View Full Version : Christmas trees? NOW?

11-09-2007, 03:28 PM
I am going to a friends house for the famous, or not so, VIKES/GREEN BAY game Sunday, she is having a 'watch the game..TRIM THE TREE party"...I am suppose to bring an oranamet...or how ever you spell it..it is NOT Thanksgiving yet..is this over reacting on my part?

When do you put up your tree?

As a kid 2 weeks tops before it was fresh cut, Mama hated needles IN THE CARPET...New Years Day after, down..you?

11-09-2007, 03:32 PM
Well seeings how its her house, yea I'd say you're over-reacting.
Some people keep their fake trees up for 5 months.

11-09-2007, 03:37 PM
I used to put my tree up Thanksgiving day, and I would take it down the day after Christmas.

Baby is 2 this year and I really don't think i want to spend 4 weeks saying no no darling don't do that . So I will wait a while to put the tree up this year.

11-09-2007, 03:51 PM
We bought ours, set it up to make sure the lights work. It's not decorated yet though. My kids do that on Thanksgiving.

I know some that keep a fake tree up all year long and decorate it for the seasons and additional holidays.

We always had easter trees when I was a kid, so it makes sense to me. :D

11-09-2007, 03:53 PM
it's her house, so it's her choice. I'd be friendly about it and take an ornament as I'm sure they're providing lots of goodies to eat/drink while you're there watching the game. :) Have fun

11-09-2007, 03:56 PM
We bought ours, set it up to make sure the lights work. It's not decorated yet though. My kids do that on Thanksgiving.

I know some that keep a fake tree up all year long and decorate it for the seasons and additional holidays.

We always had easter trees when I was a kid, so it makes sense to me. :D

Oh I like that idea!! Plus I'm a little lazy sometimes. So that would work great for me! LOL

Our Walmart has HUGE Christmas trees up just inside the entrances of the store. One on each end. Its a little early for me, to decorate for Christmas but some people like to have their houses done by Thanksgiving. :)

11-09-2007, 04:09 PM
Oh I like that idea!! Plus I'm a little lazy sometimes. So that would work great for me! LOL

Our Walmart has HUGE Christmas trees up just inside the entrances of the store. One on each end. Its a little early for me, to decorate for Christmas but some people like to have their houses done by Thanksgiving. :)

My friend has a massive house with cathedral ceilings and HUGE windows. She has an 8 foot tree and decorates it for summer, fall, spring, etc when there is no holiday near. It's really beautiful and gives her house something different.

11-09-2007, 04:09 PM
mine will be up on thanksgiving.......
all other decorations are up

11-09-2007, 04:11 PM
It's up to them. I have been known to put one up this early before. I have 3/4 trees I have so I need to get a early start. We were going to be just the family for Thanksgiving so I got an early start. since we just moved I skipped over the regular dishes and put up the christmas ones. No need to change dished in 2 weeks. I saw a house with one up already.

That said there is a lady down the street from my mom who puts their tree up the day before Christmas and doesn't take it down until Feb.

Enjoy the game and the fun food.

11-09-2007, 04:19 PM
Well, I never said anything to her, just brought my thought's here..we have the backyard all "Gretchen Wilson", we have lights up all year long..I just thought to myself and you all here..it is kinda weird to ask for "Trim the Tree Party", before Thanksgiving", for me too ODD..I am telling her I will bring an DECORATION in "due time"...she will laugh and say "BRING BEER and JT and 2 dogs..and you"

Kyla Kym
11-09-2007, 04:22 PM
That sounds like allot of fun to me. It's sort of like bringing a hostest gift, and she will have one to remember each of you by that way. :)

As much money as some people spend on Christmas tree's, I'm surprised they don't leave them up all year around! :laugh:

Back when I use to decorate every nook and cranie, including about 1 acre of land. I would have to start in Sept. getting all my stuff to working properly. I would start putting up decorations right after Halloween and I would spend most of my free time doing decorations up until almost Christmas day. I did them all by myself. I use to have people come from all around to take pics of my displays...but then the evil computer came alone....and I've never been the same since. :bangdesk

11-09-2007, 04:27 PM
My DH LOVES Christmas and put our tree up the day after Halloween, and it's driving me NUTS. He's never put it up this early before. Usually it's Thanksgiving or the day after. I refused to help him at all, you want it up you put it up all by yourself! Ha Ha Ha I personally can't get into the "holiday" spirit until after Thanksgiving. As for your situation, not much you can do it's her house.

11-09-2007, 04:42 PM
It is way too early for me but if she wants to put hers up then I'd play along with her. You can go, help decorate the tree, eat, and then thankfully go home. Have bunches of fun!! I put mine up about 2 weeks before and take it down the weekend after the first.

11-09-2007, 04:48 PM
You could go to the nearest sporting goods store and get her a Vikes/GB (which ever she likes) ornament for the tree. I probably have more sports related ornaments than I do any other type. I finally started putting up 2 trees - 1 sports stuff and 1 traditional.

11-09-2007, 05:09 PM
I always wanted a Hallmark moment with decorating a Christmas tree with the whole family gathered around decorating the tree, singing Christmas carols, and drinking hot chocolate. NEVER HAPPENED AND PROBABLY NEVER WILL.

Before I got married it was my job to put the tree up and decorate it. Then after I got married I tried to get the hubby and SS in the mood but no go. It usually ended up in squabbling so I would rather just do it by myself. My hubby helps me get the lights on since that is the hardest and I put the decorations on. Once my SSs put the lights on and it was just thrown on in a big clump. Had to redo it so it's easier just to do it myself in the first place.

I don't even watch the Hallmark channel anymore. It's all fantasy land. I like your friend's idea though. Have friends over and decorate the tree.

11-09-2007, 05:14 PM
We have a fake tree that we will be putting up on Sunday. I don't like the mess from real trees. I started decorating two days after Halloween. I took the Halloween decorations down and put up the Christmas ones.

11-09-2007, 05:38 PM
Gee, I'm going to do this so I can get all new ornaments!

11-09-2007, 06:53 PM
Never seen anyone decorating that soon. For me it's a couple weeks before and leave it up till New Years.

11-09-2007, 10:02 PM
If I am going to do the tree , it is going to go up the day after Thanksgiving because it is a lot of work. If hubby disagrees then he can put it up himself. He always tells me that is too early.

11-10-2007, 10:05 AM
Could someone tell me what the purpose of a Christmas tree is?????

11-10-2007, 10:20 AM
Since we put up 5 trees inside and decorate the whole front yard.... well, we HAVE to start the day after Thanksgiving!! (Hopefully all the Halloween stuff will be down by then) lol

11-10-2007, 10:23 AM
Could someone tell me what the purpose of a Christmas tree is?????

Found this, but we do the trees just b/c we love them!!


11-10-2007, 10:34 AM
We usually put our tree up the week of Thanksgiving....it's artificial. Comes down the week after New Years. Putting it up this early I don't understand.....that's almost 2 months.

Likes others have stated it's her house, her tree. If you don't want to do it, don't go for Thanksgiving.