View Full Version : Any ex smokers?

05-03-2008, 08:46 AM
I have been smoking for 15yrs, my husband, well lets just say longer. Anyway, I have set my mind to quitting and hes getting there. I would like to know if any of you ex smokers have an hints, tips etc. I tried patches when they came out over 10 yrs ago an still wanted to smoke with them on. So I can use any hints you guys have or info at all! Thanks in advance!

05-03-2008, 08:54 AM
My husband and I are both Ex smokers, we tried it all, and we quit cold turkey...

We just didn't go buy anymore. It was one of the hardest things my husband ever did, for me it wasn't so bad, but we did it. Its been 4 yrs for my husband and I did relapse for about 3 mts about 3 yrs ago. So its been about 3 for me.

I still feel like having a cigarette now and again, but I just put it in my mind I cannot, now we belong to a church that doesn't believe in smoking, and I couldn't imagine not going to church becuase of it. (not that you cant go, its just I wouldn't want to go if I smoked.)

Not much help I know! LOL The best advice is to just find something else to do with your lips and fingers, my husband used sunflower seeds. I chose gum.

05-03-2008, 08:58 AM
I too am an ex smoker and haven't looked back! I feel so much better in that respect but have gained weight- I can't stand being around cigarette smoke. I too went cold turkey- I don't even know if they had the patch when I quit...

05-03-2008, 09:01 AM
I quit cold turkey almost 6 years ago.. My dh doesn't smoke and I used to smoke when He would go back to MD for work.. On Thanksgiving break he took 2 weeks out of work so I didn't smoke at all.. After that 2 weeks I tried to light one up and I gagged. That was it for me..

My advice is to surround yourself with people who don't smoke and maybe that will stop the urge...

I did try the patch 8 years ago but I was allergic to i and it made me sick and i turned into the ***** from hell..

05-03-2008, 09:07 AM
I smoked for almost 25 yrs and quit a yr ago last nov. I prepared myself by picking a date. I made sure to only have enough cigarettes to get me to that date. When it got here, I smoked every last cigarette in my pack. It was 7pm nov 9th 2006 when they were gone, and I was done. I used the nicorette fruit chill gum I got from the bzz campaign I was doing. I also had hard candies. It was the easiest thing I have ever done. I think it was because I was so ready to quit it didn't really bother not to smoke. I did think I would love to have a cigarette the first year, but the feeling never lasted very long. Now I never even think about them and I can't stand to be around people that smoke....they STINK!! LMAO sorry!! Just prepare and make sure your ready..it will make it so much easier for you. Good luck!!

05-03-2008, 09:27 AM
For me, I had to decide to TELL MYSELF that I needed to be done. That I was going to die if I didnt quit. I told myself how disgusting they were, they smelled horrible. They made me feel sick. A mind-game more or less. The first couple of days on the patches were bad, yes I still did want to smoke. It was hard but I got through it.

This is most definately something you CAN DO!!!! Play whatever mind games you have to on yourself, you are worth it!!

Big big congrats on making this decision, I wish you the best!!!

05-03-2008, 09:42 AM
I smoked for a little over 10 years. I quit 5 years ago on Valentine's Day. It was not planned. I got abad case of pharangitis and Adam had to rush me to the ER because my throat was closing in and I was having trouble breathing. I couldn't smoke a single cigarette for a week (believe me, if I could have, I would have--I had smoked through numerous bouts of bronchitis before) and I lit one up the day I started feeling better (Valentine's Day). It was DISGUSTING. I gagged and never picked one up again. There are times I still get that tightness in my chest and a little anxiety and I really want one, but I just tell myself that it would be SO HARD to quit again. When I quit I knew I'd want to do so soon anyway because I didn't want to smoke through pregnancy or after my children were born. I'm not one of those people who can smoke socially and then go back to being a non-smoker the rest of the time. If I pick one up I WILL smoke again. I try to stay as far as I can from them (the best I can, anyhow as I have a lot of family that smokes) and the smell really bothers me now.


05-03-2008, 10:18 AM
I quit cold turkey about 8 years ago. I went into the store to buy some and they had raised the cigarette tax and I just decided it was not worth it and didn't buy anymore. I must agree with the others that I hate being around people that smoke and I can't stand the smell. But just remember this is something you need to do for yourself and you will be so glad you did it in the future.

05-03-2008, 11:01 AM
DH used Chantix. It worked great for him. He quit Dec10th and hasn't smoked one since.

The Chantix did make his stomach upset but the side effects are worth the years he added to his life.

You can do it!!

05-03-2008, 11:04 AM
Smoke free 3.5 years now. I quit cold turkey. I just put my mind to it and quit.

05-03-2008, 11:05 AM
READ a book called Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr. Even just search the book and read the reviews it will astound you. I quit after 31 yrs just by reading the book..I swear. Its a miracle book. I have been smoke free for over 3 yrs now.

05-03-2008, 12:30 PM
Ex-smoker here... A little over seven years now, and, I smoked 26 years. I just laid them down... and after a little blood, sweat and tears, I never smoked again, in fact, they're GROSS ! I only realized after quitting how bad I smelled to others ! I mean... smokers smell like old ashtrays !! I did too !

After quitting, we even bought new mattress/box springs, 'cause the others, well, they smelled !

I kept a pack of smokes in the garage for 'emergencies'... an emergency was any situation where I 'thought'; I 'had' to have a smoke. I did it a few times... ran out there, usually crying (cause dealing with emotions is different without smokes), and fired one up, would take one drag, get kinda dizzy... and say to myself "You wuss, this is NOT what you want !", then, I'd stomp it out. After about a month of that.......... I threw the remaining ciggs away... and, have never fired up another.

It is so freeing ! Not only that......... but, all the sudden your entire life is CALMER ! I was a hard core smoker... I know that everywhere a smoker goes, works, visits etc... is all about if you can smoke or not. So now, when eating out, visiting, being in lines indoors is no big deal, 'cause my fear of not having that smoke when I want it, is gone.

It's one of the best things I ever did... quitting that is.

Only now do I wish my parents would have broken my fingers when they caught me smoking. Could have avoided YEARS of damage to my lungs, saved tons of money, and, never go through the pains of quitting.

05-03-2008, 01:02 PM
Wow congrats to all of you that quit, especially cold turkey! It kills me, so far I have been able to space out how often I smoke, an been stretching that each time I go, we dont smoke around the kids, always outside so stretching the time between them is easier knowing I have things to do inside that stop me from running out the door. I need and want to quit its just VERY hard for me, every family member i have smokes, including my sweet husband who smokes almost twice as much as me. I dont know if I;ll make it this time but Im gonna try! If at first you dont succeed..................

05-03-2008, 01:18 PM
I tried a few times then got up one morning, smoked one and decided that was it. I had a few rough days but once I got through the fourth day I was over the physical part. The one thing that kept me off them was the thought of how bad I would smell if I ever started back. I did not realize until I quit how bad smokers smell. I've had people tell me "the people at work don't know I smoke." Yeah, they do. They really do. Now it gags me to have a smoker around.

DH didn't quit until nearly three years after me and it was always a problem. Even after a shower and brushed teeth he still had an odor. He gets a lot more cuddling now that he's a non-smoker.

05-03-2008, 03:02 PM
I quit last year with Chantix -- it works WONDERFULLY.

I did quit taking the medication about 2 weeks after I started, because, it worked THAT WELL... but then I fell off the wagon and started smoking again!

So I have a new script for the Chantix and will take it for the recommended full 3 months and will be quitting FOREVER!

05-03-2008, 03:12 PM
May 1 just marked my 14yrs since I quit. I went cold turkey also. Used a rubber band on my wrist and whenever I got the urge, I'd snap. There for a while I'd hafta snap the dang thing like 4 or 5x but it worked!

Havent looked back either.

Good luck.

05-03-2008, 03:15 PM
I quit last year with Chantix -- it works WONDERFULLY.

I did quit taking the medication about 2 weeks after I started, because, it worked THAT WELL... but then I fell off the wagon and started smoking again!

So I have a new script for the Chantix and will take it for the recommended full 3 months and will be quitting FOREVER!

The chantix, thats the newer drug correct? I think thats the one my mom wanted an it was over $100 a month? And insurance will not cover a penny?

05-03-2008, 05:43 PM
DH used Chantix. It worked great for him. He quit Dec10th and hasn't smoked one since.

The Chantix did make his stomach upset but the side effects are worth the years he added to his life.

You can do it!!

Chantix works if you WANT to quit, but you have to continue taking it.

Side effects, your DH got lucky. I had a pt. end up in ER from chest pains, passing out and other problems.

To me the side effects out way the good effects it is to have. Better to get your brain triggered in other ways.

05-03-2008, 05:52 PM
I quit last year with Chantix -- it works WONDERFULLY.

I did quit taking the medication about 2 weeks after I started, because, it worked THAT WELL... but then I fell off the wagon and started smoking again!

So I have a new script for the Chantix and will take it for the recommended full 3 months and will be quitting FOREVER!

I wish you lived closer we would have talked about that. You didn't fall of the wagon. Its an effect that Chantix has.

Yes you do quit, why... because those pills are releasing Endorphins. The same reaction as lighting a cig. So you feel great after so many weeks that many people stop taking them, and return to smoking within a short time.

I have had many of patients do this, if they are sick of all the side effects.
I also had a patient that has been on the pills for over 9 months, and as soon as he was off . Guess what he did.... He smoked. His dr. told him he could be on them for a long time....

05-03-2008, 06:55 PM
I quit last year with Chantix -- it works WONDERFULLY.

I did quit taking the medication about 2 weeks after I started, because, it worked THAT WELL... but then I fell off the wagon and started smoking again!

So I have a new script for the Chantix and will take it for the recommended full 3 months and will be quitting FOREVER!

How expensive is that stuff? I MUST quit, but am a hard core smoker.(over two and a half packs a day) My mother has been ill and if she dies there isn't anyone I trust to raise my kids if I die so I must stop. I am panicking just typing this... and yes I lit up before starting. Unfortunately I am also very poor so cost is a factor. What kind of doctor can prescribe it. Do I have to find a shrink or can a regular md deal with smoking cesasion?

05-03-2008, 08:20 PM
I quit in November by using Chantix too! It worked GREAT for me!! I didn't have any crazy withdrawls or cravings. I done great on it. I took it the full 12 weeks, as recommended. I did get a little sick to my stomach, with my evening pill only. I would eat bread (someone here told me to do that) and it helped alot but sometimes I would still feel it a little. So, after about a month, I quit taking my evening pill and only took the morning pill and still was able to quit. The morning pill never made me sick though. Not sure why.

My insurance paid most of it for me, I only had to pay a $25 copay for mine. Some insurance will not pay for it though. You will need to check with yours. Even if you have to pay a little over $100 for it its still worth it, cigs are about that much anyway, depending on how much you smoke.

Good luck to those who are wanting/trying to quit. I had smoked for 20 years and couldn't even picture myself with smoking but I done it. I wanted to quit though. I just got sick of it. Although I really ejoyed it, all at the same time. Crazy I know. lol But thats how it was for me. Now, I can pick a smoker out just by walking by them or standing near them. The smell is so strong on people and I never noticed it much before because I smoked too.

Anyway, I'm tired and just rambling on and on now. lol Good luck yall!

05-03-2008, 08:21 PM
How expensive is that stuff? I MUST quit, but am a hard core smoker.(over two and a half packs a day) My mother has been ill and if she dies there isn't anyone I trust to raise my kids if I die so I must stop. I am panicking just typing this... and yes I lit up before starting. Unfortunately I am also very poor so cost is a factor. What kind of doctor can prescribe it. Do I have to find a shrink or can a regular md deal with smoking cesasion?

My regular doctor gave me the meds. The cost will depend on your insurance. Mine paid almost all of mine but some insurances won't pay anything. Contact yours and ask them about it. Good luck!! :)

05-03-2008, 11:04 PM
I had no bad symtoms with it at all --

in the very beginning I did have vivid dreams, but those went away in like a week.

3 months is the longest you can be on it. I fell off the wagon because I wasn't on it long enough AND dh decided it would be "ok" to smoke around me!!

my insurance covers my chantix -- so for me, it's $30 out of pocket each month, and that's fine with me. :)

If Chantix is not covered, you might want to ask your doctor if either Zyban or Wellbutrin XL are covered...as both help with smoking cessation.

A word of warning on the Zyban -- it does work BUT... when I was taking it, I never wanted to sleep! I was perpetually on the go, and more than a few times, I was scrubbing our kitchen floor with a toothbrush...

Our insurance quit covering the Zyban, but put Chantix in it's place.

05-03-2008, 11:09 PM
How expensive is that stuff? I MUST quit, but am a hard core smoker.(over two and a half packs a day) My mother has been ill and if she dies there isn't anyone I trust to raise my kids if I die so I must stop. I am panicking just typing this... and yes I lit up before starting. Unfortunately I am also very poor so cost is a factor. What kind of doctor can prescribe it. Do I have to find a shrink or can a regular md deal with smoking cesasion?

Because smoking is bad for your oral health too, your dentist can prescribe Chantix, your oral surgeon can prescribe it, your OBGYN can prescribe it and your General Practitioner can prescribe it.

No need for a shrink.

When taking Chantix -- make sure that you take it in the right "space" time (once in the morning then 12 hours--no sooner--later)...also make sure that you eat a full meal before you take the medicine! It CAN give you an upset stomach if you dont. (Oatmeal in the morning works pretty good...stuff like French Toast works better).

05-03-2008, 11:43 PM
Oh, ya know, I didn't mention that my hubster quit with Zyban... (he quit one year before me) an Rx medication... and, our insurance didn't cover it either, but, good news ! Zyban is Wellbutrin ! And, Wellbutrin is covered by insurance !

Zyban is it's 'real' name, and, Wellbutrin is it's generic name. They are the exact same drug...Odd eh ? Worth a shot, it worked great for him !

05-04-2008, 09:03 AM
Because smoking is bad for your oral health too, your dentist can prescribe Chantix, your oral surgeon can prescribe it, your OBGYN can prescribe it and your General Practitioner can prescribe it.

No need for a shrink.

When taking Chantix -- make sure that you take it in the right "space" time (once in the morning then 12 hours--no sooner--later)...also make sure that you eat a full meal before you take the medicine! It CAN give you an upset stomach if you dont. (Oatmeal in the morning works pretty good...stuff like French Toast works better).chantix causes nightmares,I dont recommend it.My dad died as a result of smoking.

05-04-2008, 09:48 AM
3 months is the longest you can be on it. .

You can be on it longer then 3 months. Just depends if your Dr. will write it for longer.

05-04-2008, 10:21 AM
My husband and I just quit cold turkey. My daughter a teenager at the time
started leaving notes on the ash trays. "Cigarettes cause lung cancer." One day she said "Mom, if you and Dad got lung cancer who would take care of us?" That was a sobering thought. That was what I needed to make me stop.

05-04-2008, 10:48 AM
This may will make 4 yrs quit for me. Go to Whyquit.com and read some of their stories, that is one of the things that i did after I quit.

I have a list of things that i did to lead up to quitting. THe first thing I did was stop smoking where it was comfortable. not in the car not in the house I chose under a tree in my back yard and that was the only place I would smke. I would not do anything else while I smoked I would not drink coffee or soda or tea or not even talk on the phone. That broke a lot of association habits.

After about 2 weeks of that I started noticing I was not smoking as much and eventually it got down to 5 or 6 a day and i was not missing the ones I was not smoking. I was a 2 pack a day smoker and had smoked for almost 40 yrs. I started when I was 14.

Let me find my tips and I will come back and post them.

05-04-2008, 12:31 PM
Some of these tips I found out about by trying them out and some of them I researched and asked people about. These tips are the ones that worked best for me.

First thing is I started smoking outside and not associate smoking with anything ,I did not smoke and drink coffe or anything else.

You are going to want to smoke, admit it, and just go on from there. I had a pack of those little straws with the coolade stuff in them and those helped with the hand mouth movement. Drink lots of water and lots of orange juice, the water flushes toxins from your body and so does the orange juice and the orange juice starts replacing vitamin c that smoking leeches from the body.

When you want a cigarette then you have to do something else to get your mind off of it. The craving does not last but about 3 minutes then it leave. It will come back but again it does not last but about 3 minutes. And the cravings get farther and farther apart.

Find something to do with your hands, like crochet, needlepoint, gameboy, anything that is different from what you have been doing. Try to pinpoint your trigger points and then try to change them.

My worst time was after eating . So after meals I would get a bottle of water and go for a short walk around my house . Then I started coming to the computer and playing at pogo. Just anything to break the habits.

When I told my dh I was quitting he never smoked in the house again. And it is only in the last couple of weeks that he will smoke in the truck if we are going somewhere. Then he puts the window down a bit, but it no longer entices me, I don't pay it any attention.

When I want a cigarette, I tell myself sharply NO-I DON'T SMOKE ANY MORE. I know that sounds stupid but the sound of my voice out loud kinda reinforces me.

Also I had read that the hand to mouth hand movement is a hard habit to break and the person said to make your smoking hand into a fist. And at the place where your thumb curls around place your mouth and inhale , hold the breath and then exhale. And that would relieve some of the urge. I thought the only thing this would do would be to make me look stupid, but I was willing to give it a chance so, I did it and it does help a little.

When I quit smoking I had already cut back a little and had already started to drink water and Orange juice, and had started smoking outside,then I got up on May 7 and never smoked at all.

Oh another thing that helped for about 3 months Dh gave me the cigarette money. And I kept it and I would look at it when the urge would get bad.

I know this is long but one more thing, I have read that people that exercise have a higer chance of quitting smoking than those that do not exercise.

I think 3 to 6 days is all it takes for the nicotine to get out of your body, and after that it is just habit that makes you want a cigarette. So you need to figure out what you can do to break the habits.

I can't think of anything else. I hope some of this helped you, if you need to ask me anything or just talk then just pm me I check in here several times a day.

05-04-2008, 02:34 PM
I quit twice. First time was the day my son was born (I know....I know, I smoked while prego) I was soooo overcome with guilt for doing so that I quit that day...for 2.5 yrs until I got dumb and "just wanted one". One turned into about 4 more years of smoking. I got pregnant again. And cont. to smoke again. Until month 7, I got bronchitis soooo bad that I couldn't inhale and that was it. Haven't had one since. DS2 is now almost 2, so we are going on 2.5 yrs. I won't be stupid again and have "just one"

05-04-2008, 03:40 PM
My husband and I just quit cold turkey. My daughter a teenager at the time
started leaving notes on the ash trays. "Cigarettes cause lung cancer." One day she said "Mom, if you and Dad got lung cancer who would take care of us?" That was a sobering thought. That was what I needed to make me stop.

awwww! Cant ya just feel the love there? Thanx for sharing that!

05-04-2008, 09:21 PM
I have never had the habit, but everyone i know that has quit says that cold turkey is the easiest way to go.

05-05-2008, 07:21 AM
I had to quit smoking. Back in October I was in a bad car wreck and was in the hospital for a month. So basically I was able to get it out of my system while I was in there under some good pain meds. Also while I was in there they had some vacuum thing hooked to my lungs for a couple of days to clean them. My right lung colapsed during the accident along with several broken ribs so at first I had a hard time breathing then because of all the pain I just quit breathing on my own so they of course had machines breathing for me and worked on getting my lungs in better shape. After all that and under advice of doctors telling me when I got released my lungs were still healing and not to smoke, I didn't. Thats the only good thing from that accident. Sometimes I get the urge if I get stressed so I just distract myself with something. Also think of the money you will save. I splurge on stuff I love like candles without feeling guilty because I'm not even spending close to what I would if I was buying cigaretts. Also I smell and feel better.

05-05-2008, 07:27 AM
My husband and I are both Ex smokers, we tried it all, and we quit cold turkey...

We just didn't go buy anymore. It was one of the hardest things my husband ever did, for me it wasn't so bad, but we did it. Its been 4 yrs for my husband and I did relapse for about 3 mts about 3 yrs ago. So its been about 3 for me.

I still feel like having a cigarette now and again, but I just put it in my mind I cannot, now we belong to a church that doesn't believe in smoking, and I couldn't imagine not going to church becuase of it. (not that you cant go, its just I wouldn't want to go if I smoked.)

Not much help I know! LOL The best advice is to just find something else to do with your lips and fingers, my husband used sunflower seeds. I chose gum.

I quit the same way. I haven't smoked in over 10 years. I ran out of cigarettes one day and never bought anymore. I guess I wasn't addicted to it because I never had cravings or anything like that.

05-05-2008, 07:48 AM
Thank you all for your stories and assistance, I know I"ll be on here soon saying someone talk to me pleaseeeeeeeeee!! I have started today with spacing them farther apart and keeping myself busy with housework and the kids, hopefully I wont smoke again until they take naps which is another 3 hrs away. I have been up for 4 hours and had 2 today, now that I'm home not in the car which allows me time to smoke I know I can spread it out a good bit farther. Up until last week it was about 1 an hour, last week I began spacing them out farther, making myself wait, hopefully this week I can go 3hrs + before smoking!!!!

05-05-2008, 09:18 AM
I haven't smoked since 4/14/08- some people who smoke don't smell and some people who smoke has an odor that will bowl you over. I have bit off all of my nails.I do eat a little more.I didn't use gum or candy. Just cold turkey.