View Full Version : spin off thread on halloween

08-21-2007, 10:18 AM
so good or bad
religion or not
for "cults" only???

i beleive that there is nothing evil about halloween and growing up going to a strict catholic school we celebrated halloween every year

08-21-2007, 10:21 AM
So did we and we also had All Souls Day the day after and got out of school. YEA The perks of being Catholic. LOL

08-21-2007, 10:22 AM
yea it was great

08-21-2007, 10:29 AM
Another Catholic here. Definitely LOVE halloween. At our Fall Festivals at church, we had a haunted house, nothing too scary, but fun for kids. I guess halloween is what you make of it. I think of it as a time for make believe and fun. Then, yes, we had All Saints Day the next day (but when I was in Catholic HS we had to go to school and had mass there).

My children go to public school and they get a day off on halloween this year (and the last 2 years) as an "in service" day. I wonder if that's because of the controversy over the celebration of halloween.

08-21-2007, 10:30 AM
To some, it is a religous holiday, Catholics celebrate it that way.

I'm a Christian, but I celebrate autumn, the harvest, the winding down of the year, etc on Oct,. 31st.
And my DD goes trick or treating then. I think that to most, it's turned into just a custom of dressing up and getting candy, nothing more.

08-21-2007, 10:37 AM
To some, it is a religous holiday, Catholics celebrate it that way.

I'm a Christian, but I celebrate autumn, the harvest, the winding down of the year, etc on Oct,. 31st.
And my DD goes trick or treating then. I think that to most, it's turned into just a custom of dressing up and getting candy, nothing more.

Yup, I second that ! :D I loved to trick or treat as a kid ! I don't even think it's only for cults...lol, I wasn't in a cult when I celebrated it...lmao

08-21-2007, 10:43 AM
I love halloween.There are many reasons and beliefs of that day. People that make it as a cult well that is on them . Some people believe that is the day the dead walks the earth. I love it cause I love dressing up and putting up all the decarations.It is just a fun time where you can be something else for the day...

Kyla Kym
08-21-2007, 10:46 AM
I know there is allot of bad things that go on during Halloween. But I feel it is whatever you want to make it to be about.

I like to think of it as a fun holiday for the kids once a year so they can dress up and go get candy. And it means nothing more than that to me. I enjoy giving the kids candy every year.

I gave out a ton of candy and toys last year to the kids. In the town where my store is they get the kids out of school and line them up in costumes and they go single file up and down both sidewalks on main street, and all the business owners give each kid candy. I had a ball! I fixed up little sacks of candy and toys for each kid. :)

08-21-2007, 10:48 AM
Do you have any idea how torn I am? I like halloween - the idea of bonfires and people singing and kids playing, I don't like the idea of dressing up like demons and devils and witches etc. My g-son last year dressed up like a lion and he was just so sweet looking-long tail and I have pictures on my wall with him in the costumes. Did I think he was evil because of what he had on ---NO. or because he and his parents celebrated halloween?---NO

I think the decorations are cute, Some kids carry it all too far or maybe the parents do and that puts a differnt angle on it all.

To each his own-I can not make this decision for anyone. Only for myself. If my dd and her husband were actually celebrating in a way I felt uncomfortable with I would tell them and hope they would respect me enough to at least consider my thoughts and feelings.

I am not sure how my parents really felt about it they alwasy said they were not going to send their children out begging for candy. They thought it was ok to beat us all into the ground but God forbid their children yelling trick or treat. Sorry that belongs in it's own post under " vent and whine and sometimes life ain't fair"

You gotta live with yourself - you gotta look at yourself in the mirror and as long as your action is hurting no one else make your self happy.

08-21-2007, 10:49 AM
To some, it is a religous holiday, Catholics celebrate it that way.

I'm a Christian, but I celebrate autumn, the harvest, the winding down of the year, etc on Oct,. 31st.
And my DD goes trick or treating then. I think that to most, it's turned into just a custom of dressing up and getting candy, nothing more.

i agree and here it used to be a custom of tearing up the town throwing rotten fruit, pumpkins etc and what a mess it was the next morning

08-21-2007, 10:51 AM
I celebrate all of the holidays. Even when I was Pagan I celebrated them. Actually Halloween is not the Pagan holiday. Samhain (pronounced sowen) is the Pagan holiday. Halloween was started by the Celts but it has Christian roots. So although some Pagans may celebrate the holiday it's not actually a Pagan holiday. Samhain is the Pagan holiday.

08-21-2007, 10:59 AM
I love halloween.There are many reasons and beliefs of that day. People that make it as a cult well that is on them . Some people believe that is the day the dead walks the earth. I love it cause I love dressing up and putting up all the decarations.It is just a fun time where you can be something else for the day...

Me too! I go all out decorating. I add new stuff every year. The kids love coming to my house and I love having them come. I buy tons of candy. It is so much fun to get to see all of the different costumes. The little ones are especially cute. :D

08-21-2007, 11:03 AM
It's my DS's bday!

08-21-2007, 11:12 AM
To some, it is a religous holiday, Catholics celebrate it that way.

I'm a Christian, but I celebrate autumn, the harvest, the winding down of the year, etc on Oct,. 31st.
And my DD goes trick or treating then. I think that to most, it's turned into just a custom of dressing up and getting candy, nothing more.

:dito: It has depended on where we are if we have trick or treated or not. Our last church did a HUGE harvest party on halloween night so we always did that. They had games, inflatables, lots of candy. Plus I usually had a lot to do w/ planning so we always did that. I try to let the kids know that, like other things Christmas for one, people look at these holidays differently and this is what we believe. We went trick or treating last year. We don't decorate for the day I decorate for the fall season.

08-21-2007, 11:19 AM
I always decorate my house for fall, those are my favorite colors ! Well, and I love fall... we have a big fire pit, two stall garage that we have a TV in, a refrigerator, phone etc... we about live outside in the fall !

Mixed drinks around the fire... roasting marshmellows, hot dogs etc... telling scary stories...lol, it just plain rocks !

08-21-2007, 11:32 AM
We have always celebrated halloween. Myself, bro and sis were never allowed to be anything evil or demonic and my daughter isn't either. Not that she would want to be. She is always a cartoon character it seems.

08-21-2007, 01:24 PM
Our church does Trunk or Treat (out of the back of their cars of course lol) so no I dont think it is cult thing either that or I am in too deep lol

08-21-2007, 01:37 PM
halloween is my favorite of all holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-21-2007, 04:40 PM
When we went our earlier I noticed a sign on the Dunkin Donuts billboard that said their pumpkin donuts are available again. I told Kevin that since the pumpkin donuts are out that it's okay for me to decorate for Halloween. He knows I decorate early so I think he was a bit worried. LOL

08-21-2007, 06:26 PM
I love halloween.There are many reasons and beliefs of that day. People that make it as a cult well that is on them . Some people believe that is the day the dead walks the earth. I love it cause I love dressing up and putting up all the decarations.It is just a fun time where you can be something else for the day...

What Rosina said! I miss decorating Dad's house like we did .. that was fun huh?

Kyla Kym
08-21-2007, 06:58 PM
halloween is my favorite of all holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's wonderful and all, but your avatar is going to give me seizures! :laugh:

08-21-2007, 07:37 PM
I was in a Wal*Mart, doing a demo, in mid October of last year. I was positioned on the meat mkt. side of the store, right at the end of the seasonal aisle, which, in October, is all about Halloween. Anyway, this young woman with a child, that I'd guess, was about 4, came walking by. The little girl askd if they could go look at the stuff, and the mom, jerked her dd's arm , hard. She said, "NO! WE don't DO Halloween!" When the little girl asked why, the mom replied, "Because it's EVIL!" Now, what do you supposed that little girl thought about that? How does a 4 yr. old, comprehend evil? And, even if the little girl has any grasp on the fact that evil means something bad, how's she supposed to wrap her little mind around, some silly, bright, colorful costumes, pink and purple pumpkins and skulls, and a bunch of candy, in the Wal*Mart, as being a BAD thing?!?!?

08-21-2007, 08:26 PM
That's wonderful and all, but your avatar is going to give me seizures! :laugh:

Oh no not another one :eek:

08-22-2007, 12:07 AM
halloween is my favorite of all holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mine too!! ok, so it's tied w/ St Pattys Day, but I just love it!

If I ever have kids, I'm totally dressing them up, I can't wait ;) Then when they get older of course they can choose what they want, I actually like the "scary" masks the ones that look like blood run down them. ;) And hopefully trick-or-treating will still be around as I'd love for them to have that experience and carving pumpkins and decorating and making snacks. ;)

I was shocked to hear that a former co-worker never allowed her children to carve pumpkins (her oldest is like 10) b/c it's "messy" :stunned :huh :hmmmm2: :thumpdown: I would never want to take that experience away from my kids, messy or not. :)

08-22-2007, 12:12 AM
That's wonderful and all, but your avatar is going to give me seizures! :laugh:

Just click the esc button up at the top and it stops flickering. :itsme:

08-22-2007, 05:59 AM
y do ppl complain about avatars all the time????

08-22-2007, 06:31 AM
I actually like the "scary" masks the ones that look like blood run down them. ;)

Like this one. LOL My son was Ghostface three years in a row. He loves that costume. He's had a different one each year. The one in this picture has the little hand pump that you squeeze and the blood runs through the mask. I thought it was disgusting but he loved it. LOL


08-22-2007, 07:12 AM
I love the decorating for Halloween.. same as any other holiday. I dressed up as a kid with my sisters and brother. Heck, I still dress up if I find a good costume. Year before last, my daughter and I both dressed up as devils. She was a pegasus last year. This year, don't know, but again can't be anything scary, since she goes to a Christian private school and it's not allowed. They still dress up, tho. The class even went trick or treating at the nursing home last year and sang some songs.. the seniors LOVED it. My son's going to be a lion.. already have the costume.

08-22-2007, 07:44 AM
Most everyone knows I am a pretty darn Conservative Christian. If we are going to eliminate all Pagan idealism and holidays we wouldnt have anything left.

The easter bunny the eggs the christmas tree etc etc ad infinitum until there is nothing traditional anymore.

I REALIZE and teach my kids to realize that there are some things that we may do at Christmas and other Holidays that have NO scriptural foundation.

There is no pagan or anti-christian intent attached. Most of my family dresses like its Halloween every day anyways! HA HA!

08-22-2007, 09:51 AM
y do ppl complain about avatars all the time????

I think it was just a joke :)

08-22-2007, 12:53 PM
i didnt mean it the wrong way sorry if anyone took it that way about the avatar.....

08-22-2007, 01:55 PM
i didnt mean it the wrong way sorry if anyone took it that way about the avatar.....

I gotta tell ya this one is a bit freaky lol but I think I just got used to seeing your pic up there......always wishing I had such perfect skin like yours

08-22-2007, 01:59 PM
I gotta tell ya this one is a bit freaky lol but I think I just got used to seeing your pic up there......always wishing I had such perfect skin like yours

aww ty it only looks perfect lol

08-22-2007, 02:01 PM
aww ty it only looks perfect lol

I'll take looks perfect over the old lady face I have been developing the past few years lol

Kyla Kym
08-22-2007, 02:25 PM
I think it was just a joke :)

It was, that was the reason there was a smiley laughing at the end of my post.
Thanks princess :dancing: