etc. I know we can all do better than what we have now.

I will be running for the library board next time, 2 years, and hubby is running for congress this time.

I cahllenge you all.


05-06-2008, 08:07 PM
Ok, my two cent here....

I'm not slamming you. I don't like either one of them.
If you are against both why would you call the people from NC stupid for voting for Obama when you yourself said that she doesn't have a snowball chance in *ell...to control the country. I'm not on Obama side either. I just think that calling the people of NC names is totally uncalled for. I am from NC and I don't consider myself stupid in any way.

05-06-2008, 08:31 PM
This quote has really stuck with me from one of Obama's speeches. After hearing this, there is no way this man would ever get my vote.

'My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.' -- Barack Hussein Obama

I think there's more truth about his intentions to his statement than his supporters realize.

05-06-2008, 08:36 PM

'My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.' -- Barack Hussein Obama


That's my sig on another forum.

05-06-2008, 08:48 PM
I don't know who the hell to vote for, they are all bad choices, so I am going to vote for Hillary just to piss my husband off!:rofl:

05-06-2008, 09:25 PM
whew! I am NOT alone:)

No you aren't alone, ITA also.

Here's an Obama facts video.....interesting...


Jolie Rouge
05-06-2008, 09:38 PM

so it could be 4 more years of hell in a hand basket.

I think we are pretty much assured of that which ever of the "Big Three" gets in the Oval Office... I only wish thay had a "None of the Above" option.

Ron Paul is still not "officially" out of the Race...

05-06-2008, 11:12 PM
This quote has really stuck with me from one of Obama's speeches. After hearing this, there is no way this man would ever get my vote.

'My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.' -- Barack Hussein Obama

I think there's more truth about his intentions to his statement than his supporters realize.

I think that is taken out of context. I see complaint after complaint on this board about the way things are today in America---are you really satisfied with the status quo? It's not as if there are things about this nation that could not benefit from change. To suggest that America is perfect is obviously ridiculous, because there would be no vents or whines about the country and our government, and the evidence suggests otherwise. The climate on this board suggests that most people are NOT happy with a great deal of things are going on today. The economy, immigration policies, education, military, housing costs, are just a few of the hot button issues that have some people incensed. Now I do realize that some may feel that there is a hidden agenda, but that is subjective. I don't think the statement in and of itself is a portent of something sinister, because change can be a good thing. Personally, I kinda feel like if George Bush didn't destroy this country, no one can--but that's my opinion. I don't really expect Obama to be elected President, but if he did I don't think he would be able to move a muscle without being watched like a hawk.

In fact, I think there will be political gridlock like we've never seen, and not very much would get done at all, regardless of who is elected. Maybe I should have more faith in my fellow man than that, but people treat each other so horribly these days. In any case, more than three quarters of Americans believe in God. It would be folly to put your faith in ANY man (or woman), considering. When I was a kid and worried about anything, my Mom would always give me this quote; "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee." She would tell me that if something was bothering me so much, that it was because I was not trusting in the Lord and not keeping my mind on Him. Now decades later, I am the LAST person to be trying to preach to anybody because I am a sinner (and so ashamed...), but I do find it a little contradictive that people can get so worked up over this election and in the same breath affirm their undying faith in God.

05-06-2008, 11:16 PM
Wow, this thread gives me a little more hope in my fellow man. How anyone could vote for Clinton or Obama is beyond me. I agree that none of the 3 are the best, but I guess it's the lesser of the evils!!!!!!!

05-07-2008, 12:07 AM
Not slamming you but I like Obama I dont care what religion he is or how he eats his pancakes. Clinton has lied her butt off and Im sure he has to(i mean all politicians are liars right?) and I cannot stand Mccain. I do like Ron Paul though. Who knows.

05-07-2008, 12:17 AM
I don't like Obama or McCain. I will vote for Hillary just because I know we will also get Bill Clinton, it's a two for one deal. I don't trust Obama and with McCain , I don't want to be in war forever.

05-07-2008, 03:17 AM
Thing that scares me about Hillary and co getting elected is that it will be pay back time for all the people that screwed them the first time around...

05-07-2008, 04:00 AM
1. SHE couldnt control her husband what makes her think she had a snowball chance in *ell...to control the country.

JFK cheated on Jackie........and we treat/treated both of them like Royalty.

05-07-2008, 04:11 AM
well I never thought my voting would go this way but here goes my break down of what I will do........if it comes to Obama and McCain I will vote for McCain.........if it comes to McCain and Clinton then I will vote Clinton (I cant believe I actually said I would vote for a Clinton lol)

JFK cheated on Jackie........and we treat/treated both of them like Royalty.

oh yeah exactly JFK went down in history as being SO wonderful and truth be told you will still hear that in History books BUT do some research on your own and it doesn't even sound like the same person lol

05-07-2008, 04:28 AM
No slamming here .. I am voting McCain.

05-07-2008, 04:30 AM
Ok, my two cent here....

I'm not slamming you. I don't like either one of them.
If you are against both why would you call the people from NC stupid for voting for Obama when you yourself said that she doesn't have a snowball chance in *ell...to control the country. I'm not on Obama side either. I just think that calling the people of NC names is totally uncalled for. I am from NC and I don't consider myself stupid in any way.

Not singling..its as a "whole"...

also didnt vote for either of them..AND..I live in NC too!:)

05-07-2008, 04:31 AM
This quote has really stuck with me from one of Obama's speeches. After hearing this, there is no way this man would ever get my vote.

'My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.' -- Barack Hussein Obama

I think there's more truth about his intentions to his statement than his supporters realize.


05-07-2008, 04:32 AM
I don't know who the hell to vote for, they are all bad choices, so I am going to vote for Hillary just to piss my husband off!:rofl:


I wanted Fred Thompson

05-07-2008, 04:40 AM
No you aren't alone, ITA also.

Here's an Obama facts video.....interesting...


one word........WOW

05-07-2008, 04:43 AM
I don't care for Obama-he scares me, I don't think he will be a good president. I think he is after the title of the first black president. And I feel that we are going to be very sorry if he is elected.

I don't think that Hillary is what our country needs. I realize that we are supposed to forgive and give people a 2nd chance but she was a grown woman with a good mind when she got mixed up in that land thing so many years ago. It is that mind set that worries me. She felt it was ok to be dishonest. And she wants the title of first woman president.

Of the 3 I have heard less bad stuff about McCain. But honestly I do feel we, as a nation, are in for some rough times.

05-07-2008, 04:53 AM
I don't care for Obama-he scares me, I don't think he will be a good president. I think he is after the title of the first black president. And I feel that we are going to be very sorry if he is elected.

I don't think that Hillary is what our country needs. I realize that we are supposed to forgive and give people a 2nd chance but she was a grown woman with a good mind when she got mixed up in that land thing so many years ago. It is that mind set that worries me. She felt it was ok to be dishonest. And she wants the title of first woman president.

Of the 3 I have heard less bad stuff about McCain. But honestly I do feel we, as a nation, are in for some rough times.

And that is it in a nutshell!!!
I know America isnt perfect...but I know its MY country..therefore I will stand by her. I was in the Marine Corps, and yes harsh I know, I support the war efforts. I am sorry for those that have lost loved ones...heck I have a child serving now in the US NAVY, but we threatened and threatened and no action....its because of that that we are now in the war. If we had done what we said we were going to do and followed thru, I firmly believe we wouldnt be where we are now.

That being said, YES, I support George Bush. But mainly I SUPPORT AMERICA because its MY country. Its YOUR COUNTRY too, and for those legally here:)

ALSO, for those of you that live near a military base, whatever branch or type it is, and you get aggravated by the "loud noises"...remember this

That noise you hear...its the sound of FREEDOM!
Its the sound of those that still beleive in their country. Otherwise they wouldnt be giving their lives for it.

I am not scared to say Obama scares the **it out of me! Clinton like someone else said....its never ok to do wrong.

THANK YOU ALL for allowing me to speak. I am not known for keeping my mouth shut:)

05-07-2008, 04:57 AM
Thompson was my first choice as well. I sure was hoping he would have stuck it out. I think he would have had a chance given the 3 that are left. I am voting for none! I still going to do a write in for Fred Thompson. All 3 have done nothing but lie a bout everything and honestly, they scare the "holy moly" out of me. If Obama or Hillary get into office, Dh said he is building an underground lair and we will have it incase we need to escape.

05-07-2008, 04:57 AM
I can't stand Obama. I told Kevin if he gets elected we are moving to Canada. He scares me more than Bush. A lot of black people are going to vote for him Obama just because he's black. Not because they think he will make a better president but because of the color of his skin. I agree with Mary. I think Bill Clinton was the best president we've had in a long time. If Obama does get elected I think the people that voted for him are going to be sorry just like they were when they voted for Bush.

05-07-2008, 05:37 AM
I think Reagan was the best POTUS we've ever had. That opinion will never change, since I was in the USN when he was in office, and I saw with my own eyes the changes he implemented for US Servicemembers and their families -- no longer did they have to rely on Food Stamps and Welfare to simply SURVIVE.

As far as the 3 available presently, none of them are worth voting for, and whomever gets elected finally will spin the US into a world like we haven't seen yet.

The worst of the bunch is Obama... kind of like Kerry... he scares me too.

I am not sorry that I voted for Bush in the first term, but I am sorry I voted for him in the 2nd term.

Thompson was my first choice, but then when he dropped, Huckabee was my 2nd choice. I am not sure who I would vote for of the remaining 2 since Obama isn't even on my personal list of choices.

McCain is the best Republican the Democrats ever had.

No matter who gets elected in the fall we are in for a world of hurt.

05-07-2008, 05:46 AM
I can't stand Obama. I told Kevin if he gets elected we are moving to Canada. He scares me more than Bush. A lot of black people are going to vote for him Obama just because he's black. Not because they think he will make a better president but because of the color of his skin.

exactly......thats why so many black ppl are finally signing up to vote, I wish they had done it years ago and judged the ppl running on FACTS not color

05-07-2008, 05:59 AM
I think Reagan was the best POTUS we've ever had. That opinion will never change, since I was in the USN when he was in office, and I saw with my own eyes the changes he implemented for US Servicemembers and their families -- no longer did they have to rely on Food Stamps and Welfare to simply SURVIVE.

As far as the 3 available presently, none of them are worth voting for, and whomever gets elected finally will spin the US into a world like we haven't seen yet.

The worst of the bunch is Obama... kind of like Kerry... he scares me too.

I am not sorry that I voted for Bush in the first term, but I am sorry I voted for him in the 2nd term.

Thompson was my first choice, but then when he dropped, Huckabee was my 2nd choice. I am not sure who I would vote for of the remaining 2 since Obama isn't even on my personal list of choices.

McCain is the best Republican the Democrats ever had.

No matter who gets elected in the fall we are in for a world of hurt.

Regan was the best there was, in my opinion! I don't think there will ever be another President like him again. I really though Bush was going to try, but wow, he sure did blindside everyone. Now I can't wait for him to get out of office. I too am ashamed I voted for him not only 1 time, but both times.

Huckabee would have been a good choice as well. But Thompson I honestly think would have done some good for this country. But we will never know now.

LMAO about McCain, Dh has said the same thing. He just needs to give it up and change sides. I was once a republican and PROUD to be one. Now I am an Independent.

Dh and I have talked about this race alot. In his opinion, Ron Paul should switch to Independent and throw the race in an uproar. It’s already a circus, why not make it worse?

05-07-2008, 06:09 AM
It's all very sad -- really sad.

Especially for our family! This is the last year that our daughter will be a child, and just as I had done in the Republican Primary, I took our daughter to the polls so she could SEE FIRST HAND how to do this, I had planned to take her to the polls on voting day too...but now...I am thinking of doing something I have never done in my life -- vote for the other candidates on the ballot and not put in a vote for POTUS, and honestly, it's sad that there will not be a good example for her before she becomes a voting adult.

I guess it's hard to explain. LOL...so I will go back to my corner and drink some more coffee until I can figure out how to become a little less wordy. LOL

05-07-2008, 06:19 AM
I can't stand Obama. I told Kevin if he gets elected we are moving to Canada. He scares me more than Bush. A lot of black people are going to vote for him Obama just because he's black. Not because they think he will make a better president but because of the color of his skin. I agree with Mary. I think Bill Clinton was the best president we've had in a long time. If Obama does get elected I think the people that voted for him are going to be sorry just like they were when they voted for Bush.


05-07-2008, 06:19 AM
I think Reagan was the best POTUS we've ever had. That opinion will never change, since I was in the USN when he was in office, and I saw with my own eyes the changes he implemented for US Servicemembers and their families -- no longer did they have to rely on Food Stamps and Welfare to simply SURVIVE.

As far as the 3 available presently, none of them are worth voting for, and whomever gets elected finally will spin the US into a world like we haven't seen yet.

The worst of the bunch is Obama... kind of like Kerry... he scares me too.

I am not sorry that I voted for Bush in the first term, but I am sorry I voted for him in the 2nd term.

Thompson was my first choice, but then when he dropped, Huckabee was my 2nd choice. I am not sure who I would vote for of the remaining 2 since Obama isn't even on my personal list of choices.

McCain is the best Republican the Democrats ever had.

No matter who gets elected in the fall we are in for a world of hurt.


05-07-2008, 06:59 AM
I know that politics is one subject that people can get upset over and my husband does not talk about politics with his emplyees.

My husband told me that one of his emplyees is black and he told my husband that if Obama gets in the US will be in a lot of trouble. Not becasue of his color but because of the way Obama feels about the US and because of the ties that Obama has wiht others that do not like the US-including Wright, and because of Wrights associations with others that dislike the US.

I like the saying "you are known by the company you keep" Your friends and acquantances speak a lot about the person that you are.

OH and while I feel everyone SHOULD vote, I think if I did not vote I would still have the right to complain about what displeases me because MY TAX DOLLARS support the politicians. As long as I feed them I have the right to have a say in what goes on.

05-07-2008, 07:46 AM
McCain= Another term like Bush's present term.NO THANKS!

Obama=Honestly,I don't think he has the experience to run this country nor do I think he will run it for the benifit of the USA.

Hillary=Well, she has experience and Bill in her corner (whom I liked and voted for) I don't give a monkey F what bill did with his weiner or a cigar, he was a good presedent and the country was in a far BETTER possition then we are in now.

05-07-2008, 08:11 AM
Hillary=Well, she has experience and Bill in her corner (whom I liked and voted for) I don't give a monkey F what bill did with his weiner or a cigar, he was a good presedent and the country was in a far BETTER possition then we are in now.

yep I believe there was a HUGE difference in his personal and professional behavior.

05-07-2008, 10:54 AM
I didnt and wouldnt vote for any clinton...the credit being given him was because of what THE PREVIOUS prez did...and so on and so on..even now...and same with the bad (mostly except personal issues)

05-07-2008, 11:07 AM
I am not sure about Hillary being given a thumbs up because she has Bill in her corner. A man that takes his vows so lightly is simply untrustworthy.

Would you trust a man that ran around on his wife?
So, as far as I am concerned she should not be using this as a point in her favor.

05-07-2008, 11:21 AM
I didnt and wouldnt vote for any clinton...the credit being given him was because of what THE PREVIOUS prez did...and so on and so on..even now...and same with the bad (mostly except personal issues)

LOL, so the economy,gas prices,food prices etc. are Clinton's fault and Bush is just being blamed because Clinton was the previous president? EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING was a hell of alot better when Clinton was in office verses the jackass that's there now.

05-07-2008, 11:23 AM
I am not sure about Hillary being given a thumbs up because she has Bill in her corner. A man that takes his vows so lightly is simply untrustworthy.

Would you trust a man that ran around on his wife?
So, as far as I am concerned she should not be using this as a point in her favor.

She's not given a thumbs up because of Bill, she has more experience then Obama and unlike McCain (IMO) won't run this country on the same road as Bush has been driving us on...deep in poo.

05-07-2008, 12:31 PM
LOL, so the economy,gas prices,food prices etc. are Clinton's fault and Bush is just being blamed because Clinton was the previous president? EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING was a hell of alot better when Clinton was in office verses the jackass that's there now.

Yes, I am going to blame our economy & gas prices on clintoon. I wrote this piece in a gas thread in the vent forum the other week & of course, I killed the thread so I am just going to C&P the same reply into this thread. I am not saying that bush is going to get a free ride but there was very little he could have done to all the damage that the clintoon's left on his desk. Also, let's not forget the good ole military secrets that clintoon sold to the chinese.

Let's talk a little bit about the damage brought forth from NAFTA.

Years ago, I guess the USA was the biggest buyer of crude since we were the leaders in industry. We kind of controlled the price since we had the upper in hand.

Well, we all know & have witnessed what NAFTA & now CRAFTA has done to our manufacturing field. Yes, it was originally started by President Reagan (Yes, this was his biggest failure for the working class people IMHO) but the last nail was hammered in by bill clintoon. If I am not mistaken, this was one of the last papers he signed before leaving the White House.

You cannot hear from one feel good democrap about wanting to help the poor in other countries without thinking about the ramifications of what our help will mean, it's the bottom line. They wanted to see to it that the children of these communist countries weren't going to bed hungry. They got what they wanted & now we & our children are paying the price & it's (some of) our turn to go to bed hungry.

We are now in serious competition with N. Korea & China for the crude coming out of the middle east, we no longer can dictate what we are willing to pay. I am personally going to blame this turn of events on NAFTA & CRAFTA unless someone can prove me wrong.

Maybe the next time we, the USA, think about anyone but ourselves all aspects should be considered & smacked down. Not one country is willing to come to our aid, we see it happening everytime we have something major happen to us (IE: Katrina, the San Fran. earthquake, etc) The only need we should provide is to stop nukes getting into the hands our other countries who want to see us destroyed & that is where the help should end. That won't just benefit these poor nations but it could also mean the continuance of the USA.

The only people that have benefited from NAFTA & CRAFTA are the few 1% highest earning Americans. They are making more profit percentages than the big oil people so tell me how NAFTA benefited someone like me?

Explain to me why I am no longer able to work close to home in a trade I enjoy because it was better for me & my country to give my job to China? Explain to me why it was/is more important for a few people to reap the rewards of bringing a higher earning bracket? Explain to me how our imported sales are helping us by keeping people OUT of work. Explain to me why I went from driving a mile & a half to get to work verses driving 35 miles now (one way) is helping our economy? I only see a very selected few who is benefiting from all I have had to change. Explain to me how the people from China & N. Korea are going to help me earn a living & not go to bed hungry one day. Explain to me how these same people (the working class) are bettering their lives when we all know their regimes are the only ones who are enjoying the major rewards of the American people losing their jobs, homes & food.

05-07-2008, 05:17 PM
. A lot of black people are going to vote for him Obama just because he's black. Not because they think he will make a better president but because of the color of his skin. .

People are going to vote for him BECAUSE he is black....
People WON'T vote for him because he is black........

People will vote for Hillary BECAUSE she is a woman.....
People WON'T vote for Hillary because she is a woman.......

So no matter who wins or loses......those will always be the reasons why.

05-07-2008, 05:25 PM
I am not sure about Hillary being given a thumbs up because she has Bill in her corner. A man that takes his vows so lightly is simply untrustworthy.

Would you trust a man that ran around on his wife?
So, as far as I am concerned she should not be using this as a point in her favor.

Honestly, I could care less who Clinton does or Hilary either. Many people are very successful at business (and running the nation), who have sex with someone other than their SO. Their sex life has nothing to do with that ability.

I'll vote for the one who I think will do the best job for our country, no matter what sex or color they are, or who they do.

05-07-2008, 05:31 PM
Ok I think this year again it may be the lesser of evils. Honestly, I am having a difficult time staying with one candidate. I am not going to slam you either- I keep studying the platforms of the candidates, but know this year I will vote Democrat- just not sure for whom. I am one in need of an insurance health plan- cannot get insurance for less that 1200 a month that is any good and we make 1500. That just doean't leave enough to live on does it. So I favor one candidate for the health issues- then, on the other hand, I lean the other way. Sadly confused here.

05-07-2008, 06:10 PM
Honestly, I could care less who Clinton does or Hilary either. Many people are very successful at business (and running the nation), who have sex with someone other than their SO. Their sex life has nothing to do with that ability.

I'll vote for the one who I think will do the best job for our country, no matter what sex or color they are, or who they do.

Exactly !

05-07-2008, 06:25 PM
I can't stand Obama. I told Kevin if he gets elected we are moving to Canada. He scares me more than Bush. A lot of black people are going to vote for him Obama just because he's black. Not because they think he will make a better president but because of the color of his skin. I agree with Mary. I think Bill Clinton was the best president we've had in a long time. If Obama does get elected I think the people that voted for him are going to be sorry just like they were when they voted for Bush.

I just have to add something here. I do agree that a lot of black people are voting for Obama strictly on the basis of his skin color and I agree that it is a stupid thing to do. I'm hearing these comments repeatedly, but surely people are aware that blacks are not the only ones doing this. The racial lines have only become this clear now because this is the first presidential race in history where the front runners have not been white. If you look at the number of Democrats who are vowing to defect to the Republican party if Obama is the nominee, you could assume that they are all having a problem with his politics, but I'm guessing the reason would be a LOT simpler than that. A lot of Republicans were unhappy with Bush and McCain as the nominees, but you won't have a huge number of them threatening to vote Democrat. They will grudgingly vote along party lines and hope for the best. If the Republican front runner was black(lol), you'd be seeing the same reaction in their party. Bottom line---it is a lot easier to single out the blacks and assume that they are voting based on race than it is to discern which white voters are doing the same thing.

05-07-2008, 06:58 PM
This quote has really stuck with me from one of Obama's speeches. After hearing this, there is no way this man would ever get my vote.

'My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.' -- Barack Hussein Obama

I think there's more truth about his intentions to his statement than his supporters realize.

EXACTLY what i have been trying to get people to see!!!

05-07-2008, 07:00 PM
color or sex has no sway with me..its a TRUST issue for either obama or clinton...just no trust whatsoever no other reason.

05-07-2008, 07:29 PM
color or sex has no sway with me..its a TRUST issue for either obama or clinton...just no trust whatsoever no other reason.

Do you trust McCain?

05-07-2008, 07:33 PM
Do you trust McCain?

I know this wasn't asked of me, but wanted to say that I don't trust ANY of them very much, but I know McCain and think he's a 2-faced ass and trust him as far as I could toss him.

05-08-2008, 05:02 AM
I know this wasn't asked of me, but wanted to say that I don't trust ANY of them very much, but I know McCain and think he's a 2-faced ass and trust him as far as I could toss him.

That's my oppinion of him as well. McCain and Bush are too much alike,kind of like the same puppet different strings.

05-08-2008, 06:13 AM
I do agree with so many of you -----I do not trust any of them and I feel so strongly that we are being lied to by all 3 of them. You can't trust a liar.

05-08-2008, 06:31 AM
but NC has shown its stupidity in the primaries today...Obama won..and no I dont like him!! NOT because he is black, but because I dont trust him, and NO I dont like Clinton either....I think :
1. SHE couldnt control her husband what makes her think she had a snowball chance in *ell...to control the country.

2. HIM - no support or allegiance to the flags of our great country and I think truly he has his own secret agenda...also I sure as heck dont want even to consider he may get his way and swear in on a Qu'ran. I think if he wins, lets just step back and say "COme on terrorists and illegals" come take over, its yours!

ok start slamming:).........:getyou

Slam you?? No way! I'm in total agreement and scared of what's in store!

05-09-2008, 06:38 AM
Vote for Colbert.....
