View Full Version : What kind of pets do you have?

01-17-2008, 10:43 PM
What kind of pets do you have? How long have they been in your family?

I have 2 cats Sammie * my baby kitty. She is black and white. I got her when her momma left her for dead. Born Aug. 27, 06 At 10 ounces (when I found her. Vet said she was bout 1 1/2week old)I bottle fed her 6 weeks. She was treated like an infant. Fed, potty and to bed by 9 p.m.
Now she is 1 1/2 years old and 8 pounds.

Then there is Peanut Mia * Sammie's lil sister* Same mamma different liter. She is gray and white. Her hair on her tummy and chest is white, except for the perfect shaped heard on her chest. Born April 21,07. The momma left her, but at least fed her till I grabbed her Memorial Day.

1 Dog (Dh's) her name is Deer.(previous owner named her) She is a fat min pin. We got her from some guys mom. She traded the dog to us for a carton of cigs. ( I kid you not) Dh felt bad for her. They gave her zanax due to her being hyper. Stupid people min pins are hyper even when they are older like mine of 11 years.

Last we have Phil the lizard. He just creeps me out. He was Dh before I knew him, and he won't get rid of him. So I named him Phil after his one creepy friend.

01-17-2008, 10:52 PM
Well I only have one cat he is a maine coon and almost 2 yrs old he was wild when we got him actually wanted a cat so bad but didnt want to fork up 85.00 to go get one at the shelter not long after that about 1 month at the most there was a cat crying at our back door one night we called her kitty kitty and he ran right in the house. he was starved and only maybe 2 months old he is a outdoor cat all the way and thinks he is king of the hill..Lol his name is primer yup like the gray primer paint...GIT R DONE...LOL he is gray with white and long haired and has white around his eyes he looks like a coon. We love him so much!! hes "my" baby!!

01-17-2008, 11:02 PM
I didn't want to pay the $100 here. Nor did I want the shelter people coming to my house. Here they check on the animals at any givin time. Not that I have anything to hide, just that I am a animal lover and would never do anything to hurt one. I would even deliver my newspaper after every 2 weeks for them to use in the cages, plus donate food. And when I was laid-off I donated hours of time to them. And yet they didnt' feel that they couldn't trust me.
Oh well .... I have enough animals for now.

01-17-2008, 11:09 PM
Have one dog. Luc Hextall (named for a couple of hockey players). He was 15 on July 31st. We got him from a newspaper ad. Poor thing. He had no fur on top of his head (?supposidly because the other pups pulled it out) full of fleas and had every stomach parasite a dog could have. He was 4 weeks old. Got him home and into a bath to kill the fleas. That was on a Sat., Monday at the vet, the missing fur on his head was ringworm, got stuff for that and stuff for the stomach parasites. When I was looking at the pups he was the one that ran over to me so I knew he was mine. He never did get his 3 month molars in so he only has his front teeth and one tooth way in back on the top. He has never been left home alone, he goes where we go. He has been to Canada, East Coast, Florida and California. In fact in the Colorado Mts. DH was going to throw me out and down a mountain and continue with Luc. Luc was better behaved -I guess. He is a people person, loves to be petted and loved on. Right now he has an enlarged heart and is on medication (age problem). He is our fur baby. He looks like a small (15" tall) and has fur that is soft as silk, in fact the vet calls it Collie fur. He is a mutt mix. One of the nicest gift I have ever gotten was one Christmas my son and DIL had an artist do a black and white pen drawing of him and it is just perfect.

01-17-2008, 11:11 PM
OOPs got carried away. He looks like a small German Shepherd. His coloring.

01-17-2008, 11:14 PM
Its ok to get carried away, these are our babies. Notice I went in full detail about mine..

01-17-2008, 11:29 PM
Thats weird they check on people with pets dont do that here but maybe they should!! alot of dogs around here left out on chains day and night not here at my house i mean in maine and cats running all over the place its very easy around here to get free animals there are so many stray and alot of people who dont take care of their pets!! pee's me off ! beso go look at PM if you already havent..Lol

01-17-2008, 11:38 PM
Ya it sucks here. I tried to foster a dog after the hurricane and wasn't allowed cause at the time I only had a 3/4 fence. I taught our dog to stay in the yard so no need, now I have a full one but not the point. They inspect your house at any time. No phone call, no notice they just show up. I guess its a good thing, but I volunteered that should say enough that I never hurt them while at their shelter. I even had dinner with the head person.

I hate to see stray animals, it breaks my heart. When I got Sammie, I was so sad. I really didnt think she would make it.

I had a neighbor who chained his dog, without proper shelter and food. At night I would sneak over and feed him, anything I had. I called aminal control at the time they came he had water and food and it was nice outside so he wasn't in danger. Then I found out the neighbor knew the mayor of our town. Not long after that they moved.

01-17-2008, 11:48 PM
well you wouldnt believe it around here. dogs hooked out all over and cats running all around. I lived in Mo and remember buying a dog after i had my daughter we got a dalmation but we had to take her back to the pet store cause she was to much with having a new baby and all and they both were 8 weeks old and the dog liked to try and chew on my daughters feet so we just had to take her back and i didnt live there long but i was like gawd 800.00 for a dog and i had to pay rent on it nothing like maine!! you can get any animal you want pretty much free and dont have to pay rent and wow thats the first time i heard they come and inspect..wow

01-17-2008, 11:54 PM
$800.. I don't think I ever could pay that. I love animals, but thats alot.
Yeah they inspect for that, but they don't inspect children being left alone for periods of time or without food. Go figure,

01-18-2008, 12:08 AM
weird bob barker the mayor there or what??Lol

01-18-2008, 12:09 AM
We have two dogs. Doc and Spirit.


Doc is a Boxador. He is half Boxer half Lab. He is the sweetest, fattest, most protective guy! He has a vicious bark but has yet to hurt anyone, even when kids try to ride him like the horse he is, he is calm. He is 116 lbs and he is definatly a gift from God.

We lived in this awful apartment in a bad area of town in Kentucky. Dh and I were sitting on the couch in the dark watching a scary movie. Our front door was broken, it would lock with the deadbolt but not latch with the regular knob. So when it wasn't dead bolted you could just nudge it open. Well there we were watching Tv when this 100 lb black dog we had never met opened our door and sat his rear on the couch and his paws on the floor (like Marmaduke) and looked like he was watching Tv. We were petrified. He sat and we sat, then the neighbors from upstairs came down and asked Doc what he was doing!! LOL He fell in love with the kids and with our little poodle mix Junior. Well months went by and they neighbors wanted to get a female rottie and they didn't want any dog fights so they offered Doc to us and of course we accepted and he has been my best friend since. He wasn't to neglected but he has put on some weight since and he is so well trained. Who ever the neighbors got him from had trained him. He wont lick you in the face (if you aren't a kid!) He wont jump up on people, he asks to go out, and he speaks, sits, lays, all the usual. He is an awesome dog, we know FIRST HAND he wont let anyone in our home uninvited. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/Unicornmom773/DOCCROPPED.jpg

Then we have Spirit! She is a 5 mt old sheep dog/lab mix. We had adopted a German Shorthair pointer from the animal shelter here in November and him and Doc couldn't get along, but they dealt, then Sticks (the German Shorthair) pinned Gabi (our four year old) to the floor and was going to bite her. So he had to go back to the shelter and sadly they euthanized him. But my Dad was talking to Gabi on the phone and she told him how Sticks when to doggie heaven becuase he didn't like her. He felt compelled to make Gabi happy again so he paid the fees for us to go and adopt another dog. We took a few weeks and when we met Spirit I knew right away she was the one for us!

She is such a loving gal! She doesn't poop inside already and I am working with getting her crate trained, she does great! Her name was Breeze when the people surrendered her. We wanted a name to remind us why and when we got her, Christmas, and DH thought Jingles sounded like a cat name. So we came up with Spirit.

And right now we have Dh's cousins dogs while she is out of town, they are a Boston Terrier named Princess and a shitzu/cocker spaniel mix named Rusty. They are quite the pair these two!

Here is a picture of Sticks R.I.P He was a beautiful dog and I hope he was able to feel the love we had for him in his final days. He was abandoned by his owner becuase he was gun shy.

01-18-2008, 12:10 AM
well we didnt have the 800 really either actually we had got in a car acc. and my daughters father at the time had got alot of money but we got the 800 back after we took the dog back..

01-18-2008, 12:12 AM
well we didnt have the 800 really either actually we had got in a car acc. and my daughters father at the time had got alot of money but we got the 800 back after we took the dog back..

Thats good you got it back!

It is $130 here for a dog who isn't fixed yet and $70 for one who is at the animal shelter... How much is it where you guys live?

01-18-2008, 12:12 AM
cute dogs!!Im more of a cat person myself.

01-18-2008, 12:14 AM
well there are dog and cats always in the paper free not fixed ones but you can get them pretty much free here in Maine

01-18-2008, 12:18 AM
cute story also about doc

01-18-2008, 12:33 AM
Awww very nice dogs, Doc story is so cute.

I had 2 big dogs labs, but they took up my whole bed. Bax died of old age 15 years and Capser (5 years) died of a broken heart, so I beleive anyway

Dogs are pricey here plus do's and don't's so I quit looking.

01-18-2008, 03:44 AM
I have three dogs, one is actually my roommates, but the funny thing is, he's completely loyal to me. Luke calls him either my shadow or tumor LOL I can't even go to the bathroom w/o him being there :lol

anyways, there is:
my yorkie who is 6, been w/ me pretty much since birth (my mom has her parents)
my italian greyhound, have had her for 1.5 years but she'll be 2 in March
and then Luke's schnauzer who we adopted last July

we also have some cichlid, severums and pleco fishies in a big tank the cichlids we've had some for almost 3 years and the others, 2, the severums and plecos are coming up on a year.

something I realized in the last month, I grew up w/ cats, I mean we pretty much always had a cat until four years ago and now that I've had dogs, I'm completely a dog person, I don't know that I ever want another cat... they shed too much :lol (plus, my yorkie thinks she's a kitty...)

01-18-2008, 05:23 AM
OK we have
3 dogs
2 birds
2 turtles
4 fish
and 1 hedgehog

01-18-2008, 06:50 AM
We have three cats and an aquarium with about 20 fish. Pyewacket is 5 and she's been with us since she was six weeks old.

Salem is 2 and we've had her over a year now. We got her in December of 2006. My son who will be 14 next month had a rabbit that he got for his 7th birthday. It died in the fall of 2006 and he was wanting a new pet so I surprised him with the cat as an early Christmas present.

Then we have Mr. Monk. He's 10. His previous owners are in the military and they move a lot. The girl had him since he was a kitten. The vet told her that all the moving around was getting too stressful for him. She was having a hard time finding a home for him because most people want kittens or younger cats. Even the shelter didn't really want to take him in. They were going to charge her $150 to take him and then they couldn't guarantee what would happen to him. We love cats and didn't care that he was an older cat so we took him in. We got him about a week before Christmas. She said he has a strange grooming habit where he will take his paw and rub above each eye three times and then start over. I told her that sounded like something Mr. Monk would do. She told us that was a more appropriate name for him. She referred to him as the Reverend but she said he never answered to it anyway. We talk to the cats all the time so he's already responding to it.

This is Pyewacket......

This is Salem

This is Mr. Monk. This picture was taken when he lived with his previous owners. We haven't taken any of our own yet.

01-18-2008, 07:22 AM
we have 3 dogs, 2 cats (and 2 next door at moms lol), 2 guinea pigs, 4 fish, 4 donkeys, and although they arent suposed to be pets the cows are my pets too and there are way too many to try to mention (yes I do name them all lol)

Spaz of course is my avatar he is my baby almost a year old now :)
But here is another shot of him cause I love him so much :) He came from a Humane Society in Texas


This Trixie, she is about 2 1/2 now she was dumped on us with 2 others we found homes for the other 2 and kept her........one of the best decisons ever she is a sweetie pie


This is Brownie she is almost 7 yrs old now........she was literally rescued right out of an abusive home by us


This is baby sox that lives next door with my mom he is more like a community cat lol he was a stray and he is somewhere along the lines of 10 or 11 yrs old now :)


This is Oreo he came from a pound in Texarkana he is a bit older than a year and he is a sweetie too :)


This is Mags (Mag Pie is his full name) he was the one we got free from the pound when we got Oreo they had a special adopt one get one free and how could we ever say no to saving a life :) He is only about a week or so younger than Oreo


I dont have a photo of Tabby, the fish, or the guinea pigs uploaded on my photobucket and I am sure you all dont wanna see donkeys and cows lol so this is my animal family

01-18-2008, 07:24 AM
This is Gino he is our only furkid. He is a 1 1/2 yr old Rottweiler.I swear he acts like a human lol He is the most gentle baby.My kids can pull on him,ride him poke at him he don't care. He is very protective of the kids though. I would have a house full of them if I could....


01-18-2008, 07:34 AM
Pyewacket is 5 and she's been with us since she was six weeks old.

I knew another Pyewacket when I was younger. I had never heard of another Pyewacket... Where did the name come from? I am sure the other Pyewacket owner had explained to me, But I have since forgot.

01-18-2008, 07:41 AM
I knew another Pyewacket when I was younger. I had never heard of another Pyewacket... Where did the name come from? I am sure the other Pyewacket owner had explained to me, But I have since forgot.

Pyewacket is the name of the cat in the movie Bell, Book and Candle. It's one of my favorite movies. Jimmy Stewart and Kim Novak are in it.

01-18-2008, 07:46 AM
http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i136/sheila_361/DSCN0257.jpg This is Precious, she's 3 years old, I got her from the pound when she was a month old, they had her listed as cocker spaniel/lab mix, she is the sweetest most loving dog. http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i136/sheila_361/Precious.jpg

http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i136/sheila_361/DSCN0253.jpg This is Missy, I took her in when she was 4 months old, she's now 1 1/2 years old, some horrible neighbors were just gonna leave this poor baby to fend for herself had I not taken her in, she's rottweiler/lab? mix, also the sweetest most loving dog. http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i136/sheila_361/Missy.jpg

01-18-2008, 10:40 AM
I love seeing all the pictures of everyone's furbabies!http://bestsmileys.com/love1/1.gif

We have 3 cats. Here are some pics of them that I took with my cellphone. Sorry they aren't too clear.

Casper, 5 years old, looking sexy.

Charlie is 4 years old.
Sticking out his tongue.

Lily is 3 years old and our little princess. She knows it, too!

Casper and Charlie hanging out with DH.

01-18-2008, 10:59 AM
OMG that dog looks gynormous in that pic or you have a wee lil one LOL

This is Gino he is our only furkid. He is a 1 1/2 yr old Rottweiler.I swear he acts like a human lol He is the most gentle baby.My kids can pull on him,ride him poke at him he don't care. He is very protective of the kids though. I would have a house full of them if I could....


01-18-2008, 11:02 AM
I have a 3 year old female minpin her name is Cheyenne,
a 7 month old long haired chihuahua her name is Dakota,
and a 13 week old male jack russel terrier his name is Apache.

I also have some fish and 2 cockatiels. One of the tiels does
not have a name well I guess if you consider "shut up" a name....
the others name is Chevy.

God's child
01-18-2008, 11:12 AM
We have 2 cats in the house, Pig and Tails. (Pig was bottlefed and always had to be fed first, hence the name "Pig", and Tails was the only kitten out of a manx mix litter that had a tail.) Then there are the 4 african dwarf frogs we've had for about 4 years, a hamster named Bootsie, a 5 month old chinchilla named Max and our newest baby, a 3 month old Chocolate Lab named Calleigh (hard to call her a baby, she weighs 14.4 lbs already.) And that's not counting the cats we have outside (we live in the country). Any more animals and we're going to have to add on another room.

01-18-2008, 11:20 AM
we have slithers the corn snake who is 3 months old.. the only one i have of him is him eating a pinkie mouse

we also have rocky (rockstar as we call him) a pure yellow lab pup who is 11 months old..... he was abused and we saved him.. he is part of the family... has to sleep in my bed every night. he is the best besides my rott died


01-18-2008, 11:32 AM
http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj115/jnc880/MVC-061F.jpgthis is my furkid Primer da' puss

01-18-2008, 01:21 PM
Nice Pic's everyone!*!*

01-18-2008, 01:34 PM
This is Gino he is our only furkid. He is a 1 1/2 yr old Rottweiler.I swear he acts like a human lol He is the most gentle baby.My kids can pull on him,ride him poke at him he don't care. He is very protective of the kids though. I would have a house full of them if I could....


Thats a big puppie.

01-18-2008, 01:39 PM
This is my baby Sammie

Peanut Mia...awwww

Another Mia

My doggie Deer. She has her own chair.

01-18-2008, 01:40 PM
I love this thread! All the fur babies are so beautiful!! Wish I could pass out treats!! Lol

01-18-2008, 01:44 PM
Thats a big puppie.

He is huge but he acts like a poodle(really) he follows us everywhere,he whines when its time for daddy to get home from work, he lays on our lap belly up and he is scared of cats lol

01-18-2008, 01:56 PM
He is huge but he acts like a poodle(really) he follows us everywhere,he whines when its time for daddy to get home from work, he lays on our lap belly up and he is scared of cats lol

Aww w.. thats so sweet. My lab was like that. 90 pound dog, I truely believe he thought he was a lil 10 pound dog. He would try and squeeze his butt anywhere. I had a waterbed for awhile. As a pup he would crawl under it and sleep, then he got bigger. I had to get rid of the water bed since he kept getting stuck. We had to push him out from under the bed.

01-18-2008, 02:30 PM
Beso looks like mia saw a ghost... thats a cute picture..Lmao

01-18-2008, 02:31 PM
We are pretty boring in our house. We have fish and frogs. Actually only one frog now. DD gave them some sugar water and two of them didn't like it too much. OOPS!

01-18-2008, 02:37 PM
I like frogs!! Beso does too so i hear..Lol

01-18-2008, 02:49 PM
Love frogs.....

01-18-2008, 02:49 PM
We have 2 cats... Rob & Big. We got them in June of last year. We had one a few years ago but I became allergic to him. The kids kept begging for another pet, a cat, so we tried it again. So far so good! Anyway, here is a pic of them. These were taken around Christmas. They were playing in the boxes from the kids presents. :)

This is Rob

This is Big... I think he looks like a fox in this pic. :lol

Rob's blonde hair matches his personality. No offense to anyone.. including myself. :lol He is goofy as hell! He always acts so DUH or something. Its funny. And he loves to play with toys!

Big.. he is a cuddle/lap cat. He loves to be loved on, petted and wants all the attention. He is jealous of my DH. When DH comes in from work every night he comes running to me, meowing, wanting to get on my lap or beside of me before DH can get his boots off! Its so funny!

01-18-2008, 03:04 PM
2 Jack Russell Terrors, i mean terriers.. lol
Jak was adopted form a local shelter and Peenut was bought from a breeder. I noticed someone had a 13 week old JRT puppy.. get ready for some laughs and headaches! LOL

you can see them here on their Dogster pages...

PEENUT (http://www.dogster.com/dogs/353975)

JAK (http://www.dogster.com/dogs/353981)

01-18-2008, 03:19 PM
we have one bassett hound named Blue

01-18-2008, 04:27 PM
5 Cats here.
Tanner - 11 years
Tipper & Trouble from a liter a stray cat that we adopted - 5 years
Bailey - 4 1/2 years - adopted from Pets with out Parents
Phoenix - 2 1/2 years - son brought him home - (claims he followed him)

01-18-2008, 04:42 PM
we have one bassett hound named Blue

How old is Blue? Looks like a baby still.. Super sweeet.!

01-18-2008, 04:43 PM
5 Cats here.
Tanner - 11 years
Tipper & Trouble from a liter a stray cat that we adopted - 5 years
Bailey - 4 1/2 years - adopted from Pets with out Parents
Phoenix - 2 1/2 years - son brought him home - (claims he followed him)

Dh would go crazy if I had 5 cats. He things 2 is too many......
Cute names also.

01-18-2008, 04:52 PM
We have 2 cats... Rob & Big. We got them in June of last year. We had one a few years ago but I became allergic to him. The kids kept begging for another pet, a cat, so we tried it again. So far so good! Anyway, here is a pic of them. These were taken around Christmas. They were playing in the boxes from the kids presents.

Rob's hair matches his personality. No offense to anyone.. including myself. :lol He is goofy as hell! He always acts so DUH or something. Its funny. And he loves to play with toys!

Big.. he is a cuddle/lap cat. He loves to be loved on, petted and wants all the attention. He is jealous of my DH. When DH comes in from work every night he comes running to me, meowing, wanting to get on my lap or beside of me before DH can get his boots off! Its so funny!

I love watching the show Rob and Big is that where there names came from, all ya need now is a dog meaty and mini horse...lol

01-18-2008, 05:12 PM
We have a min pin and we are crazy about him. His name is Reggie. He is 2 and a half. We bought him from a girl who said they didn't have time for him after the 2 babies were born. He acts like he has been abused. He is just the best. My daughter has a lab she is trying to give us. I want to take her but hubby doesn't. I usually win. I am just taking my time since I know she isn't going anywhere. Her name is China. Reggie is so fun. He gets under the covers at night and I love having his warm body up against my back.

01-18-2008, 05:33 PM
My min pin hogs the bed. Once she gets under the covers, its all over.

01-18-2008, 06:06 PM
I love watching the show Rob and Big is that where there names came from, all ya need now is a dog meaty and mini horse...lol

It is! :lol I love that show too! I would love to have Meaty & Mini. I have always loved those dogs, they look so cool and who wouldn't want a mini horse? lol

01-18-2008, 06:19 PM
It is! :lol I love that show too! I would love to have Meaty & Mini. I have always loved those dogs, they look so cool and who wouldn't want a mini horse? lol

Right and cute how meaty rides the skateboard!! im glad he finally has some new shows the others we watched to many times even tho we laugh every time we watch them even if they are repeats!! I love rob & big <33:star:

01-18-2008, 06:30 PM
We have 3 dogs
A 13 yo Cocker named Cammie
A 4 yo Boxer named Bella
A 1 yo Boxer named Shyla
and a Urimastex(sp??)

01-18-2008, 06:51 PM
We have Cleopatra, who is part Maine Coon, part who knows what and completely the Queen of the house. She was this itty bitty fur ball that had been abandoned near out house. My neighbor picked her up and I fell in love with her. She gave Cleo to me when her hubby said no more pets. We had actually given her away to a farmer about 15 miles away, who wanted her to keep his wife company while he was out in the fields all day long. Three days later Cleo showed up on our doorstep again and she's been with us ever since. Cleo is a long hair with calico markings, and she's the sweetest, most tolerant baby we've ever had.

We allowed her to have two litters before we got her fixed, and our second cat is Samhain, her first born from her first litter. He's a long haired black and white behemoth who pretends to hate attention, but will give you love bites when you don't pay attention to him.

My oldest daughter has two Asia water frogs names Bob and Louis. They clap for treats and suck on your fingers if you sit still with the tips in the water.

We used to have a red eared slider turtle, but when I went to work full-time we found her a new home because they need as much attention and care as a child and we just couldn't give her the constant care she needed. We still miss her.

01-18-2008, 07:56 PM
Question: What kind of pets do you have?

Answer: Depending on the day and their "moods" they come real close to being the dead or homeless kind!

However, we have a 14 year old cat Chelsea and a 2.5 year old rabbit named Flopsy.

01-18-2008, 10:21 PM
One fat cat. She's all white and has one blue eye and one green eye.

01-18-2008, 10:51 PM
3cats lizz a grey tabby mimisue and orange tabby kikilee i think is a rag doll mix and a dog annie marie the cats are lizzis 10yrs old mimiand kiki areyrs old annie is almost 7 yrs old .and very spoiled.they sleep where ever they want to.

01-19-2008, 12:05 AM
A maine coon who is 9ish Tasha
A Manx who is 4 Cali
A farm cat who is 7 Smokey
A boxer who is 20 months Ali
a boxer who is 8 months Duke

01-19-2008, 08:45 AM

In order: Cleo 21 yrs old, Snuggles 12 yrs old and Tasha 9 yrs old...all very spolied and live a pampered life

01-19-2008, 04:36 PM
I Have A Black Female Cat Named Samantha She Was 6 Years Old In September She Was A Birthday Gift To Myself.
And My 2 Boyz Have 2 Kittens Zsa Zsa Is A Calico She Is A Female
And Jellybean Is A Tuxedo Cat He Is A Male And The Kittens Will Be A Year Old In April

01-19-2008, 04:38 PM
Awww... another Samantha kitty......