View Full Version : no water

10-24-2007, 05:20 AM
There is a news story on right now about Georgia and Tennessee having no more water to speak of. My heart goes out to them. Such beautiful country to be in a drought. It must be so hard on them. Any of you that live in that area, I pray for you. Living in Texas, we are used to drought conditions. But it is so unusual for the east coast

10-24-2007, 05:23 AM
there is a lot of VA that is 16+ inches low and running out.

some areas have "water restrictions" but they are so silly like odd side of the street waters T,TH,S and even W,F,S and wash your car no more than 2xs a week?!?! WTH kind of water restrictions is that if we are running low??

10-24-2007, 05:30 AM
Yes, like I say, we are used to that in Texas. They go by your street address. Even can water certain days, odd other days. Restaurants can't serve water unless it is requested. No filling of swimming pools. You can only water by hand, not sprinklers.

10-24-2007, 05:54 AM
It is really bad here in GA. We have been on tough water restrictions for a while now and things are just getting worse. I was watching the news the other night and they say we will run out of water by the end of the year. All of our lake and rivers are very low. Despite all this the guy up the street from us continues to water his grass almost every night.

10-24-2007, 07:24 AM
Here where I am in NC it is the worst deficit in the state, it is -24 inches of water. We are on severe water restrictions for everybody, all the time. No running the dishwasher, no running the garbage disposal, taking 3 minute showers, putting a bucket with you in the shower to catch the water to use to flush your toilet, only flushing when something *ahem* solid is at hand. Only washing a full load of clothes. No watering your flowers or yard, (although I will admit to giving my pansies a drink), no washing your cars. ppl are fined if they are caught breaking the rules. I used to have a friend that lived in Japan for a while, & he said that all houses there had a water filtration system built in, & the water from washing clothes & dishes was recycled into flushing toilets so it would not be wasted.

10-24-2007, 07:29 AM
wow. That is so bad. That is worse than anything we have been through. I have been on the east coast once. It was so pretty. I hope ya'll havent lost a lot of the old landscaping do to lack of water. I can't imagine having so many restrictions. Hope you don't run out. Water is so vital. Has there been any price gouging on bottled water????????? I hope not

10-24-2007, 07:30 AM
Here where I am in NC it is the worst deficit in the state, it is -24 inches of water. We are on severe water restrictions for everybody, all the time. No running the dishwasher, no running the garbage disposal, taking 3 minute showers, putting a bucket with you in the shower to catch the water to use to flush your toilet, only flushing when something *ahem* solid is at hand. Only washing a full load of clothes. No watering your flowers or yard, (although I will admit to giving my pansies a drink), no washing your cars. ppl are fined if they are caught breaking the rules. I used to have a friend that lived in Japan for a while, & he said that all houses there had a water filtration system built in, & the water from washing clothes & dishes was recycled into flushing toilets so it would not be wasted.

Wow I am surprised they have not done that here yet. The only water restriction here is not allowed to water outside or wash cars. If you are caught you get 1 warning then they shut your sevice off+ fine you.

10-24-2007, 07:33 AM
It is raining in SC right now and it is exzpected to rain for a few days. I am so happy, although I will not be able to go walking on the days that it rains I can still exercise and even if I couldn't I would still be happy about the rain.

10-24-2007, 07:50 AM
here in the 'burbs of Nashville, we didnt have rain for 40 some days., then when it did rain, it was another 40 days before another shower came thru. i lost a ton of vegetation, hoping it may come back in the spring, if not i have to replace hundreds of dollars of bushs & young trees we bought last yr.

it has rained here for 2 days straight, and suppossed to rain all week 'til Sat.

... but the situation in the lower east part of the state including Alabama & Georgia is in a dire situation., and that means the rest of the country will be feeling the effects of this summers drought in the prices we all pay for fruits, vegetables, not to mention, cotton & feed for horses & cows, which makes beef prices go up, etc.. etc...

10-24-2007, 08:04 AM
here in the 'burbs of Nashville, we didnt have rain for 40 some days., then when it did rain, it was another 40 days before another shower came thru. i lost a ton of vegetation, hoping it may come back in the spring, if not i have to replace hundreds of dollars of bushs & young trees we bought last yr.

it has rained here for 2 days straight, and suppossed to rain all week 'til Sat.

... but the situation in the lower east part of the state including Alabama & Georgia is in a dire situation., and that means the rest of the country will be feeling the effects of this summers drought in the prices we all pay for fruits, vegetables, not to mention, cotton & feed for horses & cows, which makes beef prices go up, etc.. etc...

That's true eventaully everyone will feel the effects of this drought. I feel so bad for the farmers that depend on theire crops to make money. In my neighborhood alot of people have lost expensive trees and shrubs also.

10-24-2007, 10:31 AM
here in the 'burbs of Nashville, we didnt have rain for 40 some days., then when it did rain, it was another 40 days before another shower came thru. i lost a ton of vegetation, hoping it may come back in the spring, if not i have to replace hundreds of dollars of bushs & young trees we bought last yr.

it has rained here for 2 days straight, and suppossed to rain all week 'til Sat.

It's supposed to rain until Satuday? I know we need the rain but I don't think I can handle much more.

10-24-2007, 10:34 AM
I read yesterday on Yahoo news about one of the colleges in NC watering their ASTROTURF field and they're in an area that's in drought! WTH?

10-24-2007, 01:02 PM
We dont got any restrictions yet but they are talking about it. Its rained from last night to this afternoon so thats helped alot but its not enough. This is the first time its rained this much in a very long time. I know before it started raining we were 17+ inches below normal not sure what it is after the rain. Wells and springs have dried up(where theres no public water service yet), no hay for cows, I mean people are even stealing hay how the heck do you steal hay? lol I know weve mowed less then 10 times this year the grass is always dead. Was looking for a good pic to post but couldnt find one maybe later

10-24-2007, 01:10 PM
Florida has been on restrictions for years. You are suppose to only water every other day depending on your street number. This is why we went thu tho huge fires awhile back drought. They even sent in the best firefighter available to fight the fires here and they were passing out from the heat. Not many can take the heat here in Florida then add on top of that having to be in a fire suit and fighting a fire.

10-24-2007, 01:23 PM
Georgia really has it bad and it is constantly on the news here and the kids are talking about it alot at school in their classes and they are highschoolers. We have our own well but we have been acting as though we are on city water. I am really worried about people here, so many yet not enough water. Kinda spooky. I know the Golf courses are still allowed to water...grrrr...the reasoning is, is they make their money (their livelyhood) depends on green grass. I think its crap but hey they didn't call and ask for my opinions. I know that if you are caught watering your lawns, you get a $1,000.oo fine first offense. Second offense they turn your water off. Kinda sucks for the kids that live their because they have to do without water because their parents are idiots, but whatelse can they do?

10-24-2007, 02:12 PM
raining here alittle right now but it would take constant days of rain to get lake norman back up to where it should be...sad...don't know what we did to tick off the weather gods...

10-24-2007, 04:29 PM
The hurricanes that went thu here put our lakes back up but better to conserve during plenty for later. Kind of spooky the way it happens and scary ya know. I think it is still that we can't water except every other day has been or at least I never heard other wise. This way you are use to it and don't mess up. I never see anyone hardly watering nowadays anyways. I have in the past but ain't in years.

If I was in Georgia I would really be concerned myself.

We had firefighters saying they had never fought fires this bad before and they had fought alot of fires. Here in Florida the brush was so thick they had to were the big suits which made it so much harder and hotter.

10-24-2007, 09:20 PM
We joke around here with a saying from Meet the Fockers, I think it was from the second one...anyways...
When its yellow let it mellow, when its brown flush it down...lol.

10-24-2007, 11:45 PM
We live in south central Tennessee and in our county as of Tuesday morning we were -27 inches. We have not had any rain hit us since the first week in July and that was just like an inch or two at the most. The rain seemed to always just go around us, but just not hit us.

Tuesday we were jumping for joy, we had 3 inches of rain. Happy to get what we got but no where near enough to make any kind of difference in our lake where our city water comes from.

We live out in the country so we don't have city water, we have well water. We'll never make it through the winter if we don't get some major rains soon. It's amazing how 75 miles from us can get 8 inches the other day and we got none.

Somebody take this bubble off of our county!!!!!!!!

We found out the other day they are going to have to put a pump in the middle of the lake in order for us to fill up the fire trucks. We are no longer going to be able to use the hydrants to refill. Which of course puts a whole lot more work on us, not to mention can mean a longer wait time to be able to respond to a call if we're clear over to the lake filling up instead of in our own district.

Alot of the crops have been lost around here this summer, and you can gaurantee everyone will pay the price for that in the stores.

Hurricane Charley chased us out of Florida, and now we face another natural diaster, I don't think it matters where you live, you have something that you have to worry about.

However after the first of the year we are moving back to Florida. Hey at least with Hurricanes you know when there coming and you can prepare for them.

10-25-2007, 01:56 AM
I read yesterday on Yahoo news about one of the colleges in NC watering their ASTROTURF field and they're in an area that's in drought! WTH?

Sad, isn't it?? We have been watching so many ppl waste while we cut back as far as we can. I guess SOME of us have to care.