View Full Version : Pirates of the Caribbean 8/26 6:00 4400+ pts.

08-27-2007, 02:36 PM

What did Capt. Jack Sparrow tell Norrington before he leapt from the cliff?
*Had always been rooting for him

What did Capt. Barbossa do with the amulet when he first received it?
*Gave it to pet monkey

What did Mr. Gibbs tell Will about how Capt. Jack Sparrow escaped the deserted island?
*Tied two sea turtles together

What did the soldiers guarding The Interceptor say about it?
*Could sail faster than any ship

What did Capt. Jack Sparrow tell Will once they were aboard The Interceptor?
*Will's father was pirate

What did Mr. Gibbs tell Capt. Jack Sparrow about the "pirate code" after rescuing him?
*Were more like "guidelines"

What did Elizabeth do to get Norrington to go after Will?
*Agreed to be married

What was unique about the man the pirates called "Cotton"?
*Spoke through parrot

What did Mr. Gibbs tell Elizabeth it was bad luck to do?
*Sing songs about pirates

What did Capt. Jack Sparrow's cellmates say about The Black Pearl?
*Never left any survivors

What did Capt. Barbossa do before Elizabeth walked the plank?
*Asked for dress back

What did Elizabeth tell the crew to do in order to make a sharp turn?
*Drop starboard anchor

In a "Character Insight" segment during this show, who did an announcer describe as an "amazing hybrid" as clips from a television series were shown, before he went on to discuss an equally "amazing" vehicle?
*Man who divided his time between working as a detective and dancing
*Mercury Mariner

08-27-2007, 02:36 PM

In a movie commercial during this show, what did Kevin Bacon do after his son was murdered during a robbery?
*Vengefully hunted down each gang member involved
*"Death Sentence"