View Full Version : CSI: Miami 2/11 10:00 4300+ pts.

02-12-2008, 02:51 AM

What did Horatio do to help Kyle Harmon protect himself in while he was in prison?
*Did a favor for a large inmate who could watch over him

What did Horatio tell Barry the lab techs had done that proved he had murdered Veronica Eckland?
*Recovered his skin on the murder weapon

What did Horatio tell Joe LeBrock in the prison interrogation room that Eric was doing to prove Joe had hurt Kyle Harmon?
*Swabbing samples from scratches on his arms

What did Maxine tell Eric she had done that led to them identifying Joe LeBrock?
*Analyzed tissue found in packets of heroin

What did Frank tell Calleigh he had done at the scene of the escape that led to him shooting Veronica Eckland during the breakout?
*Failed to see her in the confusion

What did a man behind the wheel of a pickup truck do that led to Julio Rentoria's escape from the prison transport before the riot started?
*Rammed into it head-on from the next lane

What did Oscar Monahan do to try to avoid arrest when Frank and Natalia found him near stolen property?
*Claimed that he had called them

What did Eric do for Calleigh in the lab that led them to the person who helped Julio Rentoria escape?
*Analyzed a new type of paint from a sample

What did Natalia do with evidence after helping arrest Oscar Monahan that led to Wolfe to declare it was was compromised?
*Left it in vehicle instead of taking it straight to the lab

What did Horatio do after Kyle Harmon was arraigned in court to try to help him?
*Questioned the prosecutor's efforts to try him as an adult

What did a newscaster outside a crowded courthouse report that Julio Rentoria had done that led to his incarceration inside?
*Beaten and robbed a store clerk

What did inmates do in a videotape that showed Horatio and Eric that the inmates respected Joe LeBrock?
*Left the room when he spoke with a visitor

What did a man behind the wheel of a pickup truck do that led to Julio Rentoria's escape from the prison transport before the riot started?
*Rammed into it head-on from the next lane

What did Oscar Monahan do to try to avoid arrest when Frank and Natalia found him near stolen property?
*Claimed that he had called them

What did Frank tell Calleigh he had done at the scene of the escape that led to him shooting Veronica Eckland during the breakout?
*Failed to see her in the confusion

What did a newscaster outside a crowded courthouse report that Julio Rentoria had done that led to his incarceration inside?
*Beaten and robbed a store clerk

What did Eric do for Calleigh in the lab that led them to the person who helped Julio Rentoria escape?
*Analyzed a new type of paint from a sample

In a sponsored segment during this show, what did the image of a Web site do as an announcer invited viewers to visit it and "experience" a car that they could enter to win?
*Floated on black screen as red lights flashed before car was shown speeding along barren road
*Cadillac CTS