View Full Version : I"m Having The Surgery!

Aloha from paradise
11-19-2007, 08:47 PM
I gave back the Cpap unit over a week ago. It wasn't helping and now I have 2 small scars on my face by my nose where the mask removed the skin. I think I told you I did the sleep study and stop breathing every 6 minutes and then wake up and go right back to sleep. Just can’t get a good nights sleep.

I saw the doctor from Honolulu yesterday.. She's a very tiny little lady. I liked her. She had to numb my throat so she could put a tube into my nose and down my throat. Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. She said I need three surgeries. But she could do the first two at the same time. I have to fly over to Honolulu on Dec 1st a Saturday. They want you at the hospital two hours before the surgery. So they will have to make me her third surgery of the day because even if I caught the first plane out of here on Saturday morning at 6.30am I still couldn't fly to Honolulu and get a cab to the hospital in time. They want you there 2 hours before the surgery. I have to stay in the hospital for one night unless something comes up and I need to stay longer. Then I can fly home Sunday night. She is going to cut off some skin that is loose and hanging down in my throat and shave some skin off the back of my tongue. She said she could see where my throat collapses. And for five days after the surgery all I can have is cold liquids to drink. No food or hot liquids. I need to lose some weight so it's not like I'll starve to death:) Said my throat is going to hurt like hell. I just dread the taste of blood in my throat. Yuk! She did warn me about all the risks and said there would be a lot of bleeding during the surgery. Oh, I also found out that when I had my tonsils removed when I was a kid that part of the left one grew back. They didn't get all of it the first time so she will remove that too. Weird huh? The second operation involves my nose. My nose is a little crooked and the opening on the left is smaller then the right. So I guess she will open the left side up. I have to make sure my insurance will cover that. It will if it's still considered part of the apnea surgery. So I guess I won't be doing much talking after the surgery. I'm going alone. I told Randy there was no need for him to come because I'll be in the hospital. He would have to buy a plane ticket, rent a car and hotel room and then there is Dad and the animals to worry about. I told him I'd be fine. The doctor said this operation should help with the snoring and apnea. I'm just a little scared. I don't want to choke to death on my own blood. YUCK!!

11-19-2007, 08:55 PM
oh my goodness. that sounds scary but it will be worth it. good luck!

Aloha from paradise
11-19-2007, 09:01 PM
Thanks Nancy:)

11-19-2007, 09:11 PM
My goodness, girl!!! You have every right to be more than just a little scared!!! It sounds horrendous. Wish I was a little closer than WY and I would come be with you. You are just so brave to do it by yourself. I, personally, couldn't do that. Will keep you in my prayers.

11-19-2007, 09:17 PM
wow hope everything goes perfectly will keep you in my thoughts and prayers

Aloha from paradise
11-19-2007, 09:21 PM
My goodness, girl!!! You have every right to be more than just a little scared!!! It sounds horrendous. Wish I was a little closer than WY and I would come be with you. You are just so brave to do it by yourself. I, personally, couldn't do that. Will keep you in my prayers.

That is so sweet of you to say you would go with me if we lived closer. Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers.

11-19-2007, 09:26 PM
Prayers and thoughts will be with you Shirl .. God will keep you safe, your too good of a person to let go yet ;)

Aloha from paradise
11-19-2007, 09:29 PM
Prayers and thoughts will be with you Shirl .. God will keep you safe, your too good of a person to let go yet ;)

Aww, thanks Misty. I sure hope you are right:)

11-19-2007, 09:34 PM
Good luck and God bless you and keep you safe.

Kyla Kym
11-19-2007, 09:38 PM
That sounds so scary!
Are you sure you can't find another mask that works for you?
Looks like they could come up with a solution for you that wouldn't be so scary.

Maybe you should get a second opinion. I don't want nothing bad to happen to you. :(

11-19-2007, 09:46 PM
best of luck to you.

11-19-2007, 09:48 PM
My goodness, girl!!! You have every right to be more than just a little scared!!! It sounds horrendous. Wish I was a little closer than WY and I would come be with you. You are just so brave to do it by yourself. I, personally, couldn't do that. Will keep you in my prayers.

I agree, these are my thoughts exactly as well. You are so brave to be by yourself, if I was closer I would come and stay w/ you or at least look after your dad and the animals so your hubby could be with you. The great thing is, after all is done and you're healed you'll hopefully be able to sleep :D I will be keeping you in my thoughts. :hug

11-19-2007, 09:54 PM
I am glad that you are getting to have the surgery. Even though it sounds scary I think you will feel better in the long run. My thoughts and prayers will be with you. :hug

11-19-2007, 10:10 PM
All my good thoughts are on wings just flying your way. Prepare yourself for how icky it will be and then it will probably not be as bad and just think that no matter how bad you feel, the next day will be a bit better.

11-19-2007, 10:15 PM
Ok girls, I am going to fly by in my private jet and pick you all up and then we are going to Hawaii to be with Shirl...sound fun?
Shirl, I am sure this a common procedure to your Doctor, just a new one to you. I just know it will go good. I will keep you in my prayers. I hope your recovery is quick and painless.

11-19-2007, 11:15 PM
Awww hon, I know you are scared. I would be terrified also, but they do have ways of taking care of the blood, I would think.....suctioning it out so its not choking you or something. I also would, in a heartbeat, come to be with you or help at home so dh could go. Just know all of our prayers will be focused on you and you will be ok.
Mary, what time is that jet coming thru wyoming to pick up bpl and I? (and should we bring some wine or something?lol)

11-19-2007, 11:30 PM
Oh Shirl...what a hard thing to face! I am having shoulder surgery Wed and was feeling sorry for myself until I saw your post. My Dad had sinus surgery recently and I know it was very scary. You are such an incredible person and a friend to so many...with all these prayers and good vibes from us you should breeze right through it. Love ya girl!

11-20-2007, 05:56 AM
Wish I could be there to help you..I will be praying for you..have hubby update us after surgery is over. sending hugs and you are in my prayers always.

11-20-2007, 06:02 AM
oh sweetie since I cant be there I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers

11-20-2007, 07:44 AM
Good luck with everything Shirl. We will all be thinking about you. :hug

11-20-2007, 07:45 AM
Let us no for sure when and what time the surgery is. If we cant' all be there, maybe on that day and time, we could all pause a send you well wishes. I hate that you will be alone. Maybe it would help slightly to know that at that time, all your bbf family has you in their thoughts and are sending you good vibes. I do know someone who had this done. I wont lie to ya, she said the pain was very rough. But she has always been very glad she did it. She says the pain was so worth it. She sleeps so well now. And as a bonus, so does her husband and every else within hearing range. lol Best of luck dear. Please let us know the time. I'd like to send thoughts your way

11-20-2007, 07:59 AM
I'm with you in spirit and holding your hand. I think you are doing the right thing. Wish you all the best in the world. Prayers and huggles to my best bud. Wish Jace was older and then he could go with you. But my greatest wish is for this ordeal to be over and done with and onto a good nights sleep.

11-20-2007, 08:02 AM
Sorry to hear that you have to go through all that! Yuk! For sure. Just think how wonderful it will be once your all healed. Sending Well Wishes your way!

11-20-2007, 08:14 AM
Hoping everything turns out great! You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

11-20-2007, 08:44 AM
Oh sweetie, I will be thinking about you!! I hope it all goes well and you have a super fast recovery!!

You will be in my thoughts and prayers. :hug

11-20-2007, 05:36 PM
good luck with the surgery. I'll be thinking about you.

11-20-2007, 08:17 PM
Ugh, does NOT sound like fun! Just keep thinking of how wonderful it will be to get a full night's sleep. You'll be a new person! (Hope the hubby likes the "new and improved" you! Make sure he keeps us posted!)

11-20-2007, 08:47 PM
I would say your throat will be sore...lordy....praying that the pain goes away fast and a quick recovery

11-20-2007, 10:52 PM
I want to hear ALL about this after it is over. I have sleep apnea too. I don't mind the cpap but it is making deep indentions in my face. Good luck girl.

Aloha from paradise
11-23-2007, 04:19 PM
Let us no for sure when and what time the surgery is. If we cant' all be there, maybe on that day and time, we could all pause a send you well wishes. I hate that you will be alone. Maybe it would help slightly to know that at that time, all your bbf family has you in their thoughts and are sending you good vibes. I do know someone who had this done. I wont lie to ya, she said the pain was very rough. But she has always been very glad she did it. She says the pain was so worth it. She sleeps so well now. And as a bonus, so does her husband and every else within hearing range. lol Best of luck dear. Please let us know the time. I'd like to send thoughts your way

My surgery is scheduled for 10.30am Saturday Dec 1st. Thanks for the thought LYMI:)

11-24-2007, 05:07 AM
Shirl, will your hubby undate us on how you are doing? I will be praying for you

11-24-2007, 08:17 AM
My husband had a similar surgery; tonsils removed and a couple other things, the words used for the surgeries were long and confusing.

Good luck!

11-24-2007, 09:11 AM
My husband had a similar surgery; tonsils removed and a couple other things, the words used for the surgeries were long and confusing.

Good luck!

Glad to hear someone else has had this done as it sounded, I dont know like I wanted her to see someone else and see what they had to say..I will be start praying for her at well I need to find out our time differeances first..I think she is 5 hours behind me not sure.

11-24-2007, 10:32 AM
OMG you poor thing you are going to be in soo much pain. I pray they are going to be keeping you to keep an eye on you and give you good pain meds. I know you will need something in luiqid because you will have a hard time swallowing. I had my nose operted on and it hurt like HELL and my hubby had some stuff operated on in the back of his throat and he was in agony. Good luck!!

11-24-2007, 11:29 AM
I'll keep positive thoughts and say a prayer for your full and speedy recovery. Learning every aspect of what's going to happen and having complete faith in your surgeon makes a big difference in how well you handle surgery, and it sounds like you have both. I know it will go well.

Aloha from paradise
11-24-2007, 02:26 PM
Just found out I will get liquid Vicoden sp for the pain. And liquid antibiotics too. I have good news! My daughter is flying over with me:) That way she can get some of her maternity shopping done and I don't have to be alone. Also found out the pain isn't that bad on the first day it's the 2nd and 3rd that are going to be really bed. I have to leave the hospital by 11.00am but my flight home isn't until 6.05pm. The doctor said to make sure they give me my pain meds just before I leave the hospital. I'm going to try and catch a flight to get home sooner. Randy doesn't like to use my computer because he is worried that if something goes wrong I'll blame him. Sad to say it's true. I'll try and post a few words when I get home. Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers! You guys are the best:)

11-24-2007, 02:47 PM
Glad to hear someone else has had this done as it sounded, I dont know like I wanted her to see someone else and see what they had to say..I will be start praying for her at well I need to find out our time differeances first..I think she is 5 hours behind me not sure.

The surgeries sound the same; if not, very similar. Hubby had sleep apnea and he refused the cpap machine. He had his tonsils removed and I'm pretty sure they cut off the 'flap' back there and I know at least one other thing done if not 2 others. I just don't recall right off the top of my head what all was done, it's been about 3 maybe 4 years.

Insurance did cover the surgery; and he had to spend the first night there. He was on such drugs, he felt nothing until I got him home.
I had to drive him home. He had to take a week or 2 off off work as I recall.

He also had a difficult time waking up from the drugs; after surgery so I wasn't told anything till AFTER he woke up & was ok, but it seemed like I was in the waiting room for a VERY long time (with my ILs whom I was convinced at the time they hated me)
After the surgery you're allowed to eat WHATEVER you want (I woke up the next morning asking for fried chicken so apparently it didn't phase me; but I was also 4 years old and was told by the dr it won't affect kids quite like adults)
His diet afterwards was pretty much liquid, and he was on such drugs he gladly ate soup. ((Hubby doesn't like soup much))
So you may want to stock up on jello; soups; broth; pop cicles; etc. Ice cream?

It can seem scary; but it's a rather standard surgery.
I wish you all the luck & prayers I can.


11-24-2007, 03:40 PM
Just found out I will get liquid Vicoden sp for the pain. And liquid antibiotics too. I have good news! My daughter is flying over with me:) That way she can get some of her maternity shopping done and I don't have to be alone. Also found out the pain isn't that bad on the first day it's the 2nd and 3rd that are going to be really bed. I have to leave the hospital by 11.00am but my flight home isn't until 6.05pm. The doctor said to make sure they give me my pain meds just before I leave the hospital. I'm going to try and catch a flight to get home sooner. Randy doesn't like to use my computer because he is worried that if something goes wrong I'll blame him. Sad to say it's true. I'll try and post a few words when I get home. Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers! You guys are the best:)

That makes me feel alot better knowing your daughter will be with you..my prayers will be with you..

11-24-2007, 03:50 PM
I hope you're surgery goes well and you'll be able to breathe a lot better from then on. I'll keep you in my prayers that it will.

Aloha from paradise
11-24-2007, 05:32 PM
All I can drink for 5-8 days is cold stuff. No food at all and nothing warm or hot. I can drink juices and I'm thinking vanilla shakes:) I'll know for sure when they give me my discharge papers. But only cold liquids!

11-24-2007, 06:31 PM
I am so relieved someone will be with you!!!!!!! That makes me feel much better. As for the liquids, I could LIVE on vanilla shakes if I had my choice. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Can I come to your house for a week and drink them with you? LOL

11-24-2007, 09:16 PM
I am glad your daughter is going with you. In todays times with things as they are now in most hospitals you need someone with you. Nurses do not come within 5-10 minutes and if you need to p or puke the wait is a long time. I am a nurse so I am not knocking nurses. I just know how it is. Your doctor will tell you the dangerous period is about 6-10 days after the surgery when the scab sloughs off. For goodness sakes do exactly what they tell you. Don't do anything streneous and stay close to a phone and keep someone around. I want to hear all about it. My prayers are with you. I will be thinking about you when you have the surgery and afterwards. It will be hard to sip but try to keep the fluids passing on down once they say ok. I had throat surgery. The pain wasn't bad but trying to drink without choking was difficult. Good luck girl! I wish I could be there with you.