View Full Version : 20/20: The Royal Family - Part 2 ABC 8:56

03-04-2008, 09:48 AM
What did Barbara Walter say David Thomas, a trusted royal worker, did at the annual opening of Parliament?
Conveyed the crown jewels by secret route

What did Prince Charles do as he watched a dance performance of local youths during his visit to Toxteth Town Hall?
Talked to a pregnant woman about her due date

What did Barbara Walters say Queen Elizabeth II did on her visit to Virginia that was a great difference from fifty years ago?
Met with a crowd that was culturally diverse

What did President Bush do while giving a speech to welcome Queen Elizabeth to the White House as the pair met with the press on the lawn?
Cited the wrong year as his country's bicentennial

What did Barbara Walters say the elected commoners did as part of their "annual symbolic NOsnub to the unelected" as a man was shown entering Parliament?
Slammed the door in their faces

What did photographer Charles Ommanney joke the person who incorrectly measured the steps for the podium on Queen Elizabeth's last visit was doing now?
Cleaning toilets in a communist country

What did Barbara Walters say Pres. George W. Bush would do for Queen Elizabeth's trip that he usually didn't do because he "didn't care for it?"
Throw a white tie banquet

What did Queen Elizabeth do as she addressed the crowd at the state luncheon that President and Laura Bush threw for her at the White House?
Talked about the alliance of their two countries

What did a young man sitting on the counter of a snack shop say the royal family did after Prince Charles was shown talking to a dog owner?
NOT Kept the country steeped in old traditions

What did Barbara Walters say the men and women of the military did while she talked about British tradition after the Queen was shown being briefed by officers?
Played a unifying role in displays of patriotism

What did Alex Mattinson, a wardrobe specialist, say the British government did while talking about the "Full State Livery" uniforms?
Used the same uniforms from one hundred years ago

What did Queen Elizabeth do as she walked past her grandson William's graduating class as Barbara Walters talked about the royal military tradition?
NOT Called out their final formation as a group

In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called "Miss Guided," what happened?
Guidance counselor dealt with jaded high school students and faculty

In a commercial during this show, what happened as an announcer asked if she "really" needed something, and then answered her own question by discussing a product and a "supportive plan"?
Objects, like plates of food and booklets with colorful covers, and people scrolled by
Is FDA-approved medication that can help you lose 50% more weight

In a commercial during this show, what did a dog and cat do as an announcer inquired, "Are fleas and ticks getting a little too comfortable in your home"?
Followed music and sounds of excitement to an amusement park populated by fleas, which promptly shut down
NOT Advantage Multi

n a commercial during this show, what was a woman, who was from centuries past, trying to do that she was prevented from, before she ate a mint and figured out the problem?
Make copies using machine that had a goat inside causing a jam
NOT Ice Breakers Mints

In a commercial during this show, what did a man fantasize about in black-and-white at a fancy party with his wife while taking care of a credit card issue on his cell phone?
Diving through a storefront window, shattering the glass, like a secret agent
Chase Bank

In a commercial during this show, who discussed a particular pregnancy test, as clips of women asking questions appeared on the walls before a silhouette appeared next to a timeline?
Brunette in a green dress walking around a pink room
First Response
Detects the pregnancy hormone first

In a commercial during this show, what did two men sitting together at a table in a park do in order to settle a dispute over whose meal was better?
Asked a woman walking by for her opinion, which she gave without hesitation
NOT Wendys