View Full Version : Do you feel proud of yourself and your profession?

02-28-2008, 09:53 PM
I am a retired RN. I went to college for 4 yrs to become an RN and I was very proud of myself for doing that and felt proud to put on my white uniform and go to work everyday. I am proud to tell people I am an RN even though I am retired now.
Do you feel proud of what you do?
If you are a stay at home mom, are you proud, you should be.

02-28-2008, 10:01 PM
Yes I run a daycare in my home and I an so totally proud! I am proud I can stay at home and raise my kids and help other moms out! I love it. Its a lot of work and I am exhausted but its that satisfying tired, ya know?

02-28-2008, 10:38 PM
I am not right now. I'm looking into going back to school this summer for sonography. It's taken me awhile to figure out what I would like to do or something that I could stand and doing what I have been doing is not my cup of tea. Once I get there, I think I will be able to say I am proud :D

02-28-2008, 10:49 PM
I'm a stay at home mom but, unfortunately, most times I don't feel proud. Society has a lot to do with me feeling that way. I still get, "What do you do all day?" Like I'm watching soaps and eating bon bons for hours on end. Yes, I probably do spend too much time on the computer, but I do get a lot done around the house and take care of my family because I get up at 5:30 a.m. to get it all in. Don't get me wrong; I do feel blessed to be able to be there for my kids when they need me, and I love keeping up a clean home and all that goes with being a SAHM. But it hurts when people think you don't do anything all day because you aren't bringing home a pay check. I am proud to say that my husband constantly tells me what a great job I do with the house and kids. That makes my day.

I do remember one proud day in my life recently. I went to a doctors appointment, and the receptionist that checked me in asked if I worked outside the home (I can't remember why she asked that). When I said, "No, I'm a homemaker," she replied, "Hardest job ever, hon." She made my day.

02-28-2008, 10:50 PM
I am very proud. I wanted to be a nurse when hubby and I got married but then I got pregnant. After the first little flutter that I felt from that new life with in me I changed my mind real quick. I'm glad that God has allowed me to be able to stay home with my children. I now keep the little girl that lives next door and I'm glad for the chance to be able to love and care for her as well.

02-28-2008, 11:02 PM
I wasn't proud of myself and I'm still not really proud of myself. But I am currently in school for medical assisting, so hopefully some day I'll get to the point to where I am proud!

02-29-2008, 05:21 AM
I am a server and yes I am proud. I like what I do and I enjoy my job. Many people (other servers included) belittle the serving industry and it really irritates me. It isn't an easy job and I think everyone should have to do it a week out of their lives and maybe they'd have a little more appreciation!

02-29-2008, 05:41 AM
I am a sahm and nope I am not proud of that because to be honestly I could have done so much more with my life than what I have chosen to

sandooch I hear ya

02-29-2008, 05:52 AM
I'm a stay at home mom but, unfortunately, most times I don't feel proud. Society has a lot to do with me feeling that way. I still get, "What do you do all day?" Like I'm watching soaps and eating bon bons for hours on end. Yes, I probably do spend too much time on the computer, but I do get a lot done around the house and take care of my family because I get up at 5:30 a.m. to get it all in. Don't get me wrong; I do feel blessed to be able to be there for my kids when they need me, and I love keeping up a clean home and all that goes with being a SAHM. But it hurts when people think you don't do anything all day because you aren't bringing home a pay check. I am proud to say that my husband constantly tells me what a great job I do with the house and kids. That makes my day.

I do remember one proud day in my life recently. I went to a doctors appointment, and the receptionist that checked me in asked if I worked outside the home (I can't remember why she asked that). When I said, "No, I'm a homemaker," she replied, "Hardest job ever, hon." She made my day.

We don't always get a lot of respect. Oprah once said that a stay at home mom is the hardest job in the world. I was glad she said that considering she doesn't have any kids. One time when I was still with my son's father his mother said oh I would love to stay home and take care of kids all day. That's all she would do though. She never took care of her house. It was always a mess even on her days off. Her idea of cooking a meal was frying up some hamburger and mixing some macaroni and cheese in with it. There is more to it than just taking care of the kids. When I was little my mother had a saying that she always said...... A man's job is from sun to sun but a woman's job is never done and it's true.

02-29-2008, 05:56 AM
Yes - I am proud of myself:happy

I started my candle business from nothing and I am also a power seller on ebay - I have worked very hard to get where I am :clapping

02-29-2008, 06:03 AM
I'm proud of what I do. I taught myself and am pretty good at it.

02-29-2008, 06:05 AM
We don't always get a lot of respect.

yep and I think for me it is most painful when it comes from working moms.......and how they ASSume that I can afford to stay home.....I have worked #s I would actually lose money to go to work.......so I guess in a way they are right I can afford to stay home

02-29-2008, 07:24 AM
I have worked hard to get where I am, a single Mom for years who worked days, took care of my kids and finished college at night. I love what I do, work for a great company, live in a town I love. I am very blessed, but I also know that I worked my butt off for every opportunity. I am proud of myself that even though the exhaustion, through everything, I got up everyday and did what needed to be done to provide the very best I could for my kids.

02-29-2008, 08:09 AM
I work in local government and I am proud of what I do every day, however it's a lot of headaches and I take a lot of knocks for doing my job. I'd change jobs in a day if I could!

02-29-2008, 08:09 AM
I have worked hard to get where I am, a single Mom for years who worked days, took care of my kids and finished college at night. I love what I do, work for a great company, live in a town I love. I am very blessed, but I also know that I worked my butt off for every opportunity. I am proud of myself that even though the exhaustion, through everything, I got up everyday and did what needed to be done to provide the very best I could for my kids.

People like you deserve all kinds of awards, what you have done takes determination every day. I admire you. You have drive that so many people don't have. I could get on my soap box about people on welfare who make no attempt to better themselves. I am married, my children were young when I went back to school and I had help from my husband with children and finances. I do have to say my whole family sacrificed for me to go to school. The children didn't get as much of my time and money was very tight but I didn't have to go it alone. Congratulations to you.

I wish someone would tell me how to respond to more than one comment at a time. I have more to say but I have to do each one separately.

02-29-2008, 08:31 AM
I'm proud of myself, I have worked many different jobs, so I can do most anything, but am enjoying the time now that I am not working anymore..

02-29-2008, 08:56 AM
I'm a stay at home mom but, unfortunately, most times I don't feel proud. Society has a lot to do with me feeling that way. I still get, "What do you do all day?" Like I'm watching soaps and eating bon bons for hours on end. Yes, I probably do spend too much time on the computer, but I do get a lot done around the house and take care of my family because I get up at 5:30 a.m. to get it all in. Don't get me wrong; I do feel blessed to be able to be there for my kids when they need me, and I love keeping up a clean home and all that goes with being a SAHM. But it hurts when people think you don't do anything all day because you aren't bringing home a pay check. I am proud to say that my husband constantly tells me what a great job I do with the house and kids. That makes my day.

I do remember one proud day in my life recently. I went to a doctors appointment, and the receptionist that checked me in asked if I worked outside the home (I can't remember why she asked that). When I said, "No, I'm a homemaker," she replied, "Hardest job ever, hon." She made my day.

Being appreciated for what we do makes all the difference in the world. :)

I wish someone would tell me how to respond to more than one comment at a time. I have more to say but I have to do each one separately.

Look on the lower right of a post you wish to quote, and click the button that has the set of quotation marks on it. Do this for each post you wish to respond to and then when you're finished, hit the post reply button. It will put all the quotes into one post, and you can reply to each one. You will just have to space them out to give yourself room to respond between the quotes.

02-29-2008, 08:59 AM
Yes and I love my job most of the time LOL but what helps is who I work with it is like one big family.

02-29-2008, 08:59 AM
I'm proud to an extent. I worked my butt off to finish nursing school, it took me years of night schoo, then finally going full time. It was hard as hell to make it through clinicals and pass the tests, especially while trying to be a full time mom. What I'm not so proud of, is now that I work, I bring home awesome money (hell, I just bought a 50 inch plasma wall mount tv for the kids to have in the living room...I'm always alseep in the bedroom since I work 12 hour night shifts so it's not like I get to watch it) and am able to give them stuff they never could have before (my husband included, who gets to play a LOT of golf now) BUT...now my youngest is acting out, failing the 4th grade, says he hates me then cries that he misses me. I feel like in finally succeeding for them, in a way I failed them. I don't get to do my daughters games, because they are starting as I am leaving for work. If I go to the boys parties or stuff, I'm dead tired because it's during my sleeping time.

I think when I come to a happy medium, I will be totally proud. Or, when my family finally realizes that now that I work, I can't do everything I did before. I've heard my daughter tell her friend, god, all my mom does now is sleep all day. That cuts, because yeah, I sleep while you are awake, but while you sleep, I'm working my ass off taking care of drunks, idiots, or the few that are actually really sick.

Can you tell I'm working out issues? LMAO

02-29-2008, 09:04 AM
I'm proud to an extent. I worked my butt off to finish nursing school, it took me years of night schoo, then finally going full time. It was hard as hell to make it through clinicals and pass the tests, especially while trying to be a full time mom. What I'm not so proud of, is now that I work, I bring home awesome money (hell, I just bought a 50 inch plasma wall mount tv for the kids to have in the living room...I'm always alseep in the bedroom since I work 12 hour night shifts so it's not like I get to watch it) and am able to give them stuff they never could have before (my husband included, who gets to play a LOT of golf now) BUT...now my youngest is acting out, failing the 4th grade, says he hates me then cries that he misses me. I feel like in finally succeeding for them, in a way I failed them. I don't get to do my daughters games, because they are starting as I am leaving for work. If I go to the boys parties or stuff, I'm dead tired because it's during my sleeping time.

I think when I come to a happy medium, I will be totally proud. Or, when my family finally realizes that now that I work, I can't do everything I did before. I've heard my daughter tell her friend, god, all my mom does now is sleep all day. That cuts, because yeah, I sleep while you are awake, but while you sleep, I'm working my ass off taking care of drunks, idiots, or the few that are actually really sick.

Can you tell I'm working out issues? LMAO

oh sweetie I know that is rough. I went through something like that when I was a working single mom with 2 kids.......wasnt making big bucks but I had to make something or there would be nothing to live off of. I lost complete control of my kids and no joke it took me 2 yrs of actually being home with them at night to get things sorted out. I will keep you in my prayers because I know its hard to deal with...........one day they will see everything you did for them :)

02-29-2008, 09:18 AM
I'm proud to an extent. I worked my butt off to finish nursing school, it took me years of night schoo, then finally going full time. It was hard as hell to make it through clinicals and pass the tests, especially while trying to be a full time mom. What I'm not so proud of, is now that I work, I bring home awesome money (hell, I just bought a 50 inch plasma wall mount tv for the kids to have in the living room...I'm always alseep in the bedroom since I work 12 hour night shifts so it's not like I get to watch it) and am able to give them stuff they never could have before (my husband included, who gets to play a LOT of golf now) BUT...now my youngest is acting out, failing the 4th grade, says he hates me then cries that he misses me. I feel like in finally succeeding for them, in a way I failed them. I don't get to do my daughters games, because they are starting as I am leaving for work. If I go to the boys parties or stuff, I'm dead tired because it's during my sleeping time.

I think when I come to a happy medium, I will be totally proud. Or, when my family finally realizes that now that I work, I can't do everything I did before. I've heard my daughter tell her friend, god, all my mom does now is sleep all day. That cuts, because yeah, I sleep while you are awake, but while you sleep, I'm working my ass off taking care of drunks, idiots, or the few that are actually really sick.

:sigh That sucks huh I hear ya or like me be the working mom who does the 48 hours a week and because i work swing shift I get to do all the mom stuff too the 504 the dr appts the school events the sleepovers the cooking the clean the shopping the late nights to the ER the up all night due to puking and then I get worn down. My hubby helps out around the house we split the house work but I still do all the mom stuff and work. Katt it will get better once you have a few years under your belt maybe you can have a better shift :beer:

02-29-2008, 09:27 AM
I was proud of myself when I was a male stripper but not now that I'm an old fart.:evil:

02-29-2008, 09:30 AM
I hope so. Kevin does a lot, and when I'm not here, he is, so it's not like they are neglected. I think they just got used to me being here. My drive is 45 minutes one way, so that's 2 more hours gone. I only sleep 5-6 hours a day, so I can spend time with them after school, but it's not quite enough. I even cut back my hours. I was working 107 a week because of the extra shift bonuses and overtime. Now that we are finally caught up, I went back down so that it's only one extra shift a week.

I am completely proud though, when I catch something the doctors don't, or when someone comes in with a heart attack, full vfib, and we save them. Thats a great feeling and I'm proud to be a part of the team. Now....don't get me started on the dumbasses lol. I'm not so proud of my lack of compassion for those people.

02-29-2008, 09:30 AM
I was proud of myself when I was a male stripper but not now that I'm an old fart.:evil:

You should be proud, no one held the title for as long as you have. :p

02-29-2008, 09:33 AM
We don't always get a lot of respect. Oprah once said that a stay at home mom is the hardest job in the world. I was glad she said that considering she doesn't have any kids. One time when I was still with my son's father his mother said oh I would love to stay home and take care of kids all day. That's all she would do though. She never took care of her house. It was always a mess even on her days off. Her idea of cooking a meal was frying up some hamburger and mixing some macaroni and cheese in with it. There is more to it than just taking care of the kids. When I was little my mother had a saying that she always said...... A man's job is from sun to sun but a woman's job is never done and it's true.

I totally agree with this. And to me the worst part of a stay at home mom is that so many of them don't have a good opinion of themselves. There are all kinds of stay at home moms. I have to say that when I was a stay at home mom I loved it but I was a terrible housekeeper. I don't think housekeeping is at the top of the list for stay at home moms but that is the way I felt others felt. I felt like so many sahm's feel. I wasn't proud of myself. After I finished school and went to work, I can tell you that going to work is easier than staying at home and having a bad opinion of yourself. I also felt there was never any relief or time off. When working there is no time off either but going to work was a change. By this time my kids were in school too. It is also harder being a stay at home mom because working moms think nothing of asking you to do the most outrageous things because "they work" and some of them have the opinion you don't. After I went to work my housekeeping improved and all other aspects of my life got better. PrincessArkyAs if you aren't happy staying home you might want to consider working anyway,even if you won't actually make more money. If your children are in school you may find you are happier working plus you never know when you are going to need to support yourself and the longer you stay at home out of the work force the scarier it is to go to work. At 42 my husband , a lawyer, had meningitis and couldn't work again. The fact that I had an income saved our house and for the most part the way of life we had, until disability checks started coming in. And that takes time. No matter what we do with our life we need to feel proud of ourselves. PrincessArky, don't feel like you are wasting yourself no matter what your IQ is. Raising children is the hardest job on earth if you put your all into it. No matter what your job is , if you put your all into it and try to do your best, you are not wasting yourself. The server who said she enjoys her job is probably an excellent server. Ok I'm off my box now. I guess what brought this on is my sister who has such low self esteem because she has never worked outside of the home except for about a yr when she worked in a bank before she got married. She is afraid of so many things and yet she is very intelligent and very talented but when it comes to working a job outside of the home she falls apart. She has gotten hired for jobs, the hardest part to me, but then she never can bring herself to go to the job. She is always trying to explain how hard she works because she feels inferior to people with paying jobs. She keeps books for her musician husband and does so many things I couldn't begin to do but she doesn't understand that we are all good at different things and we are all valuable for what we do when we put a lot of effort into it. I am proud of her but she isn't proud of herself and that is a shame. Ok I am shutting up now.

02-29-2008, 09:42 AM
You should be proud, no one held the title for as long as you have. :p

I'm working on my BIG comeback...The Senor Citizen Stripper

02-29-2008, 09:43 AM
I was proud of myself when I was a male stripper but not now that I'm an old fart.:evil:

You never change a bit :kidding

02-29-2008, 09:49 AM
I'm proud to an extent. I worked my butt off to finish nursing school, it took me years of night schoo, then finally going full time. It was hard as hell to make it through clinicals and pass the tests, especially while trying to be a full time mom. What I'm not so proud of, is now that I work, I bring home awesome money (hell, I just bought a 50 inch plasma wall mount tv for the kids to have in the living room...I'm always alseep in the bedroom since I work 12 hour night shifts so it's not like I get to watch it) and am able to give them stuff they never could have before (my husband included, who gets to play a LOT of golf now) BUT...now my youngest is acting out, failing the 4th grade, says he hates me then cries that he misses me. I feel like in finally succeeding for them, in a way I failed them. I don't get to do my daughters games, because they are starting as I am leaving for work. If I go to the boys parties or stuff, I'm dead tired because it's during my sleeping time.

I think when I come to a happy medium, I will be totally proud. Or, when my family finally realizes that now that I work, I can't do everything I did before. I've heard my daughter tell her friend, god, all my mom does now is sleep all day. That cuts, because yeah, I sleep while you are awake, but while you sleep, I'm working my ass off taking care of drunks, idiots, or the few that are actually really sick.

Can you tell I'm working out issues? LMAO

I worked full time and went to school full time when my son was just entering his teens, so I know exactly what you mean. I was single mom and it was freaking HARD! I don't know how you do it with more than 1 kid, I don't know that I could have dealt, lol! Things will work out tho, you seem like a great parent.

02-29-2008, 09:57 AM
It is also harder being a stay at home mom because working moms think nothing of asking you to do the most outrageous things because "they work" and some of them have the opinion you don't.

Amen to that sista! You really hit the nail on the head with that one. I get that all the time. I feel like a dang taxi driver with all my girl's friends working parents assuming that I can take there kids home from school or pick them up because I have all the time in the world and they don't (some of whom do not live that close to the schools). I don't think I'm a sucker, but I do drive their kids to and from school. I do it for my kids and their friends and because some of them don't live in a great area and I don't want them to have to walk to school for that reason alone. I swear, sometimes I think I care more about these kids safety than their own parents do. What irks me the most, though, is when I get those last minute calls to do this and sometimes with not even a word of gratitude. But, hey, I have nothing to do because I'm just a SAHM, right? So I should be grateful to them for giving me something to do. Jeeze, let me be your freakin' doormat, why don't you! Okay, I'd better stop at that, but I've got a lot more of those ungrateful-working-parents stories I could share, but I'd be here all day. lol

02-29-2008, 02:03 PM
I'm proud to an extent. I worked my butt off to finish nursing school, it took me years of night schoo, then finally going full time. It was hard as hell to make it through clinicals and pass the tests, especially while trying to be a full time mom. What I'm not so proud of, is now that I work, I bring home awesome money (hell, I just bought a 50 inch plasma wall mount tv for the kids to have in the living room...I'm always alseep in the bedroom since I work 12 hour night shifts so it's not like I get to watch it) and am able to give them stuff they never could have before (my husband included, who gets to play a LOT of golf now) BUT...now my youngest is acting out, failing the 4th grade, says he hates me then cries that he misses me. I feel like in finally succeeding for them, in a way I failed them. I don't get to do my daughters games, because they are starting as I am leaving for work. If I go to the boys parties or stuff, I'm dead tired because it's during my sleeping time.

I think when I come to a happy medium, I will be totally proud. Or, when my family finally realizes that now that I work, I can't do everything I did before. I've heard my daughter tell her friend, god, all my mom does now is sleep all day. That cuts, because yeah, I sleep while you are awake, but while you sleep, I'm working my ass off taking care of drunks, idiots, or the few that are actually really sick.

Can you tell I'm working out issues? LMAO

I know this is off topic but I wanted to say thank you. Thank you to you and the others that take care of us when we are hurt, sick and sometimes a little stupid acting lol. I do not know how you do it, I could never handle some of the people that go to hospitals. So :thankyou

Also I wanted to add that I love my job. I was a SAHM for 5 years. With the 3 kids now all in school I am able to work out of the house. I love working. I work in a school lunch room so I am working when kids are in school and home when they are. The pay isnt a whole lot but I love it. I am very proud of my job.

02-29-2008, 02:26 PM
I am a lunch lady at my 2 daughters school & I love it. I really enjoy the job,kids & being close to my 2 girls while they are in school.

02-29-2008, 02:43 PM
Yes and NO, I am a very good Chef, and work in colleges and food service, it is time for me to move on and in this situation, some populations undermine the whole profession for lower pay and this affects me, my staff and scores of other people who do this.
I love myself, and I work hard to make really great food on a shoe-string, the economy is so tanked...so I am proud and sad at what is happening..to US food service PRO'S.
I have to fight numbers just to make it work, numbers= profit... :( !

02-29-2008, 07:47 PM
I am a lunch lady at my 2 daughters school & I love it. I really enjoy the job,kids & being close to my 2 girls while they are in school.

This would be the ultimate job for me. I could still be there to ferry my kids around and volunteer for their activities. Unfortunately I wouldn't have the time while they were at school to work on this house. I always use to joke that I was going to get a job doing this so when my kids screwed up at school I wouldn't have to drive all the way into town to get them. :evil:
Edited to add: Yes I am proud of my profession.