View Full Version : Anyone doing weight watchers??

01-17-2008, 03:01 PM
Hey out there is anyone doing weight watchers or anything like that?

01-17-2008, 03:10 PM
I am doing a very poor job of doing WW! I lost 30 lbs before and know I can do it again, but I'm struggling!

01-17-2008, 03:14 PM
I did it before and lost some weight but wasn't really committed, now I need to try again and really I need to lose about 100 pounds. I'd be thrilled with 50but I cant afford to go to the meetings right now...anyone want to try being each other's support?

01-17-2008, 06:14 PM
I am going on vacation. When I come home I am going to do weight watchers without going to the meetings. I just can't afford $13 a week. That is just way too expensive for me.

01-17-2008, 10:02 PM
what is this point sytem I see on some tv ads(like progresso soup that has 0 points) is there on;y so many points you can have? is it certain foods?

01-17-2008, 10:06 PM
lol.. I am doing weight watcher. I am watchin my weight go up these days.

Sorry. ..... Currently I am not doing the weight watchers program.
Best wishes to those who are.

01-17-2008, 11:27 PM
what is this point sytem I see on some tv ads(like progresso soup that has 0 points) is there on;y so many points you can have? is it certain foods?

I've done Weight Watchers in the past (and am dragging out my materials again to get back on it). The 'point' system is a method of tracking what you eat, based on calories, fat grams, and fiber in a serving of food, so you really get into reading the labels on what you buy. WW has a little tool that helps you calculate the point value, and you add up the points per day. Portion control/serving size is the real critical value. Did you ever notice that one can of Progresso soup is approximately two servings, according to their label? WW makes you more aware.

When I first got into the program, they gave you point range that you could eat that was associated with your current weight. If you ate *below* that range, you wouldn't be successful in losing. I had a co-worker that was vegetarian, and it was harder sometimes for her to hit that range (she usually ate below her numbers). Once she started eating more, she started losing. Strange, hmm? But it keeps your body from going into 'starvation mode' -- if you don't eat enough, your body reacts by storing more fat. That's why deprevation diets make your weight come back even greater.

There are other variations in the newer program, but the point system makes the most sense to me. There are also 'activity points' that could be counted to help offset some of your 'eating' points. The program also recommends a number of servings from dairy, and a number of glasses of water per day. I like the fact that there are no 'no-no' foods -- you just have to be aware how you 'spend' your points. My intake of points often allowed for me to have a few Hershey's kisses every day :)

I liked the structure and support of the meetings. We used to have a Weight Watchers at Work group, which was a little cheaper than going to the regular weekly meetings, but we had to pay for the whole program at one time (I think it was a 10-meeting committment each time). Our leader, Pam, was very dynamic and had a wonderful sense of humor. We shared recipes, new products that we found (Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches!!), and a lot of encouragement.

01-17-2008, 11:46 PM
I am doing WW .. lost 28 lbs since April .. I have 3 lbs till goal and it is killing me .. lol. I have to get stricter with myself and more active. I need to pull out the Tae Bo tapes and the WW tape I have.

01-18-2008, 07:12 AM
i just started a modified atkins diet, (on my own, lord knows ihave no support around here, lmao. a girl i work with was supposed to be doing it with me but she won't stop cheating, i've lost 15 pounds and she's lost 6). But i'm just over 2 weeks into it. and i feel great, and hope to look better soon.

01-18-2008, 09:07 AM
I liked the fact that everything had a point value and I didn't have to deny myself the stuff I love...so...I'm going back on it.

I really need to lose the weight for my health and to make me happier. :)

01-18-2008, 09:42 AM
I am doing WW .. lost 28 lbs since April .. I have 3 lbs till goal and it is killing me .. lol. I have to get stricter with myself and more active. I need to pull out the Tae Bo tapes and the WW tape I have.

Misty, you look great now. I wouldn't worry about those 3 pounds.

01-18-2008, 09:52 AM
I am following something similar. Sometime ago I was surfing MSN's website and found that they were doing an article about a girl that lost about 65lbs or so doing the program. Now she has her own website and I visit it daily for ideas, grocery lists etc. Her site is www.weightwatchen.com if you were interested in taking a look. She has blogs about everything from her struggles to success and a forum as well. I have really enjoyed being a part of her community and have found her both helpful and motivational for my own weight loss. I'm down about 55lbs and counting! The big thing for me is that she provides recipes that I enjoy cooking and from that I learn how to make normal foods around the house and not rely just on the frozen/boxed stuff!

Hope this is of help to you all!:)

01-18-2008, 12:17 PM

thanks for the info-I would have thought the less points better results---I see sometimes on tv about the glycemic & wondered about that
I was on the nutrasystem back in 1984 i was walking etc...lost 15lbs in one monthm My family laughs at me because when I first started it w/y mom we had their list of foods we would eat. When we got to protein and looking at the pieces of meat they had males6oz female 3oz. my mother watched me look at all the meat going back & forth looking at all of them. She finally asked me what I was doing and I told her I was looking for the pieces of meat that were male cause you got to eat more of that. I thought my mom was going to fall down laughing at me and when she calmed down in meat section of Winn Dixie she explained that men could have 6oz and females could have 3 ozs-you can only imagine what I felt like