View Full Version : Pretty Woman 1/26 8:00 4400-4800+ pts.

01-27-2008, 02:55 AM
What did Vivian do for the first time since she and Edward had met when she came upon Edward sleeping after their evening at the opera?
*Kissed him on the mouth

What did Edward tell Vivian never to do when he contacted her at the hotel to inform her about their dinner plans that evening?
*Pick up the phone

What did Edward say was the reason Vivian should eat one of the strawberries he offered her in the penthouse?
*Brought out the flavor of the champagne

What did an irate Philip do after Vivian bit him while trying to spurn his unwanted advances in the penthouse?
*Hit her in the face

What did Barney do in his office after he handed Vivian a handkerchief and her money back?
*Placed a phone call to request shopping assistance for her

What did Vivian tell Kit she couldn't believe Kit had done when she found her in the bar with Carlos?
*Spent the rent money on drugs

What did Vivian tell Edward after he made the offer to get her an apartment and transportation that her mother did to her when she was "bad"?
*Locked her in the attic

What did Vivian do when she left the penthouse to look for Edward with the elevator attendant at in the middle of the night?
*Discovered him playing the piano in the hotel restaurant

What did a jubilant Philip tell Edward that Mr. Morse had done in order to secure a loan to avoid being bought out?
*Mortgaged everything he owned

What did Edward tell Vivian he wanted her to do after he caught her singing along with Prince in the bathtub?
*Spend the week with him

What did Edward do after he got out of the limousine when he drove into Vivian's neighborhood with flowers?
*Overcame his fear of heights by climbing the fire escape

What did Edward explain to Vivian that Philip did when he told him what she did for a living?
*Accused her of being a spy for another company

01-27-2008, 02:26 PM
In a commercial during this show, what happened up-close and in slow motion, before a brunette smiled and an announcer encouraged discussed something that's "bold" and "rich"?
*Steaming, beverage was poured into a white cup
*Folgers Black Silk
*Is exceptionally smooth

01-27-2008, 08:55 PM
In a commercial during this show, what did a woman in a pink top do with several breath mints as a man watched her while they were sitting in the waiting room of a DMV?
Balanced them on the tips of her fingers before flipping them into her mouth
Tic Tac
Mixed Fruit

In a commercial during this show, what did a man named Charlie do on his cell phone while sitting on different furniture and moving about his living room?
Left and erased increasingly awkward messages for a woman he had just started dating
1,000 Whenever Minutes so you can talk all you want

04-03-2010, 04:52 PM

04-26-2010, 05:58 AM
what did the announcer at the polo match request that all of the audience do in order to honor the tradition?
replace some of the divots

06-13-2010, 10:03 AM