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12-09-2007, 04:54 AM
What did Eric Dittmeyer do behind stage after Peter Brady called him a big bully?
*Walked into a microphone stand

What did Noreen ask to do for Marsha Brady after she got her attention in the hallway at school?
*Carry her books to class

What did Jan Brady do at the school dance to make people notice her?
*Entered wearing a black puffy wig

What did Mr. Dittmeyer do in the bathroom after chasing out his dog?
*Fell through the floor into his car

What was Greg Brady doing when Cindy Brady told him the house was going to be sold?
*Writing a song for a girl

What did Mike Brady do when he arrived at the house when he and his family returned from the talent show?
*Shouted through a megaphone

What did Jan Brady do when she awoke from an enjoyable dream to find that Marsha Brady's nose had healed?
*Screamed and woke her up

What did Marsha Brady propose the family do to raise money to keep their house that made Jan Brady angry?
*Enter a musical talent show

What did Marsha Brady tell Noreen to do when she saw Doug Simpson approaching in the hallway before class?
*Pretend to laugh at something funny

What did Alice Nelson accidentally do when she left the house in the morning?
*Spilled mail all over the ground

What did Jan Brady dream that she had done to Marsha Brady that made Cindy Brady scream?
*Cut her hair while she was asleep

What did a newspaper delivery man do to Alice Nelson while driving to the house?
*Knocked her into a bush

What did Peter Brady do to Marsha Brady when she entered the backyard to announce that dinner was ready?
*Hit her in the nose with a football

What did the Brady family do in the backyard after they agreed to act happy and pretend the house wasn't being sold?
*Raced each other in potato sacks

What did Charlie Anderson do when Marsha Brady apologized for breaking her date with him?
*Asked her to dance with him

What did Sam Franklin do to Alice Nelson to surprise her after they returned from the Meat Cutter's ball?
*Gave her a bowling ball

In a "Movie and a Makeover" segment during this show, what did a woman wearing a brown suit do as she sat on a beige couch in a room made up to look like a living room while kids were shown in various environments?
*Talked about the virtues of a children's learning system and ways they could use it
*VTech Whiz Kid PC