View Full Version : christmas traditions

11-07-2007, 05:45 AM
what special thing do you and your family do for christmas? mine nothing really just have dinner toghther,

11-07-2007, 06:18 AM
We get a new ornament from the Hallmark store every year. Also on Christmas Eve the kids are allowed to open one of their smaller gifts.

11-07-2007, 06:38 AM
On Christmas Eve we go to my grandfather's house to give him his gift. A lot of my cousins & Aunt's & Uncles are there. His house is very small so it is crowded and loud, but I love it. We eat, drink & be merry. When we are leaving we watch the sky for Rudolph. My 5 year old was so excited last year when he seen him. It was great!

When we get home my kids get to open 1 gift, it is always PJ's! Then we watch some of the 24 hrs of "A Christmas Story".

With my "whole family" we have a party the Sat. before Christmas. There are 50 or so of us, so we exchange gifts. My Grandfather has 8 children, 15 grandchildren & 15 great-grandchildren. That does not include spouses so we have to pick a name from a hat. lol Everyone brings an ornament and we decorate a tree, then when we leave we pick an ornament. We eat, drink, sing, it is fun.

11-07-2007, 06:44 AM
Making baskets of goodies like cookies, fudge, brownies & dipped pretzels and taking them to the police station, fire dept, and ambulance service.

Going caroling with a group of friends & family.

Going to visit the nursing home to sing carols and take small gifts to the residents.

Baking cookies with the kids.

Having a family get together to play board games and have snacks. Sometimes we even do a traditional feast.

Making small gift baskets with personal care items or grocery items for a couple of widows who live close to me.

Adopting a couple of angel tree kids for Christmas.

11-07-2007, 08:12 AM
Every year on Thanksgiving we put up the tree...and I still love watching all the Christmas Cartoons with my kids that I watched when I was little :D

11-07-2007, 08:40 AM
We always get an ornament with our pic on it each year. On Xmas eve we all get to open one gift. On Xmas day, just opening the gifts and dinner.

11-07-2007, 09:51 AM
on christmas eve we always went to my husbands mothers house so the kids could open presents from her..she passed away in dec.2nd 2003. I now have a little get together on christmas eve for my son and his family that lives here..in 5 years all my kids will be back in Fla. and living on our land..or that is there plan now..My son will be out of the army and a good education and he will open a bis. here...so that is what we will be doing is having our christmas eve party.

11-07-2007, 10:02 AM
Christmas eve we go to my mom's house along with one aunt and uncle and open up gifts. Then we come home and go to bed. Christmas morning we get up and the kids open up our gifts and around 11am we go back to my mom's house, along with the same aunt and uncle, and have dinner and play video games

11-07-2007, 10:17 AM
I'm starting some new traditions this year! I plan on skipping my family this year. I would like to not see the in-laws but that probably won't happen. We'll probably see them on Christmas Day. The tree will get put up after Thanksgiving. Sometime or another, I will start wrapping gifts. We used to see my family on Christmas Eve and the kids would open gifts over there so when we got home it was usually late so they didn't open any here. This year I am letting them open a few on Christmas Eve and then Santa's gifts Christmas morning.Then we'll probably do the dinner thing on Christmas Eve and have leftovers on Christmas Day. We'll probably watch some movies and play games. Put some cookies and milk out for Santa. We usually read the story about Jesus's birth sometime on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. When depends on our schedule. This year since we will be home I am doing it on Christmas Eve before they open gifts. That's a tradition that my grandmother started with us growing up. So it's something that I have passed onto my kids. I tried to get my family to do it at my grandmother's house but no one wanted to do it. So this year is going to be about new traditions for me.

11-07-2007, 11:45 AM
On Thanksgiving or Christmas most of us would get together at my grandma's or my mom's house and eat and eat and eat. I haven't been able to celebrate any holiday w/ my family though as I moved out west and it's too cold for me to want to go back and visit. If I ever have a family, I'd like to get a Hallmark ornament every year and start our own tradition... don't know what, but something. ;)

11-07-2007, 02:35 PM
we used to go to my grandmothers before she passed away from cancer. now we get together at my moms and eat and talk til all hours of the night.

11-07-2007, 03:05 PM
We are all going to my mothers and fathers house this Christmas day for dinner as it is going to be a sad Thanksgiving and Christmas this year without my brother...And my birthday is in Dec and he always called me on my birthdayand this year there will be no call...I always looked forward to his call every year.