View Full Version : bringing down the house

09-24-2007, 06:16 PM
What was Charlene shown doing in the photograph she sent to Peter?
standing next to a police officer

What did Charlene's friends do to Peter when he tried to break up the house party?
threw him into the pool

What did Charlene do to Mike after he was rough with Sarah?
dangled him off the balcony

What did Kate say that her new boyfriend used to do for Peter?
caddie for the golfclubs

What did Sarah do to trick Peter into giving her permission to go out on the night of the party?
introduced him to a fake boyfriend

What did Peter and Howie decide to do after securing the account with Mrs. Arness?
sat their own practice

What did Charlene help Georgey learn to do?
read from magazine

What did Widow do to Peter in the car?
put a gun to his head

What were Peter and Charlene doing when they first got to know one another?
talking in online chat room

saw her sneaking out of the house

put laxative in her food

What did Ashley do when she saw Charlene at the restaurant for the first time?
no celeb