View Full Version : owww it hurts

03-09-2008, 06:21 AM
had to move my car yesterday to get 10 ton of gravel dropped inmy driveway well hubby moved the mustang and work van i movedmy car up onto teh top of the hill and when i was walking down the hill i fell and landed on my back and shoulder the left side from my neck to my mid back is swelled it freakin hurts so bad........and helping hubby pull up the old subfloor on the bbays room isnt helping and today is lay new floor and hang drywall day... ughhhhh

it want the pain to go away

03-09-2008, 06:45 AM
Want me to step on your toes? (to take your mind of of it) Hope ya feel better soon, try a hot bath.

03-09-2008, 08:52 AM
Sweetie please be careful take it easy you cant be getting hurt while pregnant , rest up today and have DH do the baby's room.


03-09-2008, 11:56 AM
he has been the hard stuff im doing the easy stuff handing off tools and my best friend is helping alot so i have been making party favors today for the baby shower but even that hurts we jsut got done laying the sub floor and are on a 3 hour break lol/.

03-09-2008, 02:25 PM
try to put some heat on it if you can. If you don't have a traditional heating pad take a sock and put rice in it and heat in microwave. That works also.

03-09-2008, 03:56 PM
yea i am done for the day i quit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-09-2008, 11:26 PM
Want me to step on your toes? (to take your mind of of it) Hope ya feel better soon, try a hot bath.
That is so funny I tell my kids that all the time. I do hope you feel better soon also.