View Full Version : Cold Case 9/16 9:51 3800-4200+ pts.

09-17-2007, 04:40 PM
What did Kim do while she was talking to Romeo on the telephone?
*Drew a heart on a steamy window

What did Lily do with her mother when she went to bring her lunch?
*Discussed a book from her childhood

What did Kim do with her family before they were murdered in an early flashback sequence?
*Talked about a storm they once lived through together

What did Kim do after something her mother did started an argument between her parents during a flashback sequence?
*Removed a gun from a drawer

What did the police do to tell the hostages in the police station what their plan of attack was?
*Sent a text message to Nick

What did Romeo do before appearing to take Kim's father hostage in a flashback sequence?
*Left a rose on a kitchen counter

What was the Jacobi family doing when the father first complained about being out of work during an early flashback sequence?
*Unpacking a set of boxes

What did Kim's mother do shortly before the murders that caused a family fight during a flashback sequence?
*Admitted to impersonating her daughter online

did a neighbor of the victims say he had done on the night of the murder?
*Overheard an argument between the parents

What did Kim's "friend with benefits" do that caused him to not want to see her anymore?
*Found a romantic note on her locker

What did Kim's father do that caused him to punish her severely in a flashback?
*Found a sexy note on his computer

What did Romeo do when he first pulled a gun in the police station?
*Made people handcuff themselves to a door

What did Kim do with her family before they were murdered in an early flashback sequence?
*Talked about a storm they once lived through together
*Jiffy Pop

09-17-2007, 04:41 PM

In a movie commercial during this show, who was Cate Blanchett?
*Courageous and charismatic queen of England who led her country into an epic war
*"Elizabeth: The Golden Age"