View Full Version : Are you in the BBS "click"??

07-09-2007, 04:55 AM
Im bored so I thought I'd :stir and see what comes of it LOL

Alot of people think BBS has a "click" or even alot of "clicks" and I was wondering what everyone thought of that. I couldnt even tell ya who is in what click or anything so watcha say...:party:

07-09-2007, 05:10 AM
I am not in a click and don't care to be in one. I am a fully grown women. I say how I fell and if people don't like it oh well. If you quote something from my post I will come back each time. But it happens all over.

07-09-2007, 05:39 AM
I'm not in a click... I either like ya or I don't.

There are people I talk to more, but thats only cuz we've become friends over the years and if I pick on people that I am not friends with, they tend to get a tad upset LOL

07-09-2007, 05:46 AM
I'm not in a click... I either like ya or I don't.

There are people I talk to more, but thats only cuz we've become friends over the years and if I pick on people that I am not friends with, they tend to get a tad upset LOL

Are you picking on me?? :cry LOL :kidding I dont really get it, thats why I started the thread. Im hoping someone who thinks this way will come in and post the reason why.

tough guy
07-09-2007, 06:02 AM
Clicks are for high school and some water coolers in the office...I like everyone unless they give a reason for me not to.

Besides, if ya join a click, you might miss out on meeting some nice people here.:creep: I learned that from high school:withstupid:

07-09-2007, 06:03 AM
If you quote something from my post I will come back each time.

Just thought I would see if you would come back:itsme:

The only click I'm in is the outcast one. I've been gone from here for a couple years so there aren't but a few names that I recognize anymore.
Clicks don't bother me though. I learned several years ago who I could trust and who I couldn't. I can count on one hand the people online that I can trust and without hesitation call my friends. I'll cut up and goof off with most anyone, but at the end of the day, this is just a message board.

07-09-2007, 06:24 AM
I believe that BBS has a "click". I go to several other forums such as this one and they all have "clicks" too. I don't belong to any of the "clicks", I have always been the one on the outside, never in a "click". IMO the "click" here at BBS is very obvious and can at times be very childish and high schoolish (if that is a word LOL). All a person has to do is read a few posts and you can see the "click". It was obvious to me in the first month after I joined BBS years ago. Most of the people in the "click" are the same from when I joined, there have been a few lost and a few gained since then, but the core folks are still there. I am not trying to say that "clicks" are bad things, I have just come to realize they are a fact of life and no matter where you go, online forums or to jobs or even family reunions, there are just certain people who naturally band together and form a "click" and others who are left out.

07-09-2007, 06:27 AM
buahaha, there is so a "click" here and it seems that if you arent in that "click" you are an outcast. Those that are in the "click " are the ones oblivious to it ..it seems.

07-09-2007, 06:37 AM
buahaha, there is so a "click" here and it seems that if you arent in that "click" you are an outcast. Those that are in the "click " are the ones oblivious to it ..it seems.

You sound angry. You need a :grouphug Im assuming that you're including me in that "oblivious" thingy but the thing is in real life I have few friends outside my family and on here I feel like I can be outgoing, thats why I post alot. It would help if you would look through all my posts, you would see im not an angry person, just fun. You seem more angry and seem to have more of a problem with me and DtroitPunk's "problems" than WE do.

07-09-2007, 06:38 AM
I'm not. I have been in and out of the forums for the past few years or more. I see some of the names that were here when I was here last, but I have made some new friends, I guess. I honestly don't know who qualifies for a click, but I have never been part of one.
When I used to work for my local newspaper, we either had the smokers (outside) or the non-smokers (inside) - lol and at the time I was a smoker. and we all hung out with each other and smoked. and then when I quit smoking, I became part of the non-smoker side, but I still would go outside here and there and talk to the girls that I used to smoke with and some of the non-smokers would get mad at me........ Why I have no clue........ It was like they had their own invisible battle lines drawn or something. But I just laughed at all of them. I guess they thought the gossip was better outside than inside........ who knows. After awhile I just took my breaks at my desk or I would walk around the block a couple times. and then neither side liked that either........... -LOL I can't deal with the drama that some people draw up, but I just thought it was funny. I have always been me and will continue to be me. Honestly it doesn't bother me....... lol
Just thought I would share.
(((((((((((((((HUGS TO ALL!)))))))))))))))))

07-09-2007, 06:44 AM
No click here.

Just kabcrisp. . .doing her thang!

07-09-2007, 06:46 AM
I didn't care about clicks in high school and I don't now lol

07-09-2007, 06:46 AM
No click here. I float around to different places and post when I want.

07-09-2007, 06:55 AM
nah, I don't think there is a click here, there are certain ones that seem to be in all the threads, but I don't think they are ganging up on anyone, I think that some show up to help lighten things up by cracking jokes when things start getting too serious and ppl are at each others throats. Just because someone disagrees with your opinion on something doesn't mean that they don't like you, just means they disagree. As someone stated before it is only a message board. I enjoy coming here and reading what everyone has wrote, and there are alot of good ppl here.

07-09-2007, 06:55 AM
I'm in no clique. I say what I want, whether it's popular or not, or if anyone agrees or not. I'm used to people being pissed at me anyway. :p

I know some are closer friends than others, which is pretty normal. You find someone you like, and you gravitate to them. They usually have the same views (which is why their is a friendship) so many get up in arms if "friends" post in the same thread together. They are either "leaving people out" or they are "ganging up".

07-09-2007, 07:03 AM
I'm not in one either. I come in everyday to read the posts but I rarely post I'm more of a "Lurker" than anything... I do get a good laugh at some of the goings on around here..*L*

07-09-2007, 07:34 AM
I'm TOTALLY in a click! LOL I'm just kidding. I'm friends with some members here and we goof around sometimes but we're not a click, unless we are and they never told me. :rofl:

07-09-2007, 07:34 AM
I'm in no clique. I say what I want, whether it's popular or not, or if anyone agrees or not. I'm used to people being pissed at me anyway. :p

I know some are closer friends than others, which is pretty normal. You find someone you like, and you gravitate to them. They usually have the same views (which is why their is a friendship) so many get up in arms if "friends" post in the same thread together. They are either "leaving people out" or they are "ganging up".


07-09-2007, 07:36 AM
:wamb Clickless :paranoid

07-09-2007, 08:32 AM
it salwasy seemed that way to me but i was an outcast all along i did make more friedns with those on myspace but i can tell my haters becasue they have dropped off my page nothard to figure out

07-09-2007, 08:38 AM
I don't think I am in a click, sure wish I was though because from my understanding Donna makes a great hat for people in her click.

07-09-2007, 08:40 AM
nope no clique here but my knees and ankles pop quite a bit :rolling

i read a post and if i come up with a comment i do if not i don't

07-09-2007, 08:40 AM
:wamb Clickless :paranoid

You are in a click silly...me and you click...hehe...:slap

To those that don't know...this is my sister. :hug

07-09-2007, 08:41 AM
nope no clique here but my knees and ankles pop quite a bit :rolling

i read a post and if i come up with a comment i do if not i don't

But you always do...thats why you are sooo loved.:dancing:

07-09-2007, 09:13 AM
no clique here...I do my own thing, ya either accept me or ya don't..makes no difference to me which one ya choose lol :D

07-09-2007, 09:20 AM
I'm not here/post often enough to be in one, much less care to be in one lol

07-09-2007, 09:43 AM
nope no clique here but my knees and ankles pop quite a bit :rolling

i read a post and if i come up with a comment i do if not i don't

:2in1: You took my comment :slap :withstupid: Yeah what he said. I am not in a click but I sure know how to piss people off with what I have to say because I speak my mind I dont care if you are my friend family co worker I am just going to say how it is and if you think that is a click then :itsme:

07-09-2007, 09:47 AM
I don't think I am in a click, sure wish I was though because from my understanding Donna makes a great hat for people in her click.

Mary is right. Everyone in my click wears one. LOL


07-09-2007, 09:54 AM
You rock Donna...I soooo wanna be in your click. I like the yellow hat.

07-09-2007, 10:02 AM
Well i know im not in the bbs click..but like some one said just read some of the post's and you can tell who is. But did you think the clicks are really going to say that they are one :lol

07-09-2007, 10:13 AM
I, too, am clickless. Just roam around and put a couple cents worth in if I have an opinion or strong feeling about something :)

BTW Patchouli.......LOVE the hats! you really make those?

07-09-2007, 10:15 AM
exactly what I was saying.

..but like some one said just read some of the post's and you can tell who is. But did you think the clicks are really going to say that they are one :lol

07-09-2007, 10:18 AM
I don't believe I'm in a click. I truly think that people who post a great deal might be viewed as in a "click" simply because they are more visable...and I don't post that often anymore.

I also think that people with similar views will have a tendency to group and ban together. That's human nature and if that's a "click"...then so be it.

07-09-2007, 10:20 AM
I, too, am clickless. Just roam around and put a couple cents worth in if I have an opinion or strong feeling about something :)

BTW Patchouli.......LOVE the hats! you really make those?

Thanks, but no I didn't make them. When Mary posted about me making hats I went and googled silly hats and found a funny picture to post. LOL

07-09-2007, 10:32 AM
I am friendless and clickless..........lol
Not worried about what one thinks of me till i meet them in person and then i make my judgement. If ya hate me then hate me....if ya like me then like me....a new day always starts for me. THE GROUPSon bbs i see are just ones that like to have fun and pass a little time and no one has ever been denied the fun of joining in...........

07-09-2007, 10:35 AM
I am friendless and clickless..........lol
Not worried about what one thinks of me till i meet them in person and then i make my judgement. If ya hate me then hate me....if ya like me then like me....a new day always starts for me. THE GROUPSon bbs i see are just ones that like to have fun and pass a little time and no one has ever been denied the fun of joining in...........
You are not friendless! :girlshit: LOL

But ITA with the rest! :)

07-09-2007, 10:37 AM
Thanks, but no I didn't make them. When Mary posted about me making hats I went and googled silly hats and found a funny picture to post. LOL

OH NO Say it isn't so:bawling:

07-09-2007, 10:48 AM
I am not in a click and don't care to be in one. I am a fully grown women. I say how I fell and if people don't like it oh well. .

i couldnt agree with you more ;)

07-09-2007, 11:00 AM
If I'm in a clique, I don't knw about it, but I've been accused of it. I'm friends with several people on here, but most of the people I post with are those that we don't stay in contact outside of here. (Did that make sense??) I say what I think, no matter if the other posters are friends, family, enemies or strangers.

For those of you who think there are cliques here, please tell me who is in what clique. I'd be interested in knowing which one I fall into.

07-09-2007, 11:47 AM
Just thought I would see if you would come back:itsme:

The only click I'm in is the outcast one. I've been gone from here for a couple years so there aren't but a few names that I recognize anymore.
Clicks don't bother me though. I learned several years ago who I could trust and who I couldn't. I can count on one hand the people online that I can trust and without hesitation call my friends. I'll cut up and goof off with most anyone, but at the end of the day, this is just a message board.

I'm in your click.........You have Jeff Gordon in your backyard. LOL

07-09-2007, 11:55 AM
Clicks are for high school and some water coolers in the office...I like everyone unless they give a reason for me not to.

Besides, if ya join a click, you might miss out on meeting some nice people here.:creep: I learned that from high school:withstupid:

I agree, I am not in a click, I actually have never been in a click. I enjoy meeting new people and you can't do that in a click ;)

07-09-2007, 12:07 PM
I'm in your click.........You have Jeff Gordon in your backyard. LOL

WOOHOO Go Jeffy!!!!!! BTW has any pics leaked out of his and Ingrids baby yet? I'm dying to see who she looks like:)

Jolie Rouge
07-09-2007, 12:49 PM
I am a clique of one ...

07-09-2007, 01:13 PM
If I'm in a clique, I don't knw about it, but I've been accused of it. I'm friends with several people on here, but most of the people I post with are those that we don't stay in contact outside of here. (Did that make sense??) I say what I think, no matter if the other posters are friends, family, enemies or strangers.

For those of you who think there are cliques here, please tell me who is in what clique. I'd be interested in knowing which one I fall into.

I'd also like to know who they think is in a click together.

07-09-2007, 01:38 PM
I'm not in one either. I come in everyday to read the posts but I rarely post I'm more of a "Lurker" than anything... I do get a good laugh at some of the goings on around here..*L*

the same here-there are sometimes conversations are entertaining & you can jump right in. Plus THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE here that are so enjoyeable to read and write/speak to ----so thank all of you for allowing me into your cyber world !:dizzy :marchmellow:

Kyla Kym
07-09-2007, 02:43 PM
I haven't noticed any clicks on here lately. There use to be some but they don't come around no more. I have no problem with anyone here I love you all! Seriously. :) I think the board is better now than it's ever been, and so are all the members now.

The board got so bad for a while, you couldn't come here and post HI without someone making something of it or jumping on you about it. I just got bad vibes on here back then. But now it's like a breath of fresh air in my opinion. and I hope it stays that way. :)

07-09-2007, 02:43 PM
Alas...i am cliqueless too. I have always done my own thing. I do try to fit in....but i'm not a fitter inner....lol..... Plus i live way across the country from most ppl that post it would be a slim chance in you know where that we would ever meet. I think there are groups of ppl on here who are friends and family and may seem like a clique to others but that would be their opinion. I love to read their posts and get a few laughs or feel for the problems they are having......Anyway i'm a libra i don't ever have 1 opinion i have 2 and i can never make up my mind.....:2in1:

07-09-2007, 02:50 PM
I'd also like to know who they think is in a click together.

Me 2 me 2.....!!! LOL

07-09-2007, 03:05 PM
Just thought I would see if you would come back:itsme:

The only click I'm in is the outcast one. I've been gone from here for a couple years so there aren't but a few names that I recognize anymore.
Clicks don't bother me though. I learned several years ago who I could trust and who I couldn't. I can count on one hand the people online that I can trust and without hesitation call my friends. I'll cut up and goof off with most anyone, but at the end of the day, this is just a message board.


07-09-2007, 03:06 PM
I'd also like to know who they think is in a click together.

That's what I was thinking...but does that mean I'm in a clique? I seriously doubt that. I've never been one of the clique...and I agree that it's so "high schoo". Heck...I'm a grandmother and don't have time for such foolishness!

07-09-2007, 03:13 PM
The only friend I have on here is Joanie--nanajoanie. We got to be friends when my mother died. She was such a help and always is to everyone.

I don't pay attention to who says what to me, just to what they said. I can't tell you who replied to my posts. LOL I could go back and read them all but that would be too boring and I don't really care.

And if there are clicks I don't know either. I just like to come here to get some good ideas on the different reward sites and see new posts that are interesting.

Aloha from paradise
07-09-2007, 03:31 PM
I'm not in a click but I feel I've made some wonderful friends here over the years:dancing: :dancing: :itsme:

07-09-2007, 04:04 PM
I'm TOTALLY in a click! LOL I'm just kidding. I'm friends with some members here and we goof around sometimes but we're not a click, unless we are and they never told me. :rofl:

Just that time you hit me in the back of the head and my teeth clicked

07-09-2007, 04:14 PM
Just that time you hit me in the back of the head and my teeth clicked

:slap click :slap click :slap click


07-09-2007, 04:17 PM
LOL, I am in this click with this one other germ.

07-09-2007, 04:17 PM
:slap click :slap click :slap click



07-09-2007, 05:26 PM
I'm not in a click but I feel I've made some wonderful friends here over the years:dancing: :dancing: :itsme:


07-09-2007, 11:24 PM
:slap click :slap click :slap click



07-10-2007, 01:04 AM
nope, didnt like high school when I went.....hated them then and still do...lol

07-10-2007, 02:43 AM
What "clicks"??? Where is it?, how do I get in?.....NOT IN THIS LIFETIME. Didn't care for them in high school and today who really cares????

07-10-2007, 02:45 AM
never been in any click and probably never will ,lol

07-10-2007, 04:25 AM
I actually think some people see what is actually online friends as a clique. Not very long ago, I was accused of being a part of a clique in real life. All it was was a bunch of us that somehow got close and we would have lunch at work together. Anyone was free to join in, I think that is what made it not a clique.

07-10-2007, 05:44 AM
No one told me there was a clique, now why did someone not tell me?
Never was in one,and never will be.

07-10-2007, 06:35 AM
good grief do none of you even know what the definition of a clique is?

clique: –noun 1. a small, exclusive group of people; coterie; set.
–verb (used without object) 2. Informal. to form, or associate in, a clique.
A small exclusive group of friends or associates
is an informal and restricted social group formed by people who share common interests

Every clique has a queen bee,
The queen bee is the clique's leader, Characteristics often associated to her are a pleasant appearance, charisma, skill in manipulation and monetary power. The queen bee has substantial influence and power over the clique, and is usually envied and looked upon as a role model by clique members and at times by outsiders to the clique. Her actions are closely followed and imitated, even though they may not be of a positive nature.( oh have I seen this many many times on this board)

With this, the social role of the "outcast" is defined, as individuals that the queen bee dislikes may be classified by her as such, thus encouraging clique members to victimize the outcast, in order to continue to be part of the clique or to receive praise from the queen bee.( I have seen this in the vent and whine lately....hmmm)

07-10-2007, 06:38 AM

WOO HOO Pillow fight!! :D

07-10-2007, 06:41 AM
Yes, I belong to the "The people not in the clique" clique

07-10-2007, 06:47 AM
Yes, galeane, I DO know what the definition of a clique is.

Well, the people I am friends with on here isn't an exclusive group, as in the definition of a clique.

And galeane29, since you see this 'all the time' please tell us who you think is in a clique. And which clique an I in?

Because as far as I go, myself, I don't need any encouragement to dislike anyone and don't care who else likes someone. If I like someone, fine, if I don't, I don't has nothing to do with anyone else's opinion.

Kyla Kym
07-10-2007, 06:58 AM
I agree, just tell us who the click is suppose to be. The only thing I've seen on here that resembles a click is those sisters that post together all the time. And I wouldn't consider them a click because they are family. But then again, I don't go to vent/whine much anymore. Is that were the click is hanging out that you are talking about?

07-10-2007, 07:04 AM
I think some people think that because a few people post agreement on certian issues or defend each other, or even play around like some of us do, that makes them a clique. A clique is 'exclusive' and I really don't see much of anyone on here who is that way. I don't agree with my friends here, just because we're freinds. And the people that post th emost with me on here, are not the people that we IM or PM back and forth, email, chat outside of here or are even members of my board. The people at BBS who are the closest to me, rarely post with me on here. They are quiet or post more on other parts on the board.

So, I'm not being a smartass or anything, I really would like to know who think who is in what clique.

If you are talking about the abortion thread in V/W, a lot of the people who disagree with abortion are my friends. Some of the ones who agreed with my opinions I hardly even know, much less in a clique with.

07-10-2007, 07:07 AM
I really would like to know who think who is in what clique.

Me too! Hell I may be in one and not even know it. If I am, I hope I'm the Queen. :rofl:

07-10-2007, 07:14 AM
I've never been a clique & am very outgoing & love to talk to EVERYONE!
Well at training at my job I had been there for 1 1/2 weeks and someone complained that I & another girl were being "cliquie"

I was so mad & shocked & a bit hurt because from the get go I was the one that talked to everyone & sat by everyone!

In my opionion if anyone feels out of the "clique" it is them making themselfs feel that way.

07-10-2007, 07:15 AM
That is exactly what Im thinking Hippiechick. Other than the vent and whine section, where else does anyone "push out" someone in a thread.

I guess those of you who think abortion is wrong could be in a "clique" also right?? It does go both ways ya know....

07-10-2007, 07:17 AM
Its funny how the ones that say stuff like " i'm not trying to be a smart ass " are doing just that.

And I dont have to point out who are in the lil social groups...you know who you are. nuff said.

07-10-2007, 07:23 AM
No, TYVM, I WASN"T trying to be smartass. I was honestly asking a question that I don't know the answer too. So were others. Sorry if you think that's being a smartass.

And apparently, we DON'T know who we are or we wouldn't be asking. But no, you HAVE to point out anything.

Is there a reason you take some people disagreeing so personally? Like I've said, I disagree with a lot of opinions on here but am still friends with the posters.

07-10-2007, 07:26 AM
Look who is taking things so personally. How does it feel?

No, TYVM, I WASN"T trying to be smartass. I was honestly asking a question that I don't know the answer too. So were others. Sorry if you think that's being a smartass.

And apparently, we DON'T know who we are or we wouldn't be asking. But no, you HAVE to point out anything.

Is there a reason you take some people disagreeing so personally? Like I've said, I disagree with a lot of opinions on here but am still friends with the posters.

07-10-2007, 07:29 AM
Yes, because I made that comment about 'not being a smartass' that you mentioned in your post. And it doesn't feel anyway really. This whole 'you know who are you are' is what I don't get. You said you see cliques here all the time, I was just asking you to tell us who you think is in those cliques.

07-10-2007, 07:31 AM
Yes, because I made that comment about 'not being a smartass' that you mentioned in your post. And it doesn't feel anyway really. This whole 'you know who are you are' is what I don't get. You said you see cliques here all the time, I was just asking you to tell us who you think is in those cliques.

Dont even bother anymore. He/She (i dont know which, they refuse to answer me) hasnt gotten enough cookies I guess.

07-10-2007, 09:49 AM
OMG in grade school i got accused of being the queen bee so this topic is so grade school like LMAO... BTW I am a proud member of the ready to crack click and tinfoil hats click LMAO come on hippie you know you are too and so is Jkathrine and some others here who are in the closet hiding.

07-10-2007, 09:54 AM
OMG in grade school i got accused of being the queen bee so this topic is so grade school like LMAO... BTW I am a proud member of the ready to crack click and tinfoil hats click LMAO come on hippie you know you are too and so is Jkathrine and some others here who are in the closet hiding.

does this mean you're coming out of the closet? :rolling

07-10-2007, 10:13 AM
OMG in grade school i got accused of being the queen bee so this topic is so grade school like LMAO... BTW I am a proud member of the ready to crack click and tinfoil hats click LMAO come on hippie you know you are too and so is Jkathrine and some others here who are in the closet hiding.

Well I know you're not talking about me cause I dont even have a closet let alone one to hide in....I do have a basement though LMAO!!

07-10-2007, 10:18 AM
Me too! Hell I may be in one and not even know it. If I am, I hope I'm the Queen. :rofl:

There ya go

07-10-2007, 10:18 AM
OMG in grade school i got accused of being the queen bee so this topic is so grade school like LMAO... BTW I am a proud member of the ready to crack click and tinfoil hats click LMAO come on hippie you know you are too and so is Jkathrine and some others here who are in the closet hiding.

YES! I am in tinfoil hat clique. But mine must not be working very well anymore, I hardly ever get any signals from Risa!

07-10-2007, 10:20 AM
This whole 'you know who are you are' is what I don't get.

It's easier to throw out little insults when that generalization is used. You (and evidently me, from what I take out of the thread in vent) just don't have a guilty conscience, so it's not having the desired effect, instead is just confusing. The thing about guilt though, if you haven't done anything wrong, it doesn't really pose a problem. I guess that was forgotten, before the blanket statement was made. :p

07-10-2007, 10:28 AM
Its funny how the ones that say stuff like " i'm not trying to be a smart ass " are doing just that.

And I dont have to point out who are in the lil social groups...you know who you are. nuff said.

I am a smartass............does that count????:itsme:

07-10-2007, 10:36 AM
There ya go

Oh man:rolling

07-10-2007, 10:38 AM
There ya go

LMAO I didnt even notice that until Angelseyes mentioned it. That is one funny smiley!! Hilarious!! We have found our Queen!! Long Live the Queen! Long Live the Queen!!:dancing:

07-10-2007, 10:39 AM
hey, I am as good of a smartass as the next person but the comment I made was a general statment....usualy when someone starts out by saying " i'm not trying to be a smartass " or " i'm not trying to be mean" ...they are doing just that....

I am a smartass............does that count????:itsme:

07-10-2007, 10:42 AM
Not to be a smartass but.........:slap

WOOHOO Now I'm a smartass too:D

07-10-2007, 10:44 AM
[QUOTE=Angelseyes28;95622735]Not to be a smartass butt

hey you did a double what ya ma callit..............

07-10-2007, 10:45 AM
hey, I am as good of a smartass as the next person but the comment I made was a general statment....usualy when someone starts out by saying " i'm not trying to be a smartass " or " i'm not trying to be mean" ...they are doing just that....

NO. Actually they are trying to make a statement, no matter how anyone previously viewed other comments, this next comment is serious. Thats how people USUALLY view a statement of "im not trying to be a smartass"

07-10-2007, 10:51 AM
[QUOTE=Angelseyes28;95622735]Not to be a smartass butt

hey you did a double what ya ma callit..............

I dunno, what do ya call it?:p

07-10-2007, 10:52 AM
double negative?

07-10-2007, 10:53 AM

I dunno, what do ya call it?:p

lol mom was an english teacher even...............id ask her but dont have a phone line that will reach to heaven...............

07-10-2007, 11:42 AM
Well not to be a smartass.....

Who am I kidding, I TOTALLY mean to be one.

07-10-2007, 11:43 AM
Well not to be a smartass.....

Who am I kidding, I TOTALLY mean to be one.

And you're so good at it too!:hug

07-10-2007, 12:14 PM
And you're so good at it too!:hug

Aww, thanks girl! :girl: :love: :hug

07-10-2007, 01:14 PM
Even at my age people still amaze me.

07-10-2007, 03:00 PM
hey, I am as good of a smartass as the next person but the comment I made was a general statment....usualy when someone starts out by saying " i'm not trying to be a smartass " or " i'm not trying to be mean" ...they are doing just that....

I start out posts with that "I'm not trying to be mean" from time to time and it's the truth. I don't want to hurt anyones feelings. There is not too many people on this board that I truly dislike and even then, I wouldn't want to hurt their feelings.

07-10-2007, 04:19 PM
Ok...so, I don't even remember the last time I posted, but if there is a click on BBS, I should be in it, just because.........:)

Aloha from paradise
07-10-2007, 05:33 PM

:dancing: :itsme: :clapping :wavey: :smileheart :flowers: :angel: :happy :happy :bouquet :yeah :thankyou :groupsmilie :agree :beer: :grouphug :knuddel:

07-10-2007, 05:40 PM
Well not to be a smartass.....

Who am I kidding, I TOTALLY mean to be one.


07-10-2007, 06:04 PM
Ok...so, I don't even remember the last time I posted, but if there is a click on BBS, I should be in it, just because.........:)

Come on, you can be in the click I'm in:dancing:

07-10-2007, 06:05 PM
Who is in the bbs click? no one is fessing up

07-10-2007, 06:17 PM

Why Shirl, I do believe you might be a little freaky!:naughty :rolling

07-10-2007, 07:25 PM
Why Shirl, I do believe you might be a little freaky!:naughty :rolling

I like that thought about Shirl...:rofl:

07-10-2007, 08:42 PM
No one likes me enough to invite me into the clique.....poop!
I wanna be popular!

07-10-2007, 08:44 PM
No one likes me enough to invite me into the clique.....poop!
I wanna be popular!

pop over to angeleye's thread and join on in ;) :star:

07-10-2007, 09:28 PM
I don't do clicks. I see alot of that going on in different forums. It's just immature. People must be insecure or something. I am perfectly fine being an online loner, lol...

07-10-2007, 09:33 PM
I really don't do clicks either. I will chat with just about anyone. We will never agree with everyone all the time and we all have our own opinions on things. This is just a message board and an outlet for me to escape from reality.

07-11-2007, 03:59 AM
Who is in the bbs click? no one is fessing up

Hey, I confessed to being in this one germy clique. I guess that don't count.

The nightrider goes off to pout. Her germy clique didn't count.

Aloha from paradise
07-11-2007, 12:30 PM
Why Shirl, I do believe you might be a little freaky!:naughty :rolling
You promised you would never tell!!!:dancing:

07-11-2007, 07:59 PM

LOL I love that one!

07-12-2007, 03:57 AM
You promised you would never tell!!!:dancing:

I only promised that I wouldn't give details;)

07-12-2007, 04:41 AM
I am a clique of one ...

I thought I was in your "click"!?!

07-12-2007, 09:14 AM
I thought I was in your "click"!?!

There you are!!! Hope all is well.

07-12-2007, 09:14 AM
I only promised that I wouldn't give details;)

I have money and I want details.

07-12-2007, 12:56 PM
I have money and I want details.

Now your talking, you've got a deal! :shakehands: :listen:

07-12-2007, 01:09 PM
Now your talking, you've got a deal! :shakehands: :listen:
