View Full Version : Jkat...in here

Urban Cowgirl
03-09-2008, 05:43 PM
Wondering how Ahren is measuring up? I cannot believe how big Anya is. Twice in the store the other day someone said to me...How old is she, 6 months?? I said, " no three months." Both times their eyes got so big I thought they would fall out of their head. Not sure if she really is measuring huge for her age, but she sure seems it compared to how my dd or my niece or nephew measured.

Then at Walmart a lady over heard me telling Anya that we were gonna have a problem with her putting things in her mouth (didn't have that problem with Chloe, Everything goes right to Anya's mouth). The woman looked at Anya and then at me and said, "Well she likes to eat!!" LMAO Good thing I don't get easily offended!

Urban Cowgirl
03-10-2008, 06:28 AM
bumping in case she missed

03-10-2008, 06:49 AM
Up again....

03-10-2008, 08:07 AM
The woman looked at Anya and then at me and said, "Well she likes to eat!!" LMAO Good thing I don't get easily offended!

I get that all the time with my youngest he is short and chubby he weighs more than his sister who is almost 13 months older than him

03-10-2008, 08:16 AM
LOL I get it the other way. I have a 2 year old that only weighs 22 pounds. She eats but has a very high energy level. I hear all the time from people Does your mommy not feed you? She eats believe me. LOL She can eat 2 hotdogs. You would think she would be bigger but nope. She literally is moving all the time.

Urban Cowgirl
03-10-2008, 08:50 AM
LOL I get it the other way. I have a 2 year old that only weighs 22 pounds. She eats but has a very high energy level. I hear all the time from people Does your mommy not feed you? She eats believe me. LOL She can eat 2 hotdogs. You would think she would be bigger but nope. She literally is moving all the time.

Wow 2 hot dogs!!! LOL Maybe she'll be lucky and always have a fast metabolism......I swear mine slowed down the second I got married!! LOL

03-10-2008, 09:24 AM
Wow 2 hot dogs!!! LOL Maybe she'll be lucky and always have a fast metabolism......I swear mine slowed down the second I got married!! LOL

Mine has always been slow and so is my oldest. She is content to sit and watch tv or play barbies. She will go outside and swing for hours. My 2 year old on the other hand will not sit in one place more than 5 mins. She is like her Daddy. My hubby has a fast metabolism. He is always moving like her.
When we eat at Mcdonalds she gets the mighty kids meal with 6 nuggets and most of the time she eats them all plus her fries.
I keep a little girl during the day that loves to eat. She would eat all day long if you would allow her to. It shows to though. She is chunky. Hers is just from eating cause she loves it. LOL

03-10-2008, 11:09 AM
Hello! Sorry, I've been at work...which consisted of meetings all morning long. I'm home now, baking a cake for my sister's birthday and then I'm off to another meeting for work at 4! ANYHOOO, I'm not sure where he is as far as percentiles right now, but the last time he was weighed was February 15th and he was 13lbs, 10oz. I'm quite sure he's over 14lbs now. He eats soooo much, just like his big brother! I'll post a new pic soon. Just gotta get some work done first!

03-10-2008, 11:58 AM
my 8 yr old was always huge. he is 4'11 and weighs 98 pounds mommy is only 5'1 ughhhhh lol

he was a premie and was 7 lbs 7 oz adn 21 inchs

03-10-2008, 05:03 PM
A premie is 7lbs 7ozs? Christ my DD was less then that when she was born but hell she is 5'8"now

03-10-2008, 05:17 PM
A premie is 7lbs 7ozs? Christ my DD was less then that when she was born but hell she is 5'8"now

he was due sept 30 but went into labor aug 21 born aug 22
so he was more than a month early so they called him a large premie lol

Urban Cowgirl
03-10-2008, 05:26 PM
Anya is not due for an appt. till April 4th. But I weighed myself today and then weighed myself holding her and the difference was 14.5 lbs....While i know the home scale probably is not entirely accurate its pretty close. She just turned 3 months on March 4th!!!

Jamie how do I get some of that cake?? I am melting away here! Down 40.5 lbs from a year ago.

03-11-2008, 11:40 AM
A premie is 7lbs 7ozs? Christ my DD was less then that when she was born but hell she is 5'8"now

She's 5'8' now??! She's taller than me!

03-11-2008, 11:42 AM
Jamie how do I get some of that cake?? I am melting away here! Down 40.5 lbs from a year ago.

C'mon over! lol There's none of THAT cake here (I sent it home with my mom for my sister), but we do still have leftovers from Adam's cake (his bday was last Monday, but we didn't have his party til Weds.). :)

03-11-2008, 11:49 AM
my 8 yr old was always huge. he is 4'11 and weighs 98 pounds mommy is only 5'1 ughhhhh lol

he was a premie and was 7 lbs 7 oz adn 21 inchs

My son weighed the exact same and was almost 5 weeks early! My Dr said he would have easily been 9+ if I had went full term.

03-11-2008, 06:06 PM
Rose weighed 9 lbs at birth. She was 3 weeks early. She only weighs 22lbs now.

Urban Cowgirl
03-11-2008, 06:32 PM
She's 5'8' now??! She's taller than me!

Everyone is taller than me!!! Only 5'3" here...I think both of my girls will grow up to be taller than me....I hope so anyway.

03-11-2008, 06:36 PM
Everyone is taller than me!!! Only 5'3" here...I think both of my girls will grow up to be taller than me....I hope so anyway.

Not me only 5' here

03-11-2008, 06:41 PM
My son weighed the exact same and was almost 5 weeks early! My Dr said he would have easily been 9+ if I had went full term.

yea they said jr would have been 10 to 11 punds full term my hubby was 10 pounds 9 oz natural props to my m.i.l

03-11-2008, 07:03 PM
She's 5'8' now??! She's taller than me!

Yes she is and she is mad that she isnt going to be 5'10" the endo doc said maybe 5'9" tops she will be 15 in july and trust me she has all ready passed me in tallness I have to look up to her :rofl:

03-11-2008, 07:57 PM
My oldest son was 5#6oz at 8 mths and now 5'11". Younger son was 5# at 8 mths and is 6'1". Both were healthy babies and very bright aka smart asses, clowns, joksters!!!!!!!!!:rofl: