View Full Version : Men in Trees ABC 10:00

03-06-2008, 08:12 AM
What did Sara ask Jerome to stop doing after she brought him his plate at the bar?
Using her pager to ask about his lunch

What did a man do at the inn as he talked with Annie while checking in with his family?
Took a bunch of the complimentary muffins

What did Patrick tell Annie that Tricia did that annoyed him on their date?
Kept talking about a celebrity he hadn't heard of

What did Matty notice that Ron was doing as Sara and Eric were talking in the kitchen?
Sleeping in a chair on their porch

What did Theresa do with Matty while they were alone in the kitchen of the bar?
Showed him how to strum a guitar

What did Sara do without realizing that Eric was holding a prayer meeting in her home?
Went to make something in the kitchen while scantily clad

What did Tricia ask Patrick if she could do on their date instead of spending time outside?
Find a place that sells a mocha coffee drink

What did Ben do for Mai that got her excited at the bar?
Handed her a cheerleader outfit for her to wear

What did Jerome tell Annie in his cabin that he did back when he was a pianist?
Played for a foreign king that had "breath that could peel paint"

What did Annie do in Jack's home before knocking a table over in anger?
Threw a rock with his name on it through a window

What did Patrick do while he was sitting with Annie while she watched on old movie on TV at the inn?
Found a toy cat with tissues stuffed inside

What did Cash do for Annie as she lay in bed after hearing that Jack's search party was called off?
NOT Promised to make her some soup
NOT Offered to clean the dishes in the sink

In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called "Miss Guided," what happened?
Guidance counselor dealt with odd high school students and jaded faculty

In a commercial during this show, what did a man do while riding on a moving walkway at an airport as things around him, including vehicles on the tarmac, fellow travelers, and janitors, moved in blurry fast-motion?
Wrote note and signed his name in midair in streaks of colored, glowing light
Offers the fastest and largest network so you can do what you need to at just the right pace

In a commercial during this show, what appeared to be having a conversation, during which one item was heard agreeing with everything the other said, in an office?
Framed portraits of two men that wished to be painted in different positions
Coldwell Banker
Offers online tools and experienced agents

In a commercial during this show, what did a man and woman do while on a cruise as a song including the lyrics, "You're my best friend" was heard?
Spent time doing things like relaxing next to a pool, riding horses on beach, and dancing in ballroom
Carnival Cruise Lines
Enjoy countless ways to have fun

In a commercial during this show, what did a piece of candy "surrounded by a symphony of sensations" do as it was discussed?
Bounced on piano keys before splashing in melted chocolate
Ferrero Rondnoir
Have an incredible taste

In a commercial during this show, who discussed signs of aging which could happen "in the blink of an eye," before applying a product from a dispenser to her face, which was illustrated with cartoon arrows and dotted lines?
Brunette in a white top who studied her face as if in a mirror
L'Oréal RevitaLift Double Eye Lift
Uses two distinct steps to cure signs of aging

03-06-2008, 09:52 AM
What did Cash do for Annie as she lay in bed after hearing that Jack's search party was called off?
Brought her some cookies to eat