View Full Version : Poor Tony Stewart

07-07-2007, 06:16 PM
NOT. LOL. Anyone see the interview he gave? He blamed Hamlin for the wreck he got into. MHO, if he had been in control of his car and not following too close, he never would have smacked into Hamlin.

He is such a cry baby. Nothing is ever his fault.

07-07-2007, 06:20 PM
poor little tony!

07-07-2007, 06:27 PM
I saw that! They showed the freakin in car for Tony it was pretty obvious he just hit him. He musta missed that an thought he could cry an get away with it, sorry!!

07-07-2007, 09:28 PM
I have NEVER liked and will not EVER LIKE Crybaby Stewart. Its never his fault...WHATEVER:getyou

07-07-2007, 09:45 PM
He is a crybaby.
What a great race it was though.

07-07-2007, 10:02 PM
And what a finish! Sorry that baby busch didn't pull off a two-fer tho/lol. Wah Wah Wah for Tony.

07-08-2007, 07:07 AM
Tony seems to have selective memory problems. I guess he does not realize after all these years that you can actually pick the right foot OFF of the gas pedal to avoid wrecks. But when they are "not your fault" I guess you can blame the person you wrecked for not being smart enough to get out of your way. Tony seems to think he is Dale Earnhardt Sr. - sorry Tony you are not the Intimidator you are just the "wrecker".

That was a great finish - glad McMurray beat the Shrub. Can't stand the Busch brothers - glad they didn't win. But it was a great ending - there has only been 1 race with a closer finish and I don't know how they can even measure that so accurately. That win last night appeared to be by less than 10 inches.

07-08-2007, 09:42 AM
It was .004 seconds of a win. How can they measure so small??

07-08-2007, 09:46 AM
Never been a fan of TS but love his Subway commercials.

Fantastic race - very exciting. Glad neither of the Busch Brats won. And Jeff did a good finish too. Felt bad for Dale, Jr. getting caught up in a wreck and also Kasey.

07-08-2007, 09:54 AM
Never been a fan of TS but love his Subway commercials.

Fantastic race - very exciting. Glad neither of the Busch Brats won. And Jeff did a good finish too. Felt bad for Dale, Jr. getting caught up in a wreck and also Kasey.

Kasey Kane? He finished 9th - probably one of his best finishes this year ( I just checked he has now had 2 top 10 finishes this season). Reed Sorensen is the one that hit Bobby Labonte who hit Jr. and then Reed hit Jr. It was just not Jr's night.

Jeff finished better than he ran - every time I looked he was about mid pack. Surprised he didn't get caught in a wreck. But I have heard Tony Stewart say if you want to avoid a wreck just drive behind Gordon he seems to get through them somehow.

07-08-2007, 10:04 AM
Kasey Kane? He finished 9th - probably one of his best finishes this year ( I just checked he has now had 2 top 10 finishes this season). Reed Sorensen is the one that hit Bobby Labonte who hit Jr. and then Reed hit Jr. It was just not Jr's night.

Jeff finished better than he ran - every time I looked he was about mid pack. Surprised he didn't get caught in a wreck. But I have heard Tony Stewart say if you want to avoid a wreck just drive behind Gordon he seems to get through them somehow.

I guess I really didn't pay attention to Kasey, just remember a wreck or him spinning on the grass. I thought of 'annie169' being sad about it. Glad he did good when it counted.

Glad Montoya did lousy. Don't like him and can't understand a word he says.

Did you happen to watch 24X24 on TNT with Jeff Gordon just before the race? It was like watching a biography. Even him and his buddies in a cage feeding sharks................EEEEK!!!!

07-08-2007, 02:07 PM
Yeah Joanie, I was a bit upset about the accident.....ok ok, I almost cried. But what a finish he had in the end! Makes me wonder how he would have done if he HADN'T had the accident.

07-08-2007, 03:52 PM
Yeah Joanie, I was a bit upset about the accident.....ok ok, I almost cried. But what a finish he had in the end! Makes me wonder how he would have done if he HADN'T had the accident.

Annie with the way he has been running this year I think the wreck might have helped him. LOL. I just can't understand how the Evernham cars are running so awful this year. Didn't Kasey have like 6 wins last year and this year he can't win for loosing. At least he has some good commercials to watch because his race finishes have been really bad.

07-08-2007, 05:29 PM
Yeah, he did really good last season. He made it to the Chase for the Cup. Hell, I wish I knew what'd happened??

And yes, I LOOOOVE those commercials!!!