View Full Version : Things we should all know how to do...

10-22-2007, 02:43 PM
but don't!

What should you know how to do, but have never needed or wanted to learn how?

Right now its 50 degrees outside and raining and I wish that DH would have shown me how to light the pilot light on the furnace :slap

I went to look at it (how hard could it be?) and the instructions say there is a button I need to push before lighting.... and I can't find a button anywhere :rolleyes:

10-22-2007, 02:51 PM
I don't know how to do that either.. hmm...

I feel that I should know how to change my oil, but I've never asked to be taught nor was I told I had to learn. I do know how to drive a manual though and a bus ;)

I also wish I learned how to be more handy from my mom. She fixed everything she could when I was growing up. I'm pretty much useless when it comes to fixing things up... I just get in the way :(

Kyla Kym
10-22-2007, 02:53 PM
but don't!

What should you know how to do, but have never needed or wanted to learn how?

Right now its 50 degrees outside and raining and I wish that DH would have shown me how to light the pilot light on the furnace :slap

I went to look at it (how hard could it be?) and the instructions say there is a button I need to push before lighting.... and I can't find a button anywhere :rolleyes:
Get the kids to help you look, their good at finding things that adults can't find. :)

Don't feel bad though, at the store I don't know how to light that one either. I turn the gas off to it during the summer because my gas bill will be $40 a month just from the pilot light if I don't turn it off. But I don't have a clue how to light it. Dad always does it for me. :)

Is it a modern type heater? I have a infer red heater here at the house, and when they say you have to push the button to light it, they are talking about pushing in on the heat setting dial. Not only do they turn, but they push in as well. On mine you have to turn it to where it says pilot, then push down on the knob while you are lighting it. It's a safety feature. Could that be the case with yours?

10-22-2007, 02:54 PM
but don't!

What should you know how to do, but have never needed or wanted to learn how?

Right now its 50 degrees outside and raining and I wish that DH would have shown me how to light the pilot light on the furnace :slap

I went to look at it (how hard could it be?) and the instructions say there is a button I need to push before lighting.... and I can't find a button anywhere :rolleyes:

There is probably a turn dial that say's "off - pilot - on" and near that should be a button - like a button you cannot push in unless it is in the pilot or on position. Hope that helps.

10-22-2007, 03:00 PM
There is probably a turn dial that say's "off - pilot - on" and near that should be a button - like a button you cannot push in unless it is in the pilot or on position. Hope that helps.

Yes, and the ones I've had it was red.

Let's see....I know how to do these, but a lot of people haven't ever needed to, so don't know how.

change your oil
drive a stick
light your pilot light, lol
unclog a drain or toilet
know where your breakers are and how to turn them off or on

I'll probably think of more later.

Kyla Kym
10-22-2007, 03:04 PM
I feel that I should know how to change my oil, but I've never asked to be taught nor was I told I had to learn.

Why would you want to do that for? :) You can get it done at Wal-Mart for $18.00 and that includes the replacement oil, they will check all your fluids and make sure they are full, they check your air filter, vacuum out your car, check your windshield wiper blades, headlights and a whole bunch of stuff like that all for $18! :dancing: It's worth it to me just to not have to get dirty by doing it myself. And when you do it yourself, then your stuck with the old oil you have to dispose of in a proper manner. :)

10-22-2007, 03:09 PM
I feel that I should know how to change my oil, but I've never asked to be taught nor was I told I had to learn. I do know how to drive a manual though and a bus ;)

I do know how to change my oil but even my brother who is a mechanic takes his car in somewhere to get the oil changed, I'll be darned if I am going to crawl under that thing and I wouldn't end up saving a dime anyway. My brother said that his time is worth more than what they charge to do it for him so until the price gets outrageous he will be at Jiffy Lube.

Kyla Kym
10-22-2007, 03:13 PM
Some of the things I know I need to know how to do, but never have taken the time to try it myself and make sure I know the proper way to do it. I've always had someone do it for me. It looks easy enough, but if faced with having to do it, I might just think I know how and that's :
hooking up jumper cables the proper way.
Changing a flat tire.

One thing that strikes me funny is to hear some women say they have never pumped gas before! LOL I still don't see how that could happen, because all the pumps around here just about are now self serve. I heard it just the other day on TV again. That show Little People Big World, had the twins trying to pump gas and they where clueless. They said that no one pumped gas where they lived at. Is that common to find places that people don't pump their own gas? :laugh:

10-22-2007, 03:20 PM
I know in New Jersey I think you have to use full service. Not sure but I think it is that way in Oregon also. Not sure where that show is filmed.

And as for changing a flat or jump starting a car - I know how to do that stuff from back in the day when I was too poor to have AAA. Now I have that wonderful card and let someone else deal with it. I mean I tried to take the spare tire out of the compartment in my Jeep and I couldn't even get it out of there so I would still have to call someone just to get the tire out of the car.

10-22-2007, 03:22 PM
One thing that strikes me funny is to hear some women say they have never pumped gas before! LOL I still don't see how that could happen, because all the pumps around here just about are now self serve. I heard it just the other day on TV again. That show Little People Big World, had the twins trying to pump gas and they where clueless. They said that no one pumped gas where they lived at. Is that common to find places that people don't pump their own gas? :laugh:

I pumped my gas for the first time last month :D Mostly because I haven't driven a car in 14 years and DH always put gas in the car, but I got in a bind and had to do it myself during the fair LOL

When I drove when I was a teen, there was one station that pumped you gas for you.. and washed your windows and checked our oil etc etc, so I had never had to do it myself... not that I didn't want to, just never had to lol

BTW... I went and checked out all the places that were suggested and still can't find a button for the furnace... but now I am nice and warm after taking my hoodie out of the dryer :lol:

Kyla Kym
10-22-2007, 03:29 PM
I know in New Jersey I think you have to use full service. Not sure but I think it is that way in Oregon also. Not sure where that show is filmed.

And as for changing a flat or jump starting a car - I know how to do that stuff from back in the day when I was too poor to have AAA. Now I have that wonderful card and let someone else deal with it. I mean I tried to take the spare tire out of the compartment in my Jeep and I couldn't even get it out of there so I would still have to call someone just to get the tire out of the car.

Yes, they live in Oregon. Didn't know that about the full service stations up there. :)

I don't have AAA either. I'm not even sure if they have that around here. Most people in our area still pull over to help others even if they don't know you. So far I've been lucky and always had strangers help me when I've been in need. But I really do need to learn how myself just in case. :)

Kyla Kym
10-22-2007, 03:35 PM
BTW... I went and checked out all the places that were suggested and still can't find a button for the furnace... but now I am nice and warm after taking my hoodie out of the dryer :lol:

Well if it does get so cold you can't stand it. Do what I do. I hate turning on the propane heater. I swear the fumes mess with my sinuses. So I close off all the bedroom doors and any other door that don't have to be open and I open up the kitchen stove door all the way and turn it up on high! Stick a fan in front of it and you have yourself a nice heating source. ;) It's a quick way to get the house warmed up too, if you don't want to light a heater. I have electric oil heaters that take a while to get the house warmed up, and I prefer them to the propane heat. So I do that with the stove for about 30 minutes, and by that time the electric oil heaters are doing the job so I can turn the oven off. :)

Also wanted to add...
this is a good time for you to do some baking if you don't want to just waste energy using a stove as a heater. That way your cooking and heating up the house at the same time. ;)

10-22-2007, 04:04 PM
A few more-

Perform CPR

Perform the Heimlich maneuver

Do basic first aid (pressure to stop bleeding, set a limb, etc)

Sharpen a knife

Build a campfire

Cook one complete meal

Balance their checkbook (You'd be surprised how many people can't/don't do this)

Do their own laundry

Wrap a gift

Sew on a button

Iron a shirt

10-22-2007, 04:50 PM
We had a gas water heater only one time in our married with children life. Our son walked in the storage room with a gas/oil mix that was used for the chain saw and he dropped it and WHOOOM! Up the room went in flames. After that we replaced it with electric and would never have a gas anything after that.

But lets see.. what can I do? I took my car engine apart and had the heads replaced and machined and put it all back together again. I can change my oil, a tire, all the simple stuff about a car. I can drive a stick but I would rather relax in a car than to keep fiddling around in it.

I can and do all the plumbing. I can drop cable down attic walls and cable the whole house, same with the phone.

but for the life of me I never can get the lid off the jar of jelly.

10-22-2007, 04:54 PM
Oh I wanted to add, when our heater went out, I simmered pots of water and turned the oven on and filled the bathtub with hot water. And borrowed a space heater.

10-22-2007, 05:51 PM
I'd be screwed if I was driving all alone and my tire went flat cause I don't know how to change a flat tire...

10-22-2007, 07:52 PM
Wow, Barcode! I'm impressed! I thought I was hot stuff because I can light the pilot, do minor plumbing and have rewired the lights in my kitchen ceiling, plus can change my tires, jump-start my engine, and do lots of repairs and building projects around the house. I can also do most of the things Dr. Grin mentioned. (I've never actually started a campfire, but I think I can.)

But YOU, messing with the car engine, cabling your house and doing ALL the plumbing?! I bow to the master! (I can, however, open a jar of jelly. Neener neener!)

10-22-2007, 08:17 PM
I tried to light a pilot light on the stove one time. I was young and living in an old apartment and it had a really old stove. I lit the pilot light and then preceeded to cook dinner. I guess it was too high or something because the oven door blew open. Scared the crap out of me. So I turned the oven off and called my landlord. He fixed it for me and told me never to touch it again! To this day, I won't touch a pilot light. I make the hubby do it.

I have never checked my oil in the car or changed it. I really can't fix too much around the house or fix my car. Another job for the hubby. I also can't change a tire.

I have never started a campfire or even the grill. I'm thinking I hate this thread and that I rely too much on my husband!

10-22-2007, 10:40 PM
Wow, Barcode! I'm impressed! I thought I was hot stuff because I can light the pilot, do minor plumbing and have rewired the lights in my kitchen ceiling, plus can change my tires, jump-start my engine, and do lots of repairs and building projects around the house. I can also do most of the things Dr. Grin mentioned. (I've never actually started a campfire, but I think I can.)

But YOU, messing with the car engine, cabling your house and doing ALL the plumbing?! I bow to the master! (I can, however, open a jar of jelly. Neener neener!)

Ditto on all the above! (even the campfire:) but not the wiring...thats probably the only thing I haven't done) been putting up sheetrock, mudding, taping & fixing to texture before long.

10-22-2007, 11:09 PM
I've always wanted to learn how to drive a stick and a motorcycle. Everyone I know can do both but no one's really tried to teach me.

I can do most of the same things listed and I can also clean an oil furnace and do minor repairs on it.

And I don't do electrical. To afraid of electricity for that.

10-23-2007, 02:14 AM
If you don't feel comfortable lighting your pilot light, call your gas service provider. They will come and light it for free. At least here they do. I work graveyards and the spouse has had to do call them on a couple of occasions.

10-23-2007, 02:44 AM
Some of the things I know I need to know how to do, but never have taken the time to try it myself and make sure I know the proper way to do it. I've always had someone do it for me. It looks easy enough, but if faced with having to do it, I might just think I know how and that's :
hooking up jumper cables the proper way.
Changing a flat tire.

One thing that strikes me funny is to hear some women say they have never pumped gas before! LOL I still don't see how that could happen, because all the pumps around here just about are now self serve. I heard it just the other day on TV again. That show Little People Big World, had the twins trying to pump gas and they where clueless. They said that no one pumped gas where they lived at. Is that common to find places that people don't pump their own gas? :laugh:

I have never pumped gas!! Would love to learn how but it's one of those things where ya feel stupid if someone is watching ya learn.

10-23-2007, 06:16 AM
I Also think all women should be able to

change out a basic light switch/electric outlet.

How to shoot a gun

Change a tire

10-23-2007, 06:49 AM
I am totally baffled with the heating system here. Baseboard water and I have no clue how it works. Thank God I have a landlord! Owned houses before and had forced air and by some miracle was able to figure them out. As far as changing tires I didn't even know where my car jack was. My brake line went and froze my tire up. Thats why I don't think I'll ever let my AAA expire again! Cars are a little tricky now. Who would have known that when something happens with your brake line that your tire freezes up and won't move? That was not a fun day for me. My AAA ran out, couldn't get ahold of anyone, had to walk a long distance to get a bus ride home, hadn't rode in one for ages, had to wait for hours for the next bus to come and there was so much more that I'd rather not think about it! Yikes

10-23-2007, 07:16 AM
Why would you want to do that for? :) You can get it done at Wal-Mart for $18.00 and that includes the replacement oil, they will check all your fluids and make sure they are full, they check your air filter, vacuum out your car, check your windshield wiper blades, headlights and a whole bunch of stuff like that all for $18! :dancing: It's worth it to me just to not have to get dirty by doing it myself. And when you do it yourself, then your stuck with the old oil you have to dispose of in a proper manner. :)

OMG I would learn to do it just so not to take it to walmart because I caught them one too many times NOT checking anything.....hell I am not even sure if they actually did anything.......I complained and complained and wasn't just at one store either was a couple different ones.

10-23-2007, 07:18 AM
I Also think all women should be able to

change out a basic light switch/electric outlet.

How to shoot a gun

Change a tire

I can do 2 out of 3......I shot a pistol one time and that was enough

10-23-2007, 07:35 AM
OMG I would learn to do it just so not to take it to walmart because I caught them one too many times NOT checking anything.....hell I am not even sure if they actually did anything.......I complained and complained and wasn't just at one store either was a couple different ones.

Pretty sure its happened to me too! Especially the one day they were so busy and said it would take a couple of hours. Then it magically was done in about 20 minutes. The last time I went made sure everything was done. Might be if they are extremely busy stay away!

10-23-2007, 07:45 AM
I use to have this heating thing I'm not sure if it was a finance or not. It was one of those that burn that black stuff. I use to hate to light it. Sometimes I couldn't get it to light. I had someone show me how but I never did like lighting it and had alot of problems lighting it.

10-23-2007, 07:47 AM
I Also think all women should be able to

change out a basic light switch/electric outlet.

How to shoot a gun

Change a tire

I know how to do those things already. Not saying I have done them all but I know how.

10-23-2007, 08:33 AM
I Also think all women should be able to

change out a basic light switch/electric outlet.

How to shoot a gun

Change a tire

I agree! Forgot to add that earlier.. Im a pretty good shot. ( I sleep with a pistol in drawer by my bed)

10-23-2007, 09:57 AM
I'd be screwed if I was driving all alone and my tire went flat cause I don't know how to change a flat tire...

Everyone should keep a can of "Fix A Flat" in their trunk. It's in automotive department and will patch the hole and put enough air in tire to get you to a service station to have it fixed. So unless it's a blow out, you won't be stranded.

10-23-2007, 09:57 AM
Pretty sure its happened to me too! Especially the one day they were so busy and said it would take a couple of hours. Then it magically was done in about 20 minutes. The last time I went made sure everything was done. Might be if they are extremely busy stay away!

yeah well we thought they weren't checking anything several times we went in then it just got to be getting screwed over got old. I went in once and said I already know I need the washer fluid so could you write it on there and she did and they charged me and 1/2 way home I tried to use it and guess what??? yep nothing in there. Then they have charged me for putting on a new wiper only to put it on the wrong side...and ITA they say it is gonna take a while then all of a sudden it is finished.....wth is up with that? I just dont think they take time to check anything so I just get hubby to do it most of the time

10-23-2007, 10:01 AM
When my husband passed away, I had to learn how to use his riding lawn mower. I had no idea on how to even start the thing. The first few times I mowed, I think it was entertaining for my neighbors to see me jerking around on it. I guess that would go along with learning to drive a stick shift. Have mastered the riding lawn mower but I don't think a stick shift is ready for me yet.

10-23-2007, 10:04 AM
When my husband passed away, I had to learn how to use his riding lawn mower. I had no idea on how to even start the thing. The first few times I mowed, I think it was entertaining for my neighbors to see me jerking around on it. I guess that would go along with learning to drive a stick shift. Have mastered the riding lawn mower but I don't think a stick shift is ready for me yet.

my across the street neighbor lady tried it once and OMG you wouldn't believe how she messed up her pretty yard, her hubby hasn't let her try it again thankfully lol

10-23-2007, 10:16 AM
When my husband passed away, I had to learn how to use his riding lawn mower. I had no idea on how to even start the thing. The first few times I mowed, I think it was entertaining for my neighbors to see me jerking around on it. I guess that would go along with learning to drive a stick shift. Have mastered the riding lawn mower but I don't think a stick shift is ready for me yet.

Sometimes I come here and think I have gone through every life experience. Had to learn how to drive shift stick for a job. Used to know how but now I wonder if I remember! Just think it would scare me to try it again! Driving in Buffalo NY snow is no fun with stick shift!

Kyla Kym
10-23-2007, 11:11 AM
I have never pumped gas!! Would love to learn how but it's one of those things where ya feel stupid if someone is watching ya learn.

I can understand that, you know I've never used one of those swipe things at a register before (that you have to swipe it yourself), because I always write a check. And I've never even looked at a ATM machine. So I know I would feel stupid trying to use one of those the first time. :laugh:

Those new electronic gas pumps can be intimidating at first. Seems like all gas stations have different versions of them too. So if you stop at a different one you have to learn how to use it all over again. I liked the old fashion kind. All you did was raise the arm, and pull the trigger. :)

10-23-2007, 11:13 AM
I can understand that, you know I've never used one of those swipe things at a register before (that you have to swipe it yourself), because I always write a check. And I've never even looked at a ATM machine. So I know I would feel stupid trying to use one of those the first time. :laugh:

Those new electronic gas pumps can be intimidating at first. Seems like all gas stations have different versions of them too. So if you stop at a different one you have to learn how to use it all over again. I liked the old fashion kind. All you did was raise the arm, and pull the trigger. :)

I remember those too!

But I love the new ones, so I can swipe my card and don't have to go inside to pay!

Kyla Kym
10-23-2007, 11:14 AM
OMG I would learn to do it just so not to take it to walmart because I caught them one too many times NOT checking anything.....hell I am not even sure if they actually did anything.......I complained and complained and wasn't just at one store either was a couple different ones.

I have to agree with you on that. The last time we took it to a local guy, and he said the air filter was filthy. That was one of the things that Wal-Mart was suppose to check. So I guess they hadn't been checking it. The local guy is cheaper so I will probably just go back to him next time.

Kyla Kym
10-23-2007, 11:16 AM
I remember those too!

But I love the new ones, so I can swipe my card and don't have to go inside to pay!

The only time I have ever used the swipe thingy was at Murphy's so I could use a Wal-Mart gift card. :) Worked like a charm. :)

Hubby doesn't want to get a debit card. I guess that's just to modern for him right now. :laugh:

10-23-2007, 11:20 AM
The only time I have ever used the swipe thingy was at Murphy's so I could use a Wal-Mart gift card. :) Worked like a charm. :)

Hubby doesn't want to get a debit card. I guess that's just to modern for him right now. :laugh:

I couldn't live without mine! I use it everywhere. I think I've forgotten how to write a check, lol! We have a CC, but for me, shopping, I don't need to take it with me, I would use it too much. With the debit, I KNOW exactly how much is in there and know that when it's gone, it's gone. We only use the CC for emergencies. I also have a prepaid debit that I use for online shopping.

Kyla Kym
10-23-2007, 11:27 AM
I Also think all women should be able to

change out a basic light switch/electric outlet.

How to shoot a gun

Change a tire

I tore down walls in my store. Threaded wire through the attic all by myself and set up 4 security camera's (through the ceiling). I helped run the wires to the breaker box and help build 6 plug in's on a rafter to hang chandeliers we have for sale on. I ran one light switch to them, so I can turn them all on at once. That way we can just put a reg. plug on the chandeliers for displaying. So does that qualify me as a light switch/outlet fixer? :)
Oh and I got to use a saws all (sp?) and I cut through nails on the ceiling and floor with it. :)

I can shoot straight too. My husband use to shoot in competion (sp?).

Learned how to drive a stick shift when I was 14.

So I guess I'm not totally useless. :laugh:

Kyla Kym
10-23-2007, 11:33 AM
I couldn't live without mine! I use it everywhere. I think I've forgotten how to write a check, lol! We have a CC, but for me, shopping, I don't need to take it with me, I would use it too much. With the debit, I KNOW exactly how much is in there and know that when it's gone, it's gone. We only use the CC for emergencies. I also have a prepaid debit that I use for online shopping.

You know when you get your new credit cards in, how they have a number to call to activate them? I'm proud to say I didn't call mine and I've did without using one this whole year so far! I'm trying my best to pay them off. I do though use the PayPal Virtual Debit Card for online purchases. I finally got mine to working again! It sure would be handy though to have a debit card when I go to town. I do have a plastic paypal debit card, but it's for my store account and hubby doesn't want me to use it for shopping. :)

10-23-2007, 11:43 AM
We haven't used our CC since we moved in here and bought things for the apt. But we paid that off the next month, so don't owe anything.

Kyla Kym
10-23-2007, 11:50 AM
We haven't used our CC since we moved in here and bought things for the apt. But we paid that off the next month, so don't owe anything.

That's what I plan on doing. Once I get them paid off, I'm going to just keep one, and pay it off every month. I've really did good so far. I've managed to pay off 3 of them this year. I have two small ones I'm working on now. So maybe soon I won't have to worry about them anymore. Thank God!

10-23-2007, 12:37 PM
I can understand that, you know I've never used one of those swipe things at a register before (that you have to swipe it yourself), because I always write a check. And I've never even looked at a ATM machine. So I know I would feel stupid trying to use one of those the first time. :laugh:

Those new electronic gas pumps can be intimidating at first. Seems like all gas stations have different versions of them too. So if you stop at a different one you have to learn how to use it all over again. I liked the old fashion kind. All you did was raise the arm, and pull the trigger. :)

OMG I just saw you in the visa debit card ads writing your check dont ya know you stop the whole show??? LOL j/k

As for the old fashioned ones we still have them at the ez mart in horatio BUT I hate them because once they kick on they always show you starting at .02 rather than .00 so I feel like I get cheated every time......oh yeah I am a penny pincher lol

Kyla Kym
10-23-2007, 12:58 PM
OMG I just saw you in the visa debit card ads writing your check dont ya know you stop the whole show??? LOL j/k

As for the old fashioned ones we still have them at the ez mart in horatio BUT I hate them because once they kick on they always show you starting at .02 rather than .00 so I feel like I get cheated every time......oh yeah I am a penny pincher lol
:rolling , yep that's me! The one on the cell phone! :laugh:

When we had the store here in Langley we still had the old style pumps. And as you know we are in a tourist area because of winding stairs/ camp albert pike/lake greason, and shady lake. Anyway I had Texans hopping mad at me so many times because those old pumps wouldn't kick off all the time. And people would just leave the pumps running and walk off. They would end up with a bunch on the ground then get mad at me. Even though I had full page notices in RED NOT TO LEAVE PUMP UNATTENDED BECAUSE IT DOESN'T CUT OFF ALL THE TIME BY ITSELF. That's the bad thing about those pumps. The store owners can't do anything about it when they screw up because they don't own them. Or at least we didn't. The people you get your gas loads from own them and are the only one's allowed to work on them. You should tell that store owner they need to fix that, or at least report it to their gas haulers.

10-23-2007, 06:24 PM
I was sooo afraid to use my debit card....had that thing for a yr before I even tried...I waited til I had my sil and a friend with me so I would not look so stupid...lol.......

10-23-2007, 08:21 PM
Everyone should keep a can of "Fix A Flat" in their trunk. It's in automotive department and will patch the hole and put enough air in tire to get you to a service station to have it fixed. So unless it's a blow out, you won't be stranded.

I heard that it can be dangerous to keep ANY airasol (sp?) can in your car. Someone told me that when it gets really hot (as it easily does in your car, especially your trunk), those things have been known to explode and shoot right through the trunk, back seat, and into the front seat. My boy sits in the back seat, so I took the Fix A Flat out immediately! The same with my fire extinguisher I used to keep back there. I wish they were safe, but . . . .

Oh, and I can shoot pretty well, too, both rifles and handguns. My Dad even taught me "combat shooting," where you shoot enough to keep the other guy down and unable to come up and shoot at you. :rofl: I guess he considered it kind of "finishing school" for his daughters! :girl: LOL!