View Full Version : fashion help

05-03-2008, 06:27 AM
OK I need some help. Im having the hardest time trying to find an image of this dress. Let me see if I can explain this, and please oh please hopefully someone will know right where to look to find it.

Its a white silk-type dress. Its like a halter-top, the strap goes around the neck. The strap is a pink sequin type that comes down right below the bustline and the dress is "free flowing" but not too loose, and not too long. about knee length.

I swear i've seen the dress before, like on Paris Hilton or something but I cant find it anywhere. I've searched last night and for the last hour and a half. I dont know my fashion that well so that makes it even harder LOL
Does anyone have a clue about what im talking about?
This is a huge "shot in the dark" but worth asking. Thanx a bunch.

05-03-2008, 07:19 AM
I did a google search for: halter dress pink paris hilton and it brought up a ton of things. looked at the dresses and there's diff ones. so try that.

05-03-2008, 07:30 AM
Thank you, tried that earlier and just went back, nope not there.

Im really hoping this will "ring a bell" with someone and they'll know. Believe me, im searching and searching, I cant even find the top area that im looking for, at least if I found that then the rest would fall into place.

05-03-2008, 09:39 AM
OK well can anyone who's got fashion sense help me figure out what to put into the search box? Does this sound like a prom dress? Is it a "halter top"? What about "babydoll" dress? Im so fashion stupid lol so it doesnt help.

Any idea on what to search for?

05-03-2008, 09:44 AM
I "think" I know the dress you mean, is it similar to this one?


I think they are called "trapeze" dressess...

05-03-2008, 09:54 AM

or like this?

05-03-2008, 10:03 AM
Neither one of those, it more "accentuates" the breasts. Kind of like a Marilyn Monroe type deal, where it goes around the neck, comes down to right below the breasts.
But, free flowing under the breasts like those dresses.

I'll go search for dresses like those, thank you!!

05-03-2008, 10:35 AM
Is this closer to the look?

http://shop.nordstrom.com/S/2966337/0~2376776~2374327~2374331~6014190?mediumthumbnail= Y&origin=category&searchtype=&pbo=6014190&P=1

05-03-2008, 10:38 AM
Maybe like this?


05-03-2008, 10:41 AM
or this?

http://shop.nordstrom.com/S/2978534/0~2376776~2374327~2374331~6014190?mediumthumbnail= Y&origin=category&searchtype=&pbo=6014190&P=2

05-03-2008, 10:46 AM
Those are some-what close.

Thank you for looking, I dont think im going to find it anytime soon though.

Kyla Kym
05-03-2008, 12:03 PM
Is it anything like any of these?
Because from your description, I'm picturing something like the famous Marilyn Monroe dress.

victorias secret (http://www2.victoriassecret.com/collection/index.cfm?&rfnbr=2667&cgname=OSCLODRSVIL&cgnbr=OSCLODRSVIL&page=all&cm_mmc=Google-_-Clothing%20III_Dresses-_-exact-_-halter%20dresses)

kohls dresses (http://www.kohls.com/kohlsStore/juniors/dressesjumpers/dresses.jsp?bmForm=guided_nav_search&SubcatFolderID=2534374752619885&prtID=pfxgoogle&cm_mmc=Performics-_-SearchPaid-_-Google-_-halter%20dresses)

Fredrick's (http://www.fredericks.com/category.asp?catalog%5Fname=Holiday2002&category%5Fname=Clothing-Party&Page=1)

Hotflash (http://www.hotfash.com/Halter_Dresses.html)

05-03-2008, 12:21 PM
So far this one is somewhat close, http://www.fredericks.com/product.asp?catalog%5Fname=Holiday2002&category%5Fname=Clothing-Party&product%5Fid=20572
but imagine the top part around the neck being outlined by a different color. The dress being white but being outlined by pink.

05-03-2008, 12:40 PM

Like this one kinda but with pink sequences lining it?

05-03-2008, 12:51 PM
Yes except its not tight in the stomach, right under the bust line it goes to the 'free flowin" type thing.

who woulda thought it would be so hard LOL

05-03-2008, 02:10 PM



05-03-2008, 02:13 PM


That first one is somewhat close.

I just cant believe I cant find that specific dress anywhere. Amazing isnt it?

Thank you all so much for looking!!

05-03-2008, 02:33 PM
Girl it drives me nuts when I cant find or remember something.
I saw the thread when you 1st posted it and I've beeb lookingfor the dress off and on.

05-03-2008, 02:36 PM
Girl it drives me nuts when I cant find or remember something.
I saw the thread when you 1st posted it and I've looked off and on.

At this point I dont think im going to find it. I've spent all total 3 and a half hours searching online miscelanious pictures. I cant find anything top half wise that fits it right. Some stuff has been 'close" but not close enough.

I swear it was Paris who I saw wearing it. I think it was on one of those shows about rich celebs or something, she was heading to a club or something. I may be totally off my rocker.

Gosh this sucks so bad LOL Thank you so much for helping me look though.

05-03-2008, 08:13 PM
I haven't given up yet...hehe. I know this isn't it but is it close??? I am enjoying this...hehe.

05-03-2008, 08:23 PM
Go to Paris's myspace page, look at her pics. On page 2 she is in a white halter dress is this it???

05-03-2008, 08:27 PM

05-03-2008, 08:32 PM

05-04-2008, 05:00 AM
Thank you YankeeMary, none of them are it, although this one is the closest I think.

05-04-2008, 05:32 AM
didn't look at the pictures posted her so you might have seen this one.

05-04-2008, 05:50 AM
other than the color and no sequins, is this the style you are talking about?


Or this one: http://www.kaboodle.com/reviews/love-tease-beaded-halter-dress

05-04-2008, 06:24 AM
other than the color and no sequins, is this the style you are talking about?


Or this one: http://www.kaboodle.com/reviews/love-tease-beaded-halter-dress

Thank you, yes thats almost identical to the style I want. Make it white and sequins in pink outlining and that would be it!! Thank you again!!

05-04-2008, 07:02 AM
OK, I think I got it, Paris wears alot of TRICIA FIX clothing, I checked her website and there are alot of dresses in that style, maybe she had it custom made , look at her collections, she also wears LOTTA STENSSON


on the above link, scroll through the PRESS section, the second to the last image looks close to what you sound like you want, also look at FALL collection image # 54

05-04-2008, 07:28 PM
try this... they are cheap too!


05-05-2008, 04:17 AM
Thank you again everyone. Who woulda known it'd be so hard LOL